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Jessica Steele lives in the county of Worcestershire, with her super husband, Peter, and their gorgeous Staffordshire bull terrier, Florence. Any spare time is spent enjoying her three main hobbies: reading espionage novels, gardening (she has a great love of flowers) and playing golf. Any time left over is celebrated with her fourth hobby, shopping. Jessica has a sister and two brothers, and they all, with their spouses, often go on golfing holidays together. Having traveled to various places on the globe, researching background for her stories, there are many countries that she would like to revisit. Her most recent trip abroad was to Portugal, where she stayed in a lovely hotel close to her all-time favorite golf course. Jessica had no idea of being a writer, until one day Peter suggested she write a book. So she did. She has now written over eighty novels.

Promise Of A Family

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