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Running with These Is a No-No


I have to admit that I’m not much of a gizmo girl. In fact, when I see a screwdriver or ratchet, I instinctively walk the other way. Yet the more I know about haircutting scissors (shown in Figure 2-1), the more I realize that scissors are as sexy to a haircutter as prized knives are to a master chef.

Fromm (www.frommpro.com)

FIGURE 2-1: Haircutting scissors range from $20 to $1,200 or more, depending on the materials, finishing steps, and brand name.

Manufacturers perform over 100 steps on quality scissors — including hand polishing, sharpening, and balancing — to create a tool that effortlessly cuts the hair. That’s why many professional scissors cost hundreds of dollars — a price most beauty pros are willing to pay because their livelihood depends on creating beautiful designs. Still, even the crème de la crème of haircutters must start somewhere, and that place is usually at the lower end of the professional scissors spectrum. I recommend that you start with a $20 model made by a reputable company.

My dear friend and haircutter Sean recently moved from Scotland to America to expand his career opportunities. Confusion immediately reigned. “Why are they callin’ scissors shears?” he asked. “We use shears for trimmin’ bushes and shearin’ sheep.” Technically, Sean is correct. Scissors are officially defined as having 6-inch or shorter blade lengths. But somewhere along the line, American marketers started calling haircutting scissors “shears.” Just for the record, I refer to these haircutting tools as “scissors” in this book, but “shears” is also a commonplace term that you should keep in mind when venturing out into the beauty world on your own.

Haircutting scissors that cost up to $20 are considered to be disposable because it’s cheaper to buy a new pair than pay to have the dull pair sharpened. But don’t let this “throwaway” status fool you. A pair of scissors in this price range can adequately care for your family’s hair from several months to a couple of years — depending on how frequently you use them and how well you care for them. (See the “Caring for your scissors” section later in this chapter.)

The quickest way to dull your scissors is to use them for cutting anything but clean, human hair. Cutting mannequins or wigs with synthetic hair dull the blades and may even damage them to the point they must be replaced. Cutting hair coated with styling products will also hasten their need to be sharpened or thrown way.

Haircutting For Dummies

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