Читать книгу The Supine Cobbler - Jill Connell - Страница 7

The Supine Cobbler


The audience enters. There is a bar where they can buy tall cans of beer and whisky in real glasses. A Fistful of Dollars plays on the tv screen, sound muted. Music plays: contemporary, female, popular.

The DANCER, LOVER, and KID sit at the bar. The DOCTOR observes from a distance. They wear dusters.

The Doctor nods. It’s time. Music quiets. House lights dim. The bartender settles up with any customers. Musicians take their places.

TV sound from A Fistful of Dollars comes in. It is the final duel of the film. The Dancer, Lover, and Kid watch. At the height of the duel: the tv cuts out. House lights out.

The palpable expectation of silence. The band strikes a resonant chord.

The COBBLER enters. She stands at the threshold wearing a duster.

The three at the bar turn. Eyes meet with the Cobbler’s. A small lifetime in this gaze.

The Cobbler approaches the bar.

The bartender pours four shots of whisky. They drink: a sober yet casual complicity.

The Supine Cobbler

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