Читать книгу Geography For Dummies - Jerry T. Mitchell - Страница 5
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: A map of the historical geography of the African lion. FIGURE 2-2: Potential sites for a gas station.
2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: A map of Gridville. FIGURE 3-2: The basics of the global grid. FIGURE 3-3: A representation of a portion of Earth’s grid. FIGURE 3-4: Degrees, minutes, and seconds.
3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Map projection. FIGURE 4-2: New York City to Singapore: Map # 1. FIGURE 4-3: New York City to Singapore: Map #2. FIGURE 4-4: Families of map projections. FIGURE 4-5: The Mercator projection. FIGURE 4-6: Goode’s Interrupted Homolosine projection. FIGURE 4-7: Lambert Conformal Conic projection. FIGURE 4-8: The Peters projection.
4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Three ways to indicate the scale of a map. FIGURE 5-2: These three maps have different scales, and therefore differ in are...FIGURE 5-3: The terrain of a make-believe place, as depicted three ways. FIGURE 5-4: This map uses proportional circles to indicate the size of cities. FIGURE 5-5: This map uses flow lines of different widths to indicate hypothetic...FIGURE 5-6: This map uses nominal area symbols to identify the distribution of ...FIGURE 5-7: This choropleth map uses shades of gray to show population density ...FIGURE 5-8: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) use layers of locational and a...
5 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: A cut-away view of Earth. FIGURE 6-2: Plates and plate boundaries. FIGURE 6-3: A folded landscape. FIGURE 6-4: A photograph of exposed anticlines and synclines in Crete. FIGURE 6-5: Types of faults. FIGURE 6-6: A church in Chillán, Chile designed as one large arch – structurall...FIGURE 6-7: The process of subduction.
6 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: The Grand Canyon is a product of gradational force. FIGURE 7-2: Mammoth Cave is an example of chemical weathering. Note the size of...FIGURE 7-3: Rivers may flow through different landscapes on their journey to th...FIGURE 7-4: Deltas are formed from sediments deposited at river mouths. FIGURE 7-5: Extent of continental glaciers in North America during the last Ice...FIGURE 7-6: The geography of loess deposits in the United States.
7 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: The desert island of Aruba, home to more than 100,000 residents and...FIGURE 8-2: The Indian Ocean and parts thereof. FIGURE 8-3: Profile of the continental shelf. FIGURE 8-4: Singapore, a coastal city with much infrastructure and population a...FIGURE 8-5: The water cycle. FIGURE 8-6: The Ogallala Aquifer.
8 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Solar energy strikes the Earth at three latitudes. FIGURE 9-2: Earth’s inclination at different points in its orbit of the Sun. FIGURE 9-3: The tilted Earth showing special lines of latitude. FIGURE 9-4: From Pau, France, one can see the snow-capped Pyrenees Mountains, d...FIGURE 9-5: Given a dominant wind direction, mountains and mountain ranges may ...FIGURE 9-6: A generalized geography of ocean surface currents. FIGURE 9-7: Conditions associated with El Niño (top) and La Niña (bottom). FIGURE 9-8: A cross-section of high- and low-atmospheric pressure-systems. FIGURE 9-9: Inter-tropical convergence zone and sub-tropical high-pressure belt...FIGURE 9-10: The sand dunes of the Sahara? No, these travelers are wandering co...FIGURE 9-11: Pressure belt locations during the wet and dry monsoons.
9 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: The hypothetical sequence of natural vegetation from the equator t...FIGURE 10-2: The geography of humid tropical climates. FIGURE 10-3: Fire is used to clear land for a type of agriculture — shifting cu...FIGURE 10-4: A savanna landscape surrounds Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya and Tanza...FIGURE 10-5: The geography of dry climates. FIGURE 10-6: The desert landscape of central New Mexico. FIGURE 10-7: Steppe agricultural production can have disastrous outcomes as sho...FIGURE 10-8: The geography of humid mesothermal climates. FIGURE 10-9: Chile produces a variety of (mostly) red and white wines in its Va...FIGURE 10-10: The geography of humid microthermal climates. FIGURE 10-11: The geography of polar climates.
10 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Global population density by country in 2020. FIGURE 11-2: Global population growth. FIGURE 11-3: The demographic transition model shows the relationship between bi...FIGURE 11-4: Wealth (Gross National Income per capita). FIGURE 11-5: Percent of population ages 0–14. FIGURE 11-6: Infant mortality rate. FIGURE 11-7: A photo of a slum in a developing country. The low quality of life...FIGURE 11-8: A photo of a high-yield rice paddy. High-yield rice is one reason ...
11 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: The world at the height of the last ice age. The space between the...FIGURE 12-2: U.S. population growth by state, 1980–2020. FIGURE 12-3: Mental map of state desirability as perceived by South Carolina co...
12 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Your friendly neighborhood snake charmer with his two basketed fri...FIGURE 13-2 A, B, AND C: The three standard modes of cultural diffusion. FIGURE 13-3: Predominant religious groups around the world. FIGURE 13-4: The geography of English is shown by the dark shade.
13 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: The Great Wall of China is an enduring symbol of the human fondnes...FIGURE 14-2: Three border options in a hypothetical region. FIGURE 14-3: Examples of natural and geometric boundaries in the United States....FIGURE 14-4: The horn region of East Africa. FIGURE 14-5 A AND B: The Rumaila Oil Field and Georges Bank. FIGURE 14-6: The world’s land-locked states. FIGURE 14-7: Different shapes of countries. FIGURE 14-8 A AND B: These diagrams show two kinds of gerrymandering: diluting ...FIGURE 14-9: An oddly shaped congressional district drawn to favor one politica...
14 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: This open pit gold mine in Australia is an example of primary econ...FIGURE 15-2: The generalized relationship between development and the proportio...FIGURE 15-3: The traditional American “Manufacturing Belt” is located close to ...FIGURE 15-4: Memphis, Tennessee, is the principal hub of the FedEx route system...FIGURE 15-5: A container ship unloads at port.
15 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: The explosive growth of Dubai – upward and economically – is a res...FIGURE 16-2: Wind farms are becoming more commonplace as an alternative energy ...FIGURE 16-3: Dams such as Three Gorges in China may produce hydroelectric power...
16 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Urban-rural population trend in the United States, 1790-2050. FIGURE 17-2: Locations of urban hearths.
17 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: Hundreds of watercourses from six states drain into the Chesapeake...FIGURE 18-2: Currents in the Gulf of Mexico spread the Deepwater Horizon oil sp...FIGURE 18-3: Terrestrial and aquatic food chains link diverse life forms. FIGURE 18-4: The acid precipitation that destroys forests and contaminates lake...FIGURE 18-5: While the effects of acid rain are global, the greatest impacts ar...FIGURE 18-6: Large quantities of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere greatly contr...