Читать книгу An Amish Match - Jo Ann Brown - Страница 3


“Will you marry me, Rebekah?” Joshua asked.

“But why?” Her cheeks turned to fire as she added, “That sounded awful. I’m sorry. The truth is you’ve always been a gut friend, Joshua, which is why I feel I can be blunt.”

“If we can’t speak honestly now, I can’t imagine when we could.”

“Then I will honestly say I don’t understand why you’d ask me to m-m-marry you.” She hated how she stumbled over the simple word.

No, it wasn’t simple. There was nothing simple about Joshua Stoltzfus appearing at her door to ask her to become his wife.

“Because we could help each other. Isn’t that what a husband and wife are? Helpmeets?” He cleared his throat. “I would rather marry a woman I know and respect as a friend. We’ve both married once for love, and we’ve both lost the one we love. Is it wrong to be more practical this time?”

Every inch of her wanted to shout, “Ja!” But his words made sense.

She’d been blinded by love once. How much better would it be to marry with her eyes wide open?

She’d be a fool not to agree immediately.

An Amish Match

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