Читать книгу Software Developer - Jill Clarke - Страница 10



AI artificial intelligence

API application programming interface

ATM automated teller machine

BCS BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

BDD behaviour driven development

BIOS basic input/output system

CASE computer aided software engineering

CAST computer aided software testing

CI continuous integration

CPD continuing professional development

CPU central processor unit

CSS cascading style sheets

DBMS database management system

DRY don’t repeat yourself

EDI electronic data interchange

ERD entity relationship diagram

ERM entity relationship modelling

FTP file transfer protocol

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GPS global positioning system

HP Hewlett Packard

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

IDE integrated development environment

IoT internet of things

JSON JavaScript Object Notation

MoSCoW must have, should have, could have, won’t have this time

MVC model view controller

NFR non-functional requirements

OOP object oriented programming

OWASP Open Web Application Security Project

PC personal computer

PHP (originally) personal home page

PRINCE2 Projects IN Controlled Environments

ROI return on investment

SDLC software (or systems) development life cycle

SFIA Skills Framework for the Information Age

SQL Structured Query Language

SSADM structured systems analysis design method

STEM science, technology, engineering, mathematics

TDD test driven development

TL;DR too long; didn’t read

UML Unified Modelling Language

URL uniform resource locator

UX user experience

XML eXtensible Markup Language

Software Developer

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