Читать книгу Lone Survivor - Jill Elizabeth Nelson - Страница 8


“What’s going on?”

Karissa looked up at her protector.

Hunter’s bearded face had hardened into a fierce mask. “They’re burning the cabin. If anyone is alive in here, they expect us to run out where they can pick us off like tin ducks in a county fair target-shooting booth.”

Karissa sucked in a breath. “What are we going to do?”

“Not what they expect.” He tugged back a corner of the thin area rug they were squatting on, exposing a portion of a trap door.

“Of course! You have a cellar.”

Would the smoke penetrate the cellar? Or would the floorboards currently beneath her feet fall in on them, consuming them in flaming debris? Did she want to die in a hole like a rat?

Karissa met the stranger’s steel-gray gaze.

“Trust me,” he said, voice low and steady, like a rock of dependability...which didn’t match his appearance at all.

What choice did she have but to trust him?

Lone Survivor

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