Читать книгу A Hasty Betrothal - Jessica Nelson - Страница 3


“I see you brought a book.”

There was not the slightest hint that he’d noticed her gawking at him, nor that he even cared. “If it is all the same to you, I’ll be reading through these papers for the bulk of our travel. I trust you can entertain yourself?”

So formal. So distant. Elizabeth nodded slowly, at a loss. Who was this man in front of her? Certainly not the carefree gentleman who’d visited Grandmother and chided Elizabeth’s bibliophilism. Nor was he the mischievous boy who’d yanked her pigtails and dared her to climb Grandmother’s tallest oak.

No, this man across from her, with his long legs encased in shiny Hessian boots and his serious brow fastened to the work before him, was not the Miles she had always known.

A chill started at the base of her toes and rippled upward. Suddenly the prospect of meeting new people appeared far less dangerous than a future spent with a man who had become a complete and utter stranger.

A Hasty Betrothal

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