Читать книгу The Wrangler's Last Chance - Jessica Keller - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

The statistics aren’t pretty. One in three women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetime, and one in ten children is a victim of or witnesses domestic violence in their homes. If that’s you, know that you are worthy of love and it grieves the heart of God to see you mistreated. When you’re ready, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Carter and Shannon both deal with a lot of really tough things and I was so excited when they reached a happy ending. Make sure to look up the rest of the books in the Red Dog Ranch series. Each sibling gets their own story! Please connect with me on my Facebook author page and remember—book reviews are always greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

Jessica Keller

The Wrangler's Last Chance

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