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I knew little about the brain and even less about biofeedback when I started this book, so bringing me up to speed on those things required a great deal of patience on the part of those I questioned. I am especially indebted to Sue and Siegfried Othmer and Dennis Campbell, who indefatigably answered my questions and indulged my interest, long before a book was in the works. Barry Sterman, Joel Lubar, Michael Tansey, Margaret Ayers, Les Fehmi, and Susan Shor Fehmi also patiently fielded the dumb questions that journalists routinely ask. Gratitude is owed to Ray Flaherty, Lisa Larsen, and Jake Flaherty for sharing part of their lives with me. A thank-you is also due to the following: Bernadette Pedersen for hooking me to the brain wave equipment and buying lunch. Rob Kall was an intrepid guide through the labyrinth of personalities and protocols of brain wave training. Chris Carroll was extremely generous with his time and comments and suggestions, and helped me understand the intricacies of the scientific process. Anton Mueller was integral to the process of conceptualizing this book. My agent, Lisa Bankoff, took care of business. To my good friend Vaughn Sarkissian, CPA, for his excellent abilities to account. Morgan Entrekin for his commitment. Andrew Miller for judicious changes. Richard Krizan for his wise ways and manuscript review. D.D. Dowden for the right side of her brain. Thanks also to Jeanne Jiusto, Faith Conroy, David Spencer, and Florence Williams for their reads, and to Sara Luth and Randall Mann for a place to stay. Tony Jewett: for the photo; and my parents, Jim and Betty. And as always to Chere and Matt and Annika for putting up with the long work days and travel that it takes to research and write a book.

May their brain waves often be synchronous alpha.

A Symphony in the Brain

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