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MapReduce Basics

The only feasible approach to tackling large-data problems today is to divide and conquer, a fundamental concept in computer science that is introduced very early in typical undergraduate curricula. The basic idea is to partition a large problem into smaller sub-problems. To the extent that the sub-problems are independent [5], they can be tackled in parallel by different workers—threads in a processor core, cores in a multi-core processor, multiple processors in a machine, or many machines in a cluster. Intermediate results from each individual worker are then combined to yield the final output.1

The general principles behind divide-and-conquer algorithms are broadly applicable to a wide range of problems in many different application domains. However, the details of their implementations are varied and complex. For example, the following are just some of the issues that need to be addressed:

• How do we break up a large problem into smaller tasks? More specifically, how do we decompose the problem so that the smaller tasks can be executed in parallel?

• How do we assign tasks to workers distributed across a potentially large number of machines (while keeping in mind that some workers are better suited to running some tasks than others, e.g., due to available resources, locality constraints, etc.)?

• How do we ensure that the workers get the data they need?

• How do we coordinate synchronization among the different workers?

• How do we share partial results from one worker that is needed by another?

• How do we accomplish all of the above in the face of software errors and hardware faults?

In traditional parallel or distributed programming environments, the developer needs to explicitly address many (and sometimes, all) of the above issues. In shared memory programming, the developer needs to explicitly coordinate access to shared data structures through synchronization primitives such as mutexes, to explicitly handle process synchronization through devices such as barriers, and to remain ever vigilant for common problems such as deadlocks and race conditions. Language extensions, like OpenMP for shared memory parallelism,2 or libraries implementing the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for cluster-level parallelism,3 provide logical abstractions that hide details of operating system synchronization and communications primitives. However, even with these extensions, developers are still burdened to keep track of how resources are made available to workers. Additionally, these frameworks are mostly designed to tackle processor-intensive problems and have only rudimentary support for dealing with very large amounts of input data. When using existing parallel computing approaches for large-data computation, the programmer must devote a significant amount of attention to low-level system details, which detracts from higher-level problem solving.

One of the most significant advantages of MapReduce is that it provides an abstraction that hides many system-level details from the programmer. Therefore, a developer can focus on what computations need to be performed, as opposed to how those computations are actually carried out or how to get the data to the processes that depend on them. Like OpenMP and MPI, MapReduce provides a means to distribute computation without burdening the programmer with the details of distributed computing (but at a different level of granularity). However, organizing and coordinating large amounts of computation is only part of the challenge. Large-data processing by definition requires bringing data and code together for computation to occur—no small feat for datasets that are terabytes and perhaps petabytes in size! MapReduce addresses this challenge by providing a simple abstraction for the developer, transparently handling most of the details behind the scenes in a scalable, robust, and efficient manner. As we mentioned in Chapter 1, instead of moving large amounts of data around, it is far more efficient, if possible, to move the code to the data. This is operationally realized by spreading data across the local disks of nodes in a cluster and running processes on nodes that hold the data. The complex task of managing storage in such a processing environment is typically handled by a distributed file system that sits underneath MapReduce.

This chapter introduces the MapReduce programming model and the underlying distributed file system. We start in Section 2.1 with an overview of functional programming, from which MapReduce draws its inspiration. Section 2.2 introduces the basic programming model, focusing on mappers and reducers. Section 2.3 discusses the role of the execution framework in actually running MapReduce programs (called jobs). Section 2.4 fills in additional details by introducing partitioners and combiners, which provide greater control over data flow. MapReduce would not be practical without a tightly-integrated distributed file system that manages the data being processed; Section 2.5 covers this in detail. Tying everything together, a complete cluster architecture is described in Section 2.6 before the chapter ends with a summary.


MapReduce has its roots in functional programming, which is exemplified in languages such as Lisp and ML.4 A key feature of functional languages is the concept of higher-order functions, or functions that can accept other functions as arguments. Two common built-in higher order functions are map and fold, illustrated in Figure 2.1. Given a list, map takes as an argument a function f (that takes a single argument) and applies it to all elements in a list (the top part of the diagram). Given a list, fold takes as arguments a function g (that takes two arguments) and an initial value: g is first applied to the initial value and the first item in the list, the result of which is stored in an intermediate variable. This intermediate variable and the next item in the list serve as the arguments to a second application of g, the results of which are stored in the intermediate variable. This process repeats until all items in the list have been consumed; fold then returns the final value of the intermediate variable. Typically, map and fold are used in combination. For example, to compute the sum of squares of a list of integers, one could map a function that squares its argument (i.e., λx.x2) over the input list, and then fold the resulting list with the addition function (more precisely, λxλy.x + y) using an initial value of zero.

Figure 2.1: Illustration of map and fold, two higher-order functions commonly used together in functional programming: map takes a function f and applies it to every element in a list, while fold iteratively applies a function g to aggregate results.

We can view map as a concise way to represent the transformation of a dataset (as defined by the function f). In the same vein, we can view fold as an aggregation operation, as defined by the function g. One immediate observation is that the application of f to each item in a list (or more generally, to elements in a large dataset) can be parallelized in a straightforward manner, since each functional application happens in isolation. In a cluster, these operations can be distributed across many different machines. The fold operation, on the other hand, has more restrictions on data locality—elements in the list must be “brought together” before the function g can be applied. However, many real-world applications do not require g to be applied to all elements of the list. To the extent that elements in the list can be divided into groups, the fold aggregations can also proceed in parallel. Furthermore, for operations that are commutative and associative, significant efficiencies can be gained in the fold operation through local aggregation and appropriate reordering.

In a nutshell, we have described MapReduce. The map phase in MapReduce roughly corresponds to the map operation in functional programming, whereas the reduce phase in MapReduce roughly corresponds to the fold operation in functional programming. As we will discuss in detail shortly, the MapReduce execution framework coordinates the map and reduce phases of processing over large amounts of data on large clusters of commodity machines.

Viewed from a slightly different angle, MapReduce codifies a generic “recipe” for processing large datasets that consists of two stages. In the first stage, a user-specified computation is applied over all input records in a dataset. These operations occur in parallel and yield intermediate output that is then aggregated by another user-specified computation. The programmer defines these two types of computations, and the execution framework coordinates the actual processing (very loosely, MapReduce provides a functional abstraction). Although such a two-stage processing structure may appear to be very restrictive, many interesting algorithms can be expressed quite concisely—especially if one decomposes complex algorithms into a sequence of MapReduce jobs. Subsequent chapters in this book focus on how a number of algorithms can be implemented in MapReduce.

To be precise, MapReduce can refer to three distinct but related concepts. First, MapReduce is a programming model, which is the sense discussed above. Second, MapReduce can refer to the execution framework (i.e., the “runtime”) that coordinates the execution of programs written in this particular style. Finally, MapReduce can refer to the software implementation of the programming model and the execution framework: for example, Google’s proprietary implementation vs. the open-source Hadoop implementation in Java. And, in fact, there are many implementations of MapReduce, e.g., targeted specifically for multi-core processors [127], for GPGPUs [71], for the CELL architecture [126], etc. There are some differences between the MapReduce programming model implemented in Hadoop and Google’s proprietary implementation, which we will explicitly discuss throughout the book. However, we take a rather Hadoop-centric view of MapReduce, since Hadoop remains the most mature and accessible implementation to date, and therefore the one most developers are likely to use.


Key-value pairs form the basic data structure in MapReduce. Keys and values may be primitives such as integers, floating point values, strings, and raw bytes, or they may be arbitrarily complex structures (lists, tuples, associative arrays, etc.). Programmers typically need to define their own custom data types, although a number of libraries such as Protocol Buffers,5 Thrift,6 and Avro7 simplify the task.

Part of the design of MapReduce algorithms involves imposing the key-value structure on arbitrary datasets. For a collection of web pages, keys may be URLs and values may be the actual HTML content. For a graph, keys may represent node ids and values may contain the adjacency lists of those nodes (see Chapter 5 for more details). In some algorithms, input keys are not particularly meaningful and are simply ignored during processing, while in other cases input keys are used to uniquely identify a datum (such as a record id). In Chapter 3, we discuss the role of complex keys and values in the design of various algorithms.

In MapReduce, the programmer defines a mapper and a reducer with the following signatures:

map: (k1,v1) → [(k2,v2)]

reduce: (k2, [v2]) → [(k3,v3)]

The convention […] is used throughout this book to denote a list. The input to a MapReduce job starts as data stored on the underlying distributed file system (see Section 2.5). The mapper is applied to every input key-value pair (split across an arbitrary number of files) to generate an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs. The reducer is applied to all values associated with the same intermediate key to generate output key-value pairs.8 Implicit between the map and reduce phases is a distributed “group by” operation on intermediate keys. Intermediate data arrive at each reducer in order, sorted by the key. However, no ordering relationship is guaranteed for keys across different reducers. Output key-value pairs from each reducer are written persistently back onto the distributed file system (whereas intermediate key-value pairs are transient and not preserved). The output ends up in r files on the distributed file system, where r is the number of reducers. For the most part, there is no need to consolidate reducer output, since the r files often serve as input to yet another MapReduce job. Figure 2.2 illustrates this two-stage processing structure.

A simple word count algorithm in MapReduce is shown in Figure 2.3. This algorithm counts the number of occurrences of every word in a text collection, which may be the first step in, for example, building a unigram language model (i.e., probability distribution over words in a collection). Input key-values pairs take the form of (docid, doc) pairs stored on the distributed file system, where the former is a unique identifier for the document, and the latter is the text of the document itself. The mapper takes an input key-value pair, tokenizes the document, and emits an intermediate key-value pair for every word: the word itself serves as the key, and the integer one serves as the value (denoting that we’ve seen the word once). The MapReduce execution framework guarantees that all values associated with the same key are brought together in the reducer. Therefore, in our word count algorithm, we simply need to sum up all counts (ones) associated with each word. The reducer does exactly this, and emits final key-value pairs with the word as the key, and the count as the value. Final output is written to the distributed file system, one file per reducer. Words within each file will be sorted by alphabetical order, and each file will contain roughly the same number of words. The partitioner, which we discuss later in Section 2.4, controls the assignment of words to reducers. The output can be examined by the programmer or used as input to another MapReduce program.

There are some differences between the Hadoop implementation of MapReduce and Google’s implementation.9 In Hadoop, the reducer is presented with a key and an iterator over all values associated with the particular key. The values are arbitrarily ordered. Google’s implementation allows the programmer to specify a secondary sort key for ordering the values (if desired)—in which case values associated with each key would be presented to the developer’s reduce code in sorted order. Later in Section 3.4 we discuss how to overcome this limitation in Hadoop to perform secondary sorting. Another difference: in Google’s implementation the programmer is not allowed to change the key in the reducer. That is, the reducer output key must be exactly the same as the reducer input key. In Hadoop, there is no such restriction, and the reducer can emit an arbitrary number of output key-value pairs (with different keys).

Figure 2.2: Simplified view of MapReduce. Mappers are applied to all input key-value pairs, which generate an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs. Reducers are applied to all values associated with the same key. Between the map and reduce phases lies a barrier that involves a large distributed sort and group by.

Figure 2.3: Pseudo-code for the word count algorithm in MapReduce. The mapper emits an intermediate key-value pair for each word in a document. The reducer sums up all counts for each word.

To provide a bit more implementation detail: pseudo-code provided in this book roughly mirrors how MapReduce programs are written in Hadoop. Mappers and reducers are objects that implement the Map and Reduce methods, respectively. In Hadoop, a mapper object is initialized for each map task (associated with a particular sequence of key-value pairs called an input split) and the Map method is called on each key-value pair by the execution framework. In configuring a MapReduce job, the programmer provides a hint on the number of map tasks to run, but the execution framework (see next section) makes the final determination based on the physical layout of the data (more details in Section 2.5 and Section 2.6). The situation is similar for the reduce phase: a reducer object is initialized for each reduce task, and the Reduce method is called once per intermediate key. In contrast with the number of map tasks, the programmer can precisely specify the number of reduce tasks. We will return to discuss the details of Hadoop job execution in Section 2.6, which is dependent on an understanding of the distributed file system (covered in Section 2.5). To reiterate: although the presentation of algorithms in this book closely mirrors the way they would be implemented in Hadoop, our focus is on algorithm design and conceptual understanding—not actual Hadoop programming. For that, we recommend Tom White’s book [154].

What are the restrictions on mappers and reducers? Mappers and reducers can express arbitrary computations over their inputs. However, one must generally be careful about use of external resources since multiple mappers or reducers may be contending for those resources. For example, it may be unwise for a mapper to query an external SQL database, since that would introduce a scalability bottleneck on the number of map tasks that could be run in parallel (since they might all be simultaneously querying the database).10 In general, mappers can emit an arbitrary number of intermediate key-value pairs, and they need not be of the same type as the input key-value pairs. Similarly, reducers can emit an arbitrary number of final key-value pairs, and they can differ in type from the intermediate key-value pairs. Although not permitted in functional programming, mappers and reducers can have side effects. This is a powerful and useful feature: for example, preserving state across multiple inputs is central to the design of many MapReduce algorithms (see Chapter 3). Such algorithms can be understood as having side effects that only change state that is internal to the mapper or reducer. While the correctness of such algorithms may be more difficult to guarantee (since the function’s behavior depends not only on the current input but on previous inputs), most potential synchronization problems are avoided since internal state is private only to individual mappers and reducers. In other cases (see Sections 4.4 and 6.5), it may be useful for mappers or reducers to have external side effects, such as writing files to the distributed file system. Since many mappers and reducers are run in parallel, and the distributed file system is a shared global resource, special care must be taken to ensure that such operations avoid synchronization conflicts. One strategy is to write a temporary file that is renamed upon successful completion of the mapper or reducer [45].

In addition to the “canonical” MapReduce processing flow, other variations are also possible. MapReduce programs can contain no reducers, in which case mapper output is directly written to disk (one file per mapper). For embarrassingly parallel problems, e.g., parse a large text collection or independently analyze a large number of images, this would be a common pattern. The converse—a MapReduce program with no mappers—is not possible, although in some cases it is useful for the mapper to implement the identity function and simply pass input key-value pairs to the reducers. This has the effect of sorting and regrouping the input for reduce-side processing. Similarly, in some cases it is useful for the reducer to implement the identity function, in which case the program simply sorts and groups mapper output. Finally, running identity mappers and reducers has the effect of regrouping and resorting the input data (which is sometimes useful).

Although in the most common case, input to a MapReduce job comes from data stored on the distributed file system and output is written back to the distributed file system, any other system that satisfies the proper abstractions can serve as a data source or sink. With Google’s MapReduce implementation, Bigtable [34], a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map, is frequently used as a source of input and as a store of MapReduce output. HBase is an open-source Bigtable clone and has similar capabilities. Also, Hadoop has been integrated with existing MPP (massively parallel processing) relational databases, which allows a programmer to write MapReduce jobs over database rows and dump output into a new database table. Finally, in some cases MapReduce jobs may not consume any input at all (e.g., computing π) or may only consume a small amount of data (e.g., input parameters to many instances of processor-intensive simulations running in parallel).


One of the most important ideas behind MapReduce is separating the what of distributed processing from the how. A MapReduce program, referred to as a job, consists of code for mappers and reducers (as well as combiners and partitioners to be discussed in the next section) packaged together with configuration parameters (such as where the input lies and where the output should be stored). The developer submits the job to the submission node of a cluster (in Hadoop, this is called the jobtracker) and execution framework (sometimes called the “runtime”) takes care of everything else: it transparently handles all other aspects of distributed code execution, on clusters ranging from a single node to a few thousand nodes. Specific responsibilities include:

Scheduling. Each MapReduce job is divided into smaller units called tasks (see Section 2.6 for more details). For example, a map task may be responsible for processing a certain block of input key-value pairs (called an input split in Hadoop); similarly, a reduce task may handle a portion of the intermediate key space. It is not uncommon for MapReduce jobs to have thousands of individual tasks that need to be assigned to nodes in the cluster. In large jobs, the total number of tasks may exceed the number of tasks that can be run on the cluster concurrently, making it necessary for the scheduler to maintain some sort of a task queue and to track the progress of running tasks so that waiting tasks can be assigned to nodes as they become available. Another aspect of scheduling involves coordination among tasks belonging to different jobs (e.g., from different users). How can a large, shared resource support several users simultaneously in a predictable, transparent, policy-driven fashion? There has been some recent work along these lines in the context of Hadoop [131; 160].

Speculative execution is an optimization that is implemented by both Hadoop and Google’s MapReduce implementation (called “backup tasks” [45]). Due to the barrier between the map and reduce tasks, the map phase of a job is only as fast as the slowest map task. Similarly, the completion time of a job is bounded by the running time of the slowest reduce task. As a result, the speed of a MapReduce job is sensitive to what are known as stragglers, or tasks that take an usually long time to complete. One cause of stragglers is flaky hardware: for example, a machine that is suffering from recoverable errors may become significantly slower. With speculative execution, an identical copy of the same task is executed on a different machine, and the framework simply uses the result of the first task attempt to finish. Zaharia et al. [161] presented different execution strategies in a recent paper, and Google reported that speculative execution can improve job running times by 44% [45]. Although in Hadoop both map and reduce tasks can be speculatively executed, the common wisdom is that the technique is more helpful for map tasks than reduce tasks, since each copy of the reduce task needs to pull data over the network. Note, however, that speculative execution cannot adequately address another common cause of stragglers: skew in the distribution of values associated with intermediate keys (leading to reduce stragglers). In text processing we often observe Zipfian distributions, which means that the task or tasks responsible for processing the most frequent few elements will run much longer than the typical task. Better local aggregation, discussed in the next chapter, is one possible solution to this problem.

Data/code co-location. The phrase data distribution is misleading, since one of the key ideas behind MapReduce is to move the code, not the data. However, the more general point remains—in order for computation to occur, we need to somehow feed data to the code. In MapReduce, this issue is inextricably intertwined with scheduling and relies heavily on the design of the underlying distributed file system.11 To achieve data locality, the scheduler starts tasks on the node that holds a particular block of data (i.e., on its local drive) needed by the task. This has the effect of moving code to the data. If this is not possible (e.g., a node is already running too many tasks), new tasks will be started elsewhere, and the necessary data will be streamed over the network. An important optimization here is to prefer nodes that are on the same rack in the datacenter as the node holding the relevant data block, since inter-rack bandwidth is significantly less than intra-rack bandwidth.

Synchronization. In general, synchronization refers to the mechanisms by which multiple concurrently running processes “join up”, for example, to share intermediate results or otherwise exchange state information. In MapReduce, synchronization is accomplished by a barrier between the map and reduce phases of processing. Intermediate key-value pairs must be grouped by key, which is accomplished by a large distributed sort involving all the nodes that executed map tasks and all the nodes that will execute reduce tasks. This necessarily involves copying intermediate data over the network, and therefore the process is commonly known as “shuffle and sort”. A MapReduce job with m mappers and r reducers involves up to m × r distinct copy operations, since each mapper may have intermediate output going to every reducer.

Note that the reduce computation cannot start until all the mappers have finished emitting key-value pairs and all intermediate key-value pairs have been shuffled and sorted, since the execution framework cannot otherwise guarantee that all values associated with the same key have been gathered. This is an important departure from functional programming: in a fold operation, the aggregation function g is a function of the intermediate value and the next item in the list—which means that values can be lazily generated and aggregation can begin as soon as values are available. In contrast, the reducer in MapReduce receives all values associated with the same key at once. However, it is possible to start copying intermediate key-value pairs over the network to the nodes running the reducers as soon as each mapper finishes—this is a common optimization and implemented in Hadoop.

Error and fault handling. The MapReduce execution framework must accomplish all the tasks above in an environment where errors and faults are the norm, not the exception. Since MapReduce was explicitly designed around low-end commodity servers, the runtime must be especially resilient. In large clusters, disk failures are common [123] and RAM experiences more errors than one might expect [135]. Datacenters suffer from both planned outages (e.g., system maintenance and hardware upgrades) and unexpected outages (e.g., power failure, connectivity loss, etc.).

And that’s just hardware. No software is bug free—exceptions must be appropriately trapped, logged, and recovered from. Large-data problems have a penchant for uncovering obscure corner cases in code that is otherwise thought to be bug-free. Furthermore, any sufficiently large dataset will contain corrupted data or records that are mangled beyond a programmer’s imagination—resulting in errors that one would never think to check for or trap. The MapReduce execution framework must thrive in this hostile environment.


We have thus far presented a simplified view of MapReduce. There are two additional elements that complete the programming model: partitioners and combiners.

Partitioners are responsible for dividing up the intermediate key space and assigning intermediate key-value pairs to reducers. In other words, the partitioner specifies the task to which an intermediate key-value pair must be copied. Within each reducer, keys are processed in sorted order (which is how the “group by” is implemented). The simplest partitioner involves computing the hash value of the key and then taking the mod of that value with the number of reducers. This assigns approximately the same number of keys to each reducer (dependent on the quality of the hash function). Note, however, that the partitioner only considers the key and ignores the value—therefore, a roughly even partitioning of the key space may nevertheless yield large differences in the number of key-values pairs sent to each reducer (since different keys may have different numbers of associated values). This imbalance in the amount of data associated with each key is relatively common in many text processing applications due to the Zipfian distribution of word occurrences.

Combiners are an optimization in MapReduce that allow for local aggregation before the shuffle and sort phase. We can motivate the need for combiners by considering the word count algorithm in Figure 2.3, which emits a key-value pair for each word in the collection. Furthermore, all these key-value pairs need to be copied across the network, and so the amount of intermediate data will be larger than the input collection itself. This is clearly inefficient. One solution is to perform local aggregation on the output of each mapper, i.e., to compute a local count for a word over all the documents processed by the mapper. With this modification (assuming the maximum amount of local aggregation possible), the number of intermediate key-value pairs will be at most the number of unique words in the collection times the number of mappers (and typically far smaller because each mapper may not encounter every word).

The combiner in MapReduce supports such an optimization. One can think of combiners as “mini-reducers” that take place on the output of the mappers, prior to the shuffle and sort phase. Each combiner operates in isolation and therefore does not have access to intermediate output from other mappers. The combiner is provided keys and values associated with each key (the same types as the mapper output keys and values). Critically, one cannot assume that a combiner will have the opportunity to process all values associated with the same key. The combiner can emit any number of key-value pairs, but the keys and values must be of the same type as the mapper output (same as the reducer input).12 In cases where an operation is both associative and commutative (e.g., addition or multiplication), reducers can directly serve as combiners. In general, however, reducers and combiners are not interchangeable.

In many cases, proper use of combiners can spell the difference between an impractical algorithm and an efficient algorithm. This topic will be discussed in Section 3.1, which focuses on various techniques for local aggregation. It suffices to say for now that a combiner can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied over the network, resulting in much faster algorithms.

The complete MapReduce model is shown in Figure 2.4. Output of the mappers is processed by the combiners, which perform local aggregation to cut down on the number of intermediate key-value pairs. The partitioner determines which reducer will be responsible for processing a particular key, and the execution framework uses this information to copy the data to the right location during the shuffle and sort phase.13 Therefore, a complete MapReduce job consists of code for the mapper, reducer, combiner, and partitioner, along with job configuration parameters. The execution framework handles everything else.

Figure 2.4: Complete view of MapReduce, illustrating combiners and partitioners in addition to mappers and reducers. Combiners can be viewed as “mini-reducers” in the map phase. Partitioners determine which reducer is responsible for a particular key.


So far, we have mostly focused on the processing aspect of data-intensive processing, but it is important to recognize that without data, there is nothing to compute on. In high-performance computing (HPC) and many traditional cluster architectures, storage is viewed as a distinct and separate component from computation. Implementations vary widely, but network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SAN) are common; supercomputers often have dedicated subsystems for handling storage (separate nodes, and often even separate networks). Regardless of the details, the processing cycle remains the same at a high level: the compute nodes fetch input from storage, load the data into memory, process the data, and then write back the results (with perhaps intermediate checkpointing for long-running processes).

As dataset sizes increase, more compute capacity is required for processing. But as compute capacity grows, the link between the compute nodes and the storage becomes a bottleneck. At that point, one could invest in higher performance but more expensive networks (e.g., 10 gigabit Ethernet) or special-purpose interconnects such as InfiniBand (even more expensive). In most cases, this is not a cost-effective solution, as the price of networking equipment increases non-linearly with performance (e.g., a switch with ten times the capacity is usually more than ten times more expensive). Alternatively, one could abandon the separation of computation and storage as distinct components in a cluster. The distributed file system (DFS) that underlies MapReduce adopts exactly this approach. The Google File System (GFS) [57] supports Google’s proprietary implementation of MapReduce; in the open-source world, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is an open-source implementation of GFS that supports Hadoop. Although MapReduce doesn’t necessarily require the distributed file system, it is difficult to realize many of the advantages of the programming model without a storage substrate that behaves much like the DFS.14

Of course, distributed file systems are not new [7; 32; 74; 133; 147]. The MapReduce distributed file system builds on previous work but is specifically adapted to large-data processing workloads, and therefore departs from previous architectures in certain respects (see discussion by Ghemawat et al. [57] in the original GFS paper.). The main idea is to divide user data into blocks and replicate those blocks across the local disks of nodes in the cluster. Blocking data, of course, is not a new idea, but DFS blocks are significantly larger than block sizes in typical single-machine file systems (64 MB by default). The distributed file system adopts a master–slave architecture in which the master maintains the file namespace (metadata, directory structure, file to block mapping, location of blocks, and access permissions) and the slaves manage the actual data blocks. In GFS, the master is called the GFS master, and the slaves are called GFS chunkservers. In Hadoop, the same roles are filled by the namenode and datanodes, respectively.15 This book adopts the Hadoop terminology, although for most basic file operations GFS and HDFS work much the same way. The architecture of HDFS is shown in Figure 2.5, redrawn from a similar diagram describing GFS [57].

In HDFS, an application client wishing to read a file (or a portion thereof) must first contact the namenode to determine where the actual data is stored. In response to the client request, the namenode returns the relevant block id and the location where the block is held (i.e., which datanode). The client then contacts the datanode to retrieve the data. Blocks are themselves stored on standard single-machine file systems, so HDFS lies on top of the standard OS stack (e.g., Linux). An important feature of the design is that data is never moved through the namenode. Instead, all data transfer occurs directly between clients and datanodes; communication with the namenode only involves transfer of metadata.

Figure 2.5: The architecture of HDFS. The namenode (master) is responsible for maintaining the file namespace and directing clients to datanodes (slaves) that actually hold data blocks containing user data.

By default, HDFS stores three separate copies of each data block to ensure reliability, availability, and performance. In large clusters, the three replicas are spread across different physical racks, so HDFS is resilient towards two common failure scenarios: individual datanode crashes and failures in networking equipment that bring an entire rack offline. Replicating blocks across physical machines also increases opportunities to co-locate data and processing in the scheduling of MapReduce jobs, since multiple copies yield more opportunities to exploit locality. The namenode is in periodic communication with the datanodes to ensure proper replication of all the blocks: if there aren’t enough replicas (e.g., due to disk or machine failures or to connectivity losses due to networking equipment failures), the namenode directs the creation of additional copies;16 if there are too many replicas (e.g., a repaired node rejoins the cluster), extra copies are discarded.

To create a new file and write data to HDFS, the application client first contacts the namenode, which updates the file namespace after checking permissions and making sure the file doesn’t already exist. The namenode allocates a new block on a suitable datanode, and the application is directed to stream data directly to it. From the initial datanode, data is further propagated to additional replicas. In the most recent release of Hadoop as of this writing (release 0.20.2), files are immutable—they cannot be modified after creation. There are current plans to officially support file appends in the near future, which is a feature already present in GFS.

In summary, the HDFS namenode has the following responsibilities:

• Namespace management. The namenode is responsible for maintaining the file namespace, which includes metadata, directory structure, file to block mapping, location of blocks, and access permissions. These data are held in memory for fast access and all mutations are persistently logged.

• Coordinating file operations. The namenode directs application clients to datanodes for read operations, and allocates blocks on suitable datanodes for write operations. All data transfers occur directly between clients and datanodes. When a file is deleted, HDFS does not immediately reclaim the available physical storage; rather, blocks are lazily garbage collected.

• Maintaining overall health of the file system. The namenode is in periodic contact with the datanodes via heartbeat messages to ensure the integrity of the system. If the namenode observes that a data block is under-replicated (fewer copies are stored on datanodes than the desired replication factor), it will direct the creation of new replicas. Finally, the namenode is also responsible for rebalancing the file system.17 During the course of normal operations, certain datanodes may end up holding more blocks than others; rebalancing involves moving blocks from datanodes with more blocks to datanodes with fewer blocks. This leads to better load balancing and more even disk utilization.

Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce

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