Читать книгу Bullseye - Jessica Andersen - Страница 2

“It’ll be dark soon.”


Isabella cast her eyes upward, where the first hints of fiery gold touched the horizon, and set flame to her auburn hair.

“All the more reason to put some miles between us and our new friend,” Jacob replied.

She glanced back toward the cavern and the swept-bare sand between them. The black helicopter could return at any moment.

Jacob turned to assess the back exit of the cavern, toward the low, rocky escarpment. He tried to picture the land as he’d seen it in those last few minutes before the crash. His mental map, along with what he remembered from the flight charts, said that if they headed west and slightly north, a stiff three-day hike would bring them to civilization.

And between the crash site and civilization?

He would deal with the hit man as best he could. Capture him if lucky. Kill him if necessary.

Whatever it took to keep Isabella safe.


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