Читать книгу Relentless Seduction - Jillian Burns - Страница 9



WHY THE HELL HAD he agreed to do this?

Rafe sat in a back booth of The Pit nursing a double of bourbon and wincing at the punk rocker screaming his so-called song. And the stench of this place brought back memories of those early days on the streets.

It was a pungent blend of sweaty humans, spilt beer and piss. Not to mention the smell of burning pot and heroin. Yep, he’d once been right at home in a place like this.

His pappy had him drinking the hard stuff before he was thirteen, claiming he didn’t like to drink alone.

If it hadn’t been for ol’ Earl…

This wasn’t the time for reminiscing.

Rafe faced the front door, but so far no one fitting Shadow’s description had come in. He’d looked in the back room around the pool tables already with no sign of the guy there, either. Shadow could’ve been in earlier, or he could not show up for days. This was a waste of time.

Having the police question him might’ve been slightly irritating, but Rafe could’ve handled it. The truth was he was here because she challenged him. Dr. Claire Brooks.

A PhD? She looked like the mad scientist kind. But her dumpy clothes and thick glasses hid an intelligent and fierce personality. He had to admire her loyalty to a friend. And the guts it took to brave a strange city and strange people. And to blackmail him.

He smiled to himself.

Rafe scanned the room again, thinking that, if not for sheer luck, he could’ve turned out like any of the scum in this joint. He stopped scanning and his gaze returned to a black-haired woman sitting at a table with two guys.

Her tight black dress plunged so low in front her large breasts spilled out to overflowing. Creamy, soft, plump breasts. His body tensed.


He shifted in the cracked Naugahyde seat to get comfortable in his jeans. What the hell? He hadn’t reacted this strongly to a set since he’d seen his first centerfold in a torn up Playboy he found in his pappy’s closet.

And her legs. The dress barely covered her. Even wearing dark black hose and black biker boots her legs looked as if they went on for miles. Making her the perfect height to take her from behind. How easily he could picture holding her hips while he pumped into her.

Rafael Moreau, you dog. You ‘re here to look for Shadow, not pick up a woman for the night.

One would think at thirty-four years of age he’d be past seeing women only as someone to get into his bed. But, he was what he was. At least he wasn’t draping himself all over her and pawing at her like the two jerks sitting on either side of her.

She was obviously trying to keep their wandering hands at bay. But what did she expect in a place like this dressed like that?

Her raven hair was teased and spiked to stand up every which way. She wore heavy makeup, thick black liner and eye shadow, black lipstick. Her wide eyes were a soft doe-brown…

She glanced in his direction and quickly looked away.


He shot to his feet and stalked over to her table, gripped Claire’s arm and hauled her to her feet. “What are you doing here?”

“Hey, man.”

“Leave her alone, dude.” The two men stood, taking up menacing stances. They stepped closer and Rafe could see their dilated, bloodshot eyes.

So he had called it right the first night he saw her. She was trouble. Well, he damn sure wasn’t backing down from a couple of punks. He smiled at goon number one. “I’ll give you one chance to leave peaceably.”

Goon number one snickered. “What you gonna do, old man?” He raised his fist, but before he could make contact Rafe punched him in the throat. The goon grabbed his neck and doubled over, choking.

“Rafe!” Claire tried to pull her arm free from his grasp, but he held on while he faced goon number two.

The second goon held up his hands palms out and backed away. “I’m good.” He grabbed his still-choking pal and they scurried out the front door like the rats they were.

Rafe turned his scowl on Claire.

A split second of chagrin crossed her features before she raised her chin in that way that signaled she was bolstering her courage.

“I warned you if you came here the deal was off.”

He stalked back to the booth, grabbed his jacket and shoved his arms in the sleeves.

“Rafe.” She stood in front him, blocking his exit. “I apologize, but I—”

“But, nothing.” He sidestepped toward the door.

“I’d hoped that if I wore a disguise so I fit in, then I could also look for Shadow.”

“Fit in? In that?”

She flinched.

He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth. He never raised his voice. But she’d been better off when she’d hid that body beneath the nerdy clothes. He cursed under his breath, turned and gulped down the rest of his bourbon, getting himself under control.

Those big brown eyes, just seconds ago full of defiance, were squinting. And she was biting her thumbnail.

Aw, hell. “Sit down.” He resumed his seat.

She sat opposite him, her breasts jiggling as she scooted in.

He gritted his teeth and willed his gaze away from all that flesh. “Where are your glasses?”

“In my purse.” She gestured to a small black bag slung from one shoulder across the other side of her body.

“Put them on.”

She dug in her purse and slipped on the rectangular tortoise-shell frames.

He studied her, trying to find the frumpy woman from earlier today in the dark seductress sitting across from him. The thick lenses made her eyes look smaller. But they were the same soft brown. And the same directness stared back at him.

“No contacts?”

She shook her head. “Allergies.” She sniffed as if just saying the word made her congested. He steeled himself against finding that cute.

“Those jerks could’ve had weapons.”

“I know.”

“I could’ve been killed.”

She bristled. “I was doing fine until you came over and grabbed me.”

“The hell you were!”

Her shoulders slumped. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Damn. She took the wind right out of his righteous sails.

“I don’t blame you if you want to leave.”

“You think I’m going to leave you here alone? You’ll have the entire bar brawling within minutes. What’s with that get-up, anyway?”

She looked down at her outfit, fingering the edge of her neckline. “I was trying to blend in. But I didn’t try on the dress when I bought it. I usually just buy stuff and it fits…” Her voice trailed off as she looked back up and their gazes met. She bit her lip and her gaze skittered away.

When she returned her attention to him, her expression had taken on its usual haughtiness. “I appreciate your concern, and your help. And I’ll pay you for your time. But I intend to stay here and watch for Shadow.”

“Like hell you wi—”

She let out a soft gasp and her eyes widened. “Rafe!

It’s him!”

SHE’D FOUND HIM! Now Shadow was going to tell her what he’d done to Julia!

Claire scooted out of the booth keeping her eye on Shadow as he pushed through the crowd.

Rafe stepped in front of her. “Don’t.”

“Are you crazy? The only reason I’m here is to talk to him.” She tried to step around him.

He grabbed her shoulders and glanced behind him. Shadow was headed their way. “Confronting him won’t help. I have a better idea.”

Rafe yanked her glasses off and tucked her head into his shoulder, speaking low, “We’ll follow him. See if he’ll lead us to your friend.” His breath tickled the sensitive skin beneath her ear and her cheek felt the rough stubble darkening his jaw.

Claire shivered in Rafe’s arms. His masculine scent, his strength, his touch enveloped her, and something deep inside her responded.

Memories of how his stare had raked her body swamped her senses. He’d looked like a panther set to pounce on his prey. And she reveled in the attention. She’d never felt so desirable, so… sexual. This disguise released her from years of inhibitions.

When he lifted his head, their lips were millimeters apart.

To her horror, she moaned and his gaze dropped to her mouth. With a swift intake of breath he wrapped a hand around her nape, tilted her head back and took her mouth in a searching kiss. She whimpered and opened to him.

Her world became Rafe. His mouth moving over hers, his tongue exploring, possessing. The trail of heat left by his hands as they caressed her shoulder blades, her spine, her bottom.

With a growl he tightened his hold and everything in her wanted to take him inside herself. If she didn’t stop him now, she’d give all to him right here in the middle of a bar.

She pushed him away, gasping for air. And sanity. This man was way more than she could handle.

Dropping his arms, he stepped away, his expression blank, seemingly unaffected. Except his lips were wet and his chest rose and fell slightly harder.

He scanned the place, presumably looking for Shadow. As she should be. How could she let herself be distracted by a carnal encounter when Julia was missing?

“He’s in the back talking to some guy playing pool,” Rafe said.

“My glasses, please?” She held out her hand.

He glanced at his hand as if he hadn’t realized he held them, and then set them in her palm with a cocky smirk.

Rafe was right. Follow the creep. Hope that Julia was staying with him and that he’d lead them straight to her.

Retreating to the booth, she snuck a peek at Shadow. Rafe dropped into the seat across from her, signaled to the waitress and ordered drinks for them both.

Claire fidgeted, occasionally glancing into the back room. But she kept feeling Rafe’s mouth on hers. Why had he kissed her? Was it just a ploy to prevent Shadow from recognizing him? But she thought he didn’t know Shadow. You’re overanalyzing again, Claire. It was just a kiss.

It was probably the stress of the moment. Her disguise had thrown him. She wasn’t herself, and so he’d been more attracted to her Goth persona. How… depressing. She’d never been kissed like that. Rafe had kissed her as if his soul were on fire, with such smoldering passion that if it had gone on much longer she might have incinerated right there on the spot.

Her face was aflame just thinking about it. Avoiding his eyes, she dabbed at the perspiration at her temple.

Finally Shadow strutted over to the bar. He didn’t look well. He was sweating heavily, his eyes darted around and his body twitched. Even she knew the signs of someone in need of a fix.

He appeared to be trying to wheedle the bartender into something, but he wasn’t successful. When begging didn’t work he pounded the bar. Whatever he yelled was drowned out by the deafening music. The bartender pulled a gun from somewhere and Shadow backed off. Then he shoved his way through the crowd of punkers and bikers and stormed out the front door.

Claire shot out of the booth with Rafe right behind her. He grabbed her hand and led her through the oblivious barflies.

Once outside, Claire breathed in the fresh air, while Rafe searched to the left, then the right. “There,” he murmured and pulled her down the cracked sidewalk toward a darkened street.

She spotted Shadow, about thirty yards ahead of them, hurrying away on foot. Her heart pumped. She wanted to sprint after the guy and make him tell her everything he knew about Julia, but she walked beside Rafe at a normal pace.

When Shadow disappeared around a corner, Rafe sped up, pulling Claire along. His strong, callused grip gave her courage. She didn’t feel so nervous.

At the corner, Rafe stopped and peered around the building before heading down the side street. Shadow was moving at a faster speed, and the dimly lit street made it more difficult to keep track of him. The farther they went, the less populated the area became. A lot of the buildings were boarded up or falling down and as they progressed, buildings gave way to empty fields. Ahead was an old graveyard, made eerie and sinister-looking by the fog.

Relentless Seduction

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