Читать книгу The Boil Bible - Jeremy Geurtjens - Страница 4



If you are reading this, then chances are you or a family member are suffering from a bacterial infection called Staphylococcus Aureus (staph).

I’m also going to assume that the Staph infection in question is either recurring or modern treatments, such as antibiotics, have been ineffective at dealing with it.

Why would I assume this?

Because, if you were lucky enough to have only ever suffered from a single boil or Staph infection, then chances are you would not have bought this book.

You would have moved on with your life, never to be concerned with painful boils, wounds that won’t heal, excessive scarring, or a loss in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Instead, it is more likely that you are reading this book because everything else you have tried to treat and/or “cure” the infection has not worked, and you or someone you care about are suffering with one or all of those things.

This is likely to be because your infection is of the antibiotic-resistant strain referred to as MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

How would I know?

To introduce myself, my name is Jeremy Geurtjens, and I was like you (or your family member). … I was suffering.

I had to deal with all of those things mentioned above at one time or another during my battle with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), but guess what … I succeeded and you can to!

In this book, I will explain how I recovered to be MRSA free and healthy.

Now, everybody is different and the underlying cause for their illness may be different to mine and so results may vary.

However, I honestly believe that the information provided in this book will help anybody who is suffering from a staph infection, including the “superbug” strain known as MRSA.

To give you some background, I have included my personal “journey” in this book. If you choose to read it great. … If you would rather skip straight to the helpful advice, that’s fine too.

At the end of the day, I just want to help you to recover.

I’m not a medical practitioner, nutritionist, or health expert, and I do not claim to be. I am a former MRSA sufferer who made a full recovery using the information that I have shared in this book.

It worked for me which is why I believe you will recover too.

Where I have offered some “general” advice on a particular matter, such as diet for instance, you will see that I have suggested that you read a very specific diet book by a well-respected expert.

Throughout this book, I only recommend the products and books that worked for me.

This is because I know from experience that money can be quickly wasted trying out the “latest and greatest” MRSA treatment, often without success.

I also know for a fact that when I was suffering, I would have paid a small fortune to have the answers. I spent hundreds of dollars just going to the regular doctor and hundreds more on supplements and treatments that didn’t work.

So … to get a concise book (for less than $30) that provided me with all the advice I needed to make a full recovery from MRSA would have been amazing, and I would not have hesitated in making that purchase.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find such a book, which is why I made it my mission to make sure that such “useful” and “helpful” information and advice was collated and made available to those in need of it.

Following the “My Journey” chapter, is all the information you need to help you on your own journey of recovery.

I hope you enjoy the book …


The Boil Bible

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