Читать книгу A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution - Jeremy D. Popkin - Страница 5




Series page

Title page


List of Illustrations

Series Editor’s Preface Introduction Chapter 1: A Colonial Society in a Revolutionary Era Chapter 2: The Uprisings, 1791–1793 Chapter 3: Republican Emancipation in Saint-Domingue, 1793–1798 Chapter 4: Toussaint Louverture in Power, 1798–1801 Chapter 5: The Struggle for Independence, 1802–1806 Chapter 6: Consolidating Independence in a Hostile World

Afterword: The Earthquake Crisis of 2010 and the Haitian Revolution

Recent Scholarship on the Haitian Revolution


10  Index


1 Series Editor’s PrefaceMap 1. Saint-Domingue/Haiti and the Caribbean.

2 Chapter 1Map 2. The French Colony of Saint-Domingue in 1789.

3 Chapter 3Map 3. Saint-Domingue, May 1794.

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Plantations and enslaved labor...Figure 1.2. Vincent Ogé calls on the free...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. A Haitian postage stamp issued to commemorate...Figure 2.2. Esclavage: La Révolte des esclaves Noirs...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson, Portrait de Jean-Baptiste...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Toussaint Louverture: Chef des Noirs insurgés....Figure 4.2. Toussaint Louverture proclaiming the Saint-Domingue...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. The Mode of Exterminating the Black Army as Practised...Figure 5.2. Dessalines, the First Emperor of Haiti, in His...Figure 5.2. The Haitian Declaration of Independence, 1804...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Guillaume Guillon Lethière (1760–1832),...



Series Page

Title page


5 Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

Series Editor’s Preface

Begin Reading

Afterword: The Earthquake Crisis of 2010 and the Haitian Revolution

10  Recent Scholarship on the Haitian Revolution

11  Notes

12  Index











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A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution

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