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The First Time I Met Dr. Seuss

The first time I met Dr. Seuss,

I brought a notepad that I knew I would put to use,

At this point, Seuss was in his prime,

Teaching the youth how to read and rhyme,

I was obsessed with Green Eggs and Ham,

Hoping one day I would run into Sam-I-am

But meeting the creator of the Grinch was cool enough

And there he was, possessing a beard with days of scruff.

“Hello, Mr. Seuss, I am a huge fan of your books,

Your diction is exceptional, and I love the hooks!”

“Why thank you, young boy,” he said with a smile,

“It’s not every day a little kid compliments my style.

I see you brought some paper with you.

Would you like an autograph? Who should I make it out to?”

“To be honest sir, your signature would be neat,

But this paper is going to help me accomplish a feat.

See, we have a poem due next week in school,

And I thought I would ask for some help. Is that cool?”

“Sure thing, boy,” he said with conviction,

“Is the poem going to be one of fact or fiction?”

“Fiction sir, and to earn a gold star,

I was thinking of making it about a fast car.”

“Great idea son, a speedy car is unique,

Have you written anything down? May I take a quick peek?”

“Well, I decided that he will be driving in the rain,

But other than that, my ideas have been pretty plain.”

“Adding in the weather was a smart move.

Here, let me offer some advice to help you get in a groove.

Let’s step away from the car and the rainy day.

What overarching message are you trying to portray?

Every poem should be used as a learning tool.

Here is how we can make this poem rule:

I got to where I’m at in my career by setting goals

So let’s talk about how important they are to educate young souls.

A life without goals is like a car without wipers on a rainy day—

Moving forward in life with no clear vision, and constant disarray.

However, when we write down our goals and say them out loud,

We stay focused and make our families real proud.

When the car in our story states his future desires,

He will add on his wipers and get some fresh new tires.

So even on days when nothing is going right,

The car’s wipers will make sure he keeps a clean sight.

Now along with writing down my thoughts,

Write down a goal! Heck, write lots and lots!

Setting goals allows us to move forward with ease,

And constantly reviewing them is one of the keys.

So good luck with your poem and your cool made-up car.

Take this advice with you, and you’ll go real far.”

Trust the Grind

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