Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 22

The Deep State’s Plan to Recover Paradise Lost


The sense of frustration felt by the left with Hillary Clinton’s demise was so enormous as to be almost immeasurable. The November 2016 edition of the leftist publication the Nation appeared with a black cover, on which were printed the following words, with the first appearing in small print in gray, then proceeding to large print in white: “Mourn, Resist, Organize, Onward.”

“And so many of our hopes—for free public college, a livable minimum wage, expanded Social Security, a path to universal health care, paid family leave, an end to private prisons, the abolition of the death penalty—now lie shattered, along with the prospect of an administration that, whatever its limitations, had been shown to be open to pressure from the left,” wrote D. D. Guttenplan, an at-large editor for the publication. “Which means we have to apply even greater pressure from the left: to march in greater numbers, to shout out louder against injustice, and to summon and be prepared to sustain everyday massive nonviolent civil disobedience on a scale not seen in this country for decades.”13

To be so close, with what appeared to be a certain win for Hillary Clinton, and yet to lose was devastating for Hillary’s most committed supporters. Hillary Democrats were determined to see if the mounting resistance could prevent Trump from being inaugurated. If the resistance movement failed there, the focus would shift to identifying strategies that could lead to his impeachment and removal from office. At a minimum, Democratic Party resistance could transform into an obstruction movement that would prevent Donald Trump from enacting into legislation the public policy objectives he had articulated while running for president. An aggressive Democratic Party resist-and-obstruct movement, even if unsuccessful, could impair the effectiveness of the Trump presidency.

But for these dark, resentful, but determined Democratic ambitions to succeed, the Democrats knew they could count on the willing and enthusiastic cooperation of the Deep State.

Killing the Deep State

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