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The heavy rat-a-tat of automatic-weapon fire shredded the night.

Daci’s heart pounded like a trip-hammer as she grabbed for the small pistol she’d strapped to her ankle for tonight’s meeting, although what good the little peashooter might do against an automatic was anybody’s guess.

Abruptly, the staccato burst of gunfire ceased, and Daci inched her head up above the hood of her car. With a screech of tires, the van raced away up the street.

Other gunfire blended with hers, and she searched for the shooter. There! Jax was rushing up the middle of the street, pistol raised and blasting, but the van didn’t slow down as it disappeared into the night.

Jax broke off chasing the fleeing vehicle and raced toward the bullet-riddled VW, calling her name. Panic edged his tone.

Daci popped to her feet. “I’m here. I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not. You’re bleeding.” He gestured toward her arm.

She glanced down. Sure enough, warm blood trickled down her bare arm below the cap sleeve of her blouse. Now that the crisis was past, a hot burn in her biceps suddenly registered.

“Just a graze. Nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious? Are you kidding? Someone tried to kill you.”

Duty To Defend

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