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“Steph, it’s Jessie.” Thirty-six-year-old JessicaLynn Hanley kicked off her high heels and stretched out against the mountain of pillows on her king-sized bed. She crossed her stocking-clad ankles on the paisley bedspread and, holding the cordless phone between the pillows and her ear, unfastened the thin gold bracelet she had just bought.

“I thought about you a lot today,” Jessie’s best friend Stephanie Carlton said from a thousand miles away, “and I was hoping you’d call. Is it done?”

“Done,” Jessie said, glancing at her watch. “According to my lawyer, for three hours and seventeen minutes I’ve been a legally separated woman. All the papers neatly signed by the judge. It’s over.” Through surprisingly misty eyes, she glanced around the tastefully decorated room in which she had slept for the last nine years of her marriage and the fourteen months since Rob moved out.

“You knew this day would come,” Steph’s soft voice said. “Weren’t you prepared?”

“Oh, I guess I was,” Jessie said, taking a large swallow from the can of diet Pepsi she had grabbed on her way upstairs, “but, I guess I wasn’t quite as ready as I thought I was.”

“How do you feel about everything now?” Steph’s voice was filled with concern.

Jessie let out a long breath. “Mixed emotions. I thought about Rob a lot this afternoon and, hell, he’s still the person I spent all those years with, thinking we were happy. Part of me is sad, like something died.” She shook her head. “Of course, most of me still wants to shoot the bastard.” She closed her eyes and the moment that changed her life played behind her lids like a movie.

It had been more than a year since she had arrived at her husband’s dental office late one afternoon with swatches of fabric for new chairs for the waiting room. His receptionist had left for the day, so Jessie had wandered back toward his private office where he often worked late getting his paperwork in order. As she glanced into the main operatory, she had been greeted by the vision of her husband’s bare ass, muscles clenching, back arching as he crouched over the contour dental chair and drove his cock into his recently hired twenty-two-year-old dental assistant. “Harder Robby baby, harder,” the girl had been screaming. “Fuck me good. Fill me up.”

Snapping back to the present, Jessie said, “You know, Steph, all I could think of when I walked in on the two of them fucking was the old joke about the voluptuous woman who goes into the dentist’s office. After a brief exam, he tells her that she needs quite a bit of very expensive dental work. ‘Oh fuck,’ she says. ‘Okay,’ says the dentist, ‘just tell me which cavity you want me to fill and I’ll adjust the chair.’”

Jessie enjoyed her friend’s deep husky laugh. During their senior year at Ottawa High in Ottawa, Illinois, Steph, her steady boyfriend and now husband Brian, Jessie and Rob had hung out together. They had gone to the drive-in in LaSalle in Rob’s father’s Pontiac and pretended to watch the latest movie, shared burgers and fries at Bianchi’s or the Root Beer Stand, and planned their futures.

“Wall Street,” Brian had said, over and over. “I’m going to make millions and then Steph and I will get married and have a dozen kids.”

Immediately after graduation Brian, true to his dreams, had moved to New York and had made a great deal of money as a commodities trader. He had sent for Steph and they had married and moved to Westchester County. Unfortunately, their only child, Theresa, had been killed at the age of nine. She had been riding her bicycle near the elementary school when a drunken driver ran his car onto the sidewalk and struck the child.

“I’m going to be a doctor or dentist and make scads of money,” Rob had said from the driver’s seat of the Pontiac. “I’ll join the country club and play tennis every Thursday afternoon.” And Rob had done just that; gone to college and dental school while Jessie had worked to support both of them. Insisting that he wouldn’t make a good father, Rob had also decided that the couple would have no children.

Through the years, though a thousand miles apart, Steph and Jessie had kept in touch and had remained close. Jessie had even visited the Carltons’ home in Harrison occasionally.

“It’s good to hear that you haven’t lost your sense of humor,” Steph said.

Jessie sat on the edge of the bed and began to pull the pins from her carefully arranged titian French knot. An attractive, green-eyed redhead, she had freckleless ivory skin and a slender figure with ample curves in all the right places. “My funny bone is still intact. Actually, I feel a little sorry for the jerk. I get weekly reports from some of our old supposedly well-meaning friends who think I need blow-by-blow accounts of their comings and goings, pardon the pun. I understand that he’s going to marry the bimbo. She has the brains of a thumbtack and giggles all the time, but you know all the stories about the seven-year itch. Rob always was a bit slow. It took him thirteen years to feel it. I hope they’ll be very happy, snarl. I’ll retract my claws now.” Jessie’s voice dropped. “Anyway, maybe she’s good in bed, better than I ever was.” Jessie was amazed at the knot of bitterness that was lodged in the pit of her stomach. She and Rob hadn’t had a volcanic sex life but she had been content. Content. What a horrible word to describe a sex life.

“Do I hear a note of self-pity?” Steph asked. When her comment was followed by a long pause, she continued, “Cut that out, Jessie.”

“I know. It’s just that I thought we were happy. I feel duped, somehow.” She stood up and walked to the window, overlooking the backyard. She raised the sash and inhaled the fragrance of freshly cut grass. “And suddenly I feel very lonely, very foreign here.”

Steph changed the subject quickly. “Are you changing your name back?”

“No. I thought about it, but so much of my business life is under the name Hanley that I’m going to keep the name. And, after all, it’s so much easier to pronounce and spell than Florcyk.”

“Lord knows you’re right about that,” Steph said. “Remember, in school, how we always waited for the teacher to get to your name the first day. No one could ever say it right.”

Jessie smiled. “Remember Mr. Honeywell? He never did learn to pronounce it. He got as far as Fler-cuck and called me that all year.” Jessie pictured their senior English teacher. He had held all the girls spellbound with his sensual reading of eighteenth-century English poetry.

“God, he was something,” Steph said with a small sigh. “I still get the hots just thinking about him. He had the greatest buns in those tight jeans he wore.”

“A tight, flat rear and that fantastic bulge in the front. We speculated for hours about whether he wore padding in his shorts.” Jessie smiled. She hadn’t thought sexy, outrageous things like that in years, and, she suddenly realized, she missed it.

“And what about men in your life?” Steph asked. “Are you dating yet?”

“Yes and no. There’s a guy I’ve known for a few months. We’ve been to dinner a few times in the past few months and I think he’s interested.”

“And you? How do you feel?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m not ready yet. Steve, that’s his name, Steve’s sweet and kind and thoughtful. But I feel, I can’t explain it, sort of closed in.”

“So come back here and stay with Brian and me for a few weeks or longer.” Steph had been trying to convince Jessie to visit for months. “You’re selling the house so you have to move anyway. Let someone in your office handle the arrangements and get the hell out of town for a while.”

“Oh, Steph, I wish I could.”

“Why can’t you?”

“I have responsibilities here.”

“Like what?”

“Like the office.” Jessie owned Ferncrest Realty, a small but successful real estate agency specializing in newly built town houses. “And selling the house. Packing, organizing, you know.”

“You’ve told me over and over that the office runs like clockwork. I’m sure you hate to admit that it can get along without you, but it can and it will. And how will it feel showing strangers through your house, knowing that they’re criticizing your landscaping and your wallpaper? You don’t need that right now.”

Jessie looked down at the backyard. She remembered planting most of the red, white, and pink azaleas that blazed in full bloom along the foundation. “I know that, but I don’t mind selling the house. It was always too ostentatious for my taste. Rob was the one who wanted a big, showy house in which to entertain. His lawyer told me that he wanted to keep it, buy me out but I told him no. I won’t have Rob and bimbette living here.” Her eyes misted as she stared into the master bath and took in the new fixtures she and Rob had had installed just a month before ‘the event.’ “I just can’t bear that.”

“I understand, Jessie. If, God forbid, anything like that ever happened to Brian and me, I wouldn’t want him to live here either.”

“Everything has two sides, you know, and sometimes my feelings change from minute to minute. There’s a big part of me that still feels the history in here. So much entertaining: the bridge games, the country club crowd that Rob wanted so much to be a part of, barbecues on the deck.” Jessie tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder and, with all the pins now removed from her long, red hair, combed her slender fingers through the strands and rubbed her scalp. “That’s all over now.”

“So, why stay there? Come to Harrison and stay with us. You know this huge old place has plenty of room. You could have the entire end of the house you had when you were here two years ago. All the privacy you could want, and all of my company you can stand.”

“Oh Steph, it sounds so tempting.”

“I wish you’d come. Harrison has so much to offer you, especially at this point in your life. It will be like old times. Girl talk, movies. We can lounge by the pool and talk about life, love and good sex, not necessarily in that order.”

“What about my life here? I’ve got to find a place to live.”

“Do it later. You don’t want to make any long-term decisions right now anyway and you can certainly afford to dump most of your stuff. Put things you really want to keep in storage and split.” Jessie paused, so Steph continued, “It would be so great. You and me, on our own near the big city. Nobody gleefully keeping you up to date on Rob’s escapades. Just Broadway plays, expensive restaurants, museums, Bergdorfs, Bloomingdales, Saks, Lord & Taylor’s, the works.”

“Not too many restaurants,” Jessie said, running her palm down her flat stomach. “My figure couldn’t stand the calories.”

“Calories are overrated.” Steph stopped suddenly. “Whoa. Wait a minute. Was that a yes I heard?”

Jessie flopped back onto a stack of pillows. “Why the hell not? For a couple of weeks anyway.”

Steph squealed like the girls had when they were kids. “Wonderful. I never believed you’d actually agree.”

“Are you sure you’re not regretting your offer now that I’ve said yes?”

“Of course not. It will be great. I don’t mean to push my luck but how soon can you get here?”

Jessie giggled and pulled her datebook from her bedside table. She flipped the pages. “Okay. It’s May seventeenth.” She planned out loud. “Give me a month to get a few arrangements made. Make it six weeks. I’m selling most of the furniture anyway, so all I have to do is sort out some personal stuff. God, the amount of crap one collects in nine years.”

“Just pull out what you want and let Rob sort out the rest. Since you’re there, you get first dibs.”

“It’s all in that long-discussed separation agreement anyway. Now let’s see.” She planned out loud, her pencil tapping the dates on the calendar in her book. “The house goes on the market July first. I’ll put a few things in storage, pack a couple of bags…. How about I fly out June twenty-fifth. That’s a Sunday. I’ll plan to stay for….”

“Leave your return open. Maybe I’ll be able to convince you to stay for the whole summer.”

“Okay. No return just yet.” Jessie wrote ‘Go to Harrison’ across the space for June twenty-fifth, then slammed her datebook shut and dropped it onto the bed. “Oh Steph, thanks. Now that I’ve made the decision, I feel so relieved. I guess I didn’t realize how much this divorce has taken out of me.”

“Well I did, and I’m delighted that you’ve finally made the right decision.”

The two women talked for another half an hour, and, after she hung up, Jessie pulled off her clothes and soaked in a hot bath. Then, after a dinner of pasta, salad, and a glass of Beck’s Dark, she collapsed into bed and slept through the night for the first time in weeks.

Later that evening, in her bedroom in Harrison, Stephanie stretched out beside her husband Brian. “I can’t believe I actually talked her into coming out here. It will be so good for her.”

Steph was Jessie’s physical opposite, tall and angular with long legs and a slender, tight figure. She had recently had her almost-black hair styled into a shoulder-length bob that framed her conventionally pretty face. She needed almost no makeup to highlight her doelike deep brown eyes, cute turned-up nose, and full, sensuous lips.

Brian rubbed his palm over his wife’s naked hip. “What about us? You know. How much does Jessie know about the way we live?”

“Not much yet, love,” Steph said, sliding her fingers through the heavy black hair on Brian’s chest and gazing into his unusually pale, blue eyes. “But she will, soon enough. It will be an enlightening experience for her.”

“I’ve always had the feeling that there was so much more to her than Rob ever saw. The jerk. While we were making out in the backseat, I used to listen to them in the front.”

“You’re kidding,” Steph said, caressing her husband’s flat stomach with the tips of her fingers. “I was always too busy trying to control your hands, or pretending to, to pay attention to anything else.”

“Oh, I just heard bits and pieces, before and after. He always satisfied himself but I had the feeling that he didn’t pay much attention to whether Jessie was satisfied or not.”

“Tell me the truth,” Steph said. “You always had the hots for her, didn’t you?”

Brian’s breathing quickened. “She was a sexy little number. I know there’s animal sensuality hidden beneath the surface, fighting to get out through all that carefully orchestrated facade. I’d love to be the one to let it out.”

“You and she never made it?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

Steph wrapped her long fingers around Brian’s hard cock. “There’s still hope, you know.”

“I know, babe,” he said, sliding his index finger over her wet inner lips. “I know.” Brian rolled his wife onto her back and slammed into her until they both came, screaming.

After a long and delightfully uneventful flight from Chicago, Jessie walked down the long corridor at Newark Airport and grinned as she saw Steph waving. Just outside the security gate, Jessie dropped her carry-on bag and the two women hugged. Jostled from all sides, they moved out of the line of deplaning passengers. “You took tremendous,” Steph said.

“You like?” Jessie said, turning so Steph could appreciate her new navy linen pantsuit and pale pink tailored blouse. “I went shopping yesterday. I’m new from the skin out.” She lifted one foot and waggled it to show off her new navy low-heeled opera pumps. “And from the top down.”

“You look fabulous,” Steph said, “but I’m disappointed. I wanted to take you shopping myself. You need jeans, shorts, T-shirts, things like that. And, although I lead a denim kind of life most of the time, you’ll need a dress or two.”

“We will shop until we drop, to coin a phrase,” Jessie said, settling the strap of her suitcase on her shoulder. “I only bought a few things and I brought my checkbook and my credit cards.”

“You’re doing okay, financially, I gather.”

“I’m doing just fine. The business is thriving despite the economy and Rob, under mild duress, was very generous, bless his pointed little head.”

“Are you getting alimony?”

“We hassled for a while. His practice nets him in the low six figures but I just wanted payment for the years I spent putting him through dental school so he could drill his bimbo.”

“Bitter, darling?” Steph asked, raising one eyebrow.

Jessie sighed. “I have my moments. But on to better topics. What do we have planned for the next week or so?”

“I thought you might want to relax for a few days. Become a vegetable. So I arranged my schedule so that I’m at the gift shop at the hospital Monday and Thursday, but for the rest of the week, I’m yours.” Steph had been working at the shop at the hospital for several years and, since her arrival, it had become a profitable business for the small local institution.

“You like working at the hospital. I wish I had something like that, something that made me feel good about myself.”

“So do it. When you get back…. No, I won’t talk about you going back to Illinois. It’ll spoil my good mood.”

“And how’s Brian?”

“He’s great, working hard and playing hard. He’s got a tennis game this afternoon, but he said to give you a kiss and tell you he’d see you at dinner.”

“God, I’m so glad to see you,” Jessie said, hugging her friend again.

The two women walked toward the baggage claim area stopping occasionally to hug again. “How much luggage did you bring?” Steph asked, matching her stride to her friend’s.

“Only one large suitcase with some essentials and enough clothes to hold me for a few days. I didn’t want any leftovers.” She heaved a great sigh. “The house is ready to go. And I do mean go. It’s well priced and should sell quickly. And the office is better organized than I’d like to admit.”

In the baggage claim area, they spotted the illuminated sign for the flight from Chicago and reached the edge of the carousel just as it started to move. “We’re looking for a beige tapestry suitcase with brown trim,” Jessie said.

As they watched, the first bag over the top of the chute and onto the turning plates was Jessie’s. “That’s never happened to me before,” Jessie said, her mouth hanging open. “My suitcase is usually so far down the line that almost everyone has already left.”

“Well,” Steph said, “it’s an omen.” She hefted the bag from the moving platform. “Good luck and good things are coming.”

“Oh, I hope so.” Jessie fumbled in her purse for her baggage stub. “Sometimes I’m so up, excited about starting a new phase in my life.” She looked her best friend in the eyes. “Then, at other times, I’m so down. Rob and I were comfortable and good together. I knew what he was thinking and he knew….” Her eyes began to fill. “It’s so final.”

“None of that,” Steph said, linking her free arm with her friend’s. “Only good thoughts will be permitted.”

Jessie shook her head and a wisp of hair fell from her French knot. Impatiently she stuffed it into one of the bobby pins that pulled her hair tight against her head. “Right. Only good thoughts.”

They arrived in Harrison and had just pulled Jessie’s suitcase from the trunk of Steph’s BMW when Brian drove up the long driveway, honking the horn of his Lexus and grinning through the windshield. He pulled to a stop, jumped out of the car, and enveloped Jessie in a giant bearhug. “Oh, JJ,” he said, reverting to Jessie’s nickname from their days in high school. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Me too,” she said, hugging him back. “I’d almost forgotten the days of being called JJ. You’re the only one who calls me that anymore. It takes me back.”

“If you hadn’t been so hooked on Rob, I would have jumped you back then and Steph would have had to find someone else.”

“You are so full of it, Brian,” Jessie said, laughing, swatting him on the ass. “You should have been born Irish.”

“Okay, okay, so I exaggerate a bit. But I am glad to see you.”

Jessie pushed Brian to arm’s length and looked him over. Although he was not particularly tall, Brian was a big man, with large hands and feet and an open, ingenuous smile that lit up his ordinary-looking face. His tennis whites accentuated his oversized arms and legs, all covered with heavy black hair. His skin was heavily tanned, making his eyes look even paler than she remembered. She hugged him again, enjoying the feel of a virile man after so many months alone. “You look fantastic, sir,” she said, a bit embarrassed by the erotic thoughts his tight shorts aroused. “And happy.”

Brian reached out and draped his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “Happy doesn’t describe it.” He pecked Steph on the cheek, then said, “When’s dinner? I’m starved.”

“Everything’s in the fridge and ready to go. You get the fire started and I’ll show Jessie to her room.”

“Will do. I’ll start the grill, then take a quick shower. Dinner should be ready in less than an hour.”

Just over an hour later, the three friends were filling their plates with rare steak, a rice pilaf that Steph had just removed from the microwave, and a crisp green salad with tiny shrimp and bacon bits. “I hope you’re not watching your calories,” Steph said. “At least not for today. I decided that in honor of your arrival I would make all the things I don’t ordinarily eat. To hell with cholesterol.”

Brian uncorked a bottle of California Cabernet and poured some into each glass. Jessie looked at the label on the bottle. “Stag’s Leap. 1984. Very nice wine.”

Brian lifted his glass. “For a very nice lady and her new life. To JJ.” His eyes locked with Jessie’s and, after a moment, she looked away.

This is silly, Jessie told herself. It feels like he’s flirting with me. It only goes to show that I’ve been celibate too long. He’s my best friend’s husband, for heaven’s sake. She shook it off and spent the rest of the evening chatting amiably with Steph and Brian.

The following day Jessie unwound. Between Brian’s job and Steph’s stint at the hospital, Jessie saw nothing of either of them. Content to be alone she sat beside the pool until her skin turned a luscious shade of soft apricot, read a romance novel, soaked in a bubble bath for an hour in the oversized jacuzzi-tub in her bathroom, and generally exorcised Rob from her consciousness.

She saw Steph briefly late that afternoon. Jessie had grabbed a container of yogurt from the fridge and was sitting at the table in the kitchen, eating with one hand and holding her book open with the other.

“Hi, Steph,” she said, looking up from her book. “What’s up? How was your day?”

“The day was great, but I now have a delightful idea. Brian got two tickets for a concert tonight from some client and we can easily get a third. Very last minute. It’s the Julliard String Quartet. Brian and I love them and we don’t get to hear them very often. How about us both joining him in the city? Dinner, the concert? It would do you a world of good.”

“I’m not a concert kind of person, Steph. All that music, particularly after a good dinner, just puts me to sleep. You go, and have a great time.”

“But we haven’t spent any time together. You’ve been alone all day.”

“And I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Go and enjoy your concert. I want to get to bed early anyway. All this relaxing is making me tired.” To emphasize her drowsiness, she yawned. “I don’t want you to feel you have to entertain me. I do just fine on my own.”

“I feel so guilty. But we’re best friends and I’ll trust you to be honest. So if you’re sure you don’t mind I’d really like to see this. And the next two days, and Friday as well, are ours. Shopping. Bloomies maybe?”

“Done. See you in the morning.”

The next morning, dressed in jeans and a white tank top, Jessie sat in a long white lounge chair in her favorite room in the Carltons’ house. Jessie knew that, when Steph and Brian had bought the house a dozen years before, the room had been an open flagstone patio overlooking the pool, shaded at each end by a huge red maple. The couple had immediately seen its potential and had enclosed it with louvered windows and white wood. They had furnished it in white wicker and cluttered it with dozens of pillows in primary colors.

Once the room was constructed, Steph had worked with a florist, learning everything she could about houseplants. She decorated the room with carefully selected specimens, and then tended them with loving care. One end contained cactuses, many blooming with either flowers or colored globes. The other end was all greenery, with ivys, ferns, and a six-foot-high fig tree. In the center, where there was sun most of the day, Steph had put florals with several plants in bloom at all times—African violets in exotic shades, orchids and lilies, anything that caught her fancy. One section was her hospital. The owner of the florist shop frequently gave Steph plants that weren’t doing well, for her to nurse back to health. She spent time almost every day misting, watering, pruning, and removing dead blooms.

Jessie had gotten up early that morning and, although it was only eight-thirty, she was sitting and reading, a cup of fresh coffee at her elbow. As she read, she suddenly became aware of sounds from the pool. She shifted her position and peered through the leaves of a deep orange hibiscus. She couldn’t believe what she saw.

Not twenty feet away, beside the pool, Steph lay, stretched out on a lounge chair, dressed in only the top of a tiny black bikini. The bottom of the suit lay on the concrete beside her chair. Her legs straddled the cushions and a man lay between her thighs, his head buried in her pussy. “Ummm,” Jessie heard Steph mumble. “That’s wonderful.” As Jessie watched she became aware of a smooth, tanned back and a tight, tiny ass. She realized that the head that bobbed in Steph’s lap was blond. It was not Brian.

Jessie could hear slurping sounds and moans. Wanting to turn away yet fascinated, Jessie watched through the leaves and blossoms.

“Oh Tony,” Steph moaned. “Do that more.” Her legs trembled and her fists clenched and unclenched. “Yes, just like that.” She reached behind her back and untied the top of her bathing suit to free her breasts. As the young man lapped, she pinched her nipples and squirmed. Jessie saw Tony hold Steph’s hips still as his mouth worked its magic. Jessie’s body throbbed and she could almost feel Tony’s tongue as it brought Steph closer and closer to orgasm.

“Oh baby,” Steph yelled, “don’t stop!”

Jessie wiggled her hips to scratch the itch that grew between her legs. She clenched her vaginal muscles as Steph yelled, “Now, baby. Stick me now!”

Tony plunged two fingers into Steph’s body. His arm worked like a piston as Steph’s hips thrashed. “Yes,” she screamed. “Yes!” As she clutched the arms of the lounge chair and arched her back, the man could barely keep his face against her cunt and his fingers pistoning.

Jessie could almost feel her friend’s orgasm and, as she heard Steph’s heavy breathing slow, Jessie snuck back into the house and up to her room.

What the hell was that all about? she wondered as she closed the door to her room and dropped onto the bed. She took a few deep breaths to calm her excited body, then propped her head on the pillows. Steph had been a bit wild as a kid, she remembered. She had dated several boys before she met Brian and had told Jessie in great detail about one particular gymnast who finally convinced her to go ‘all the way’ in the backseat of his father’s Oldsmobile. “Boy,” Steph had told her, “his gymnastics aren’t limited to the gymnasium.

Jessie shook her head. I never thought she’d cheat on Brian like this, she thought, her eyes filling. What is it about sex that makes good people like Steph and Rob do such impossible things, lie and cheat? What is it about sex?

It was after ten when Jessie heard a light knock on her bedroom door. “You up?” a voice whispered.

Jessie wiped her eyes, composed her face and, trying not to look as upset as she felt, said, “Sure. Come on in.”

“Well, good morning sleepyhead,” Steph said. She had changed into a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a short-sleeved, navy-blue shirt.

“Good morning yourself,” Jessie answered, not totally successful at keeping the edge from her voice.

“What’s wrong, Jessie?” Steph said. “You sound upset.”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Jessie said. “Just a bit cranky this morning.”

“Don’t kid me, babe,” Steph said, plopping onto the edge of the bed. “Something’s up.” When Jessie was silent, Steph dropped the novel Jessie had been reading onto the bed beside her. “I found this in the plant room. Does this have anything to do with your mood this morning?”

Jessie picked up the book and put it on the bedside table. “I must have left it there last evening.”

“Don’t, babe. You never were a very good liar. You saw Tony and me earlier, didn’t you.”

Jessie blushed, but remained silent.

“You’re embarrassed. I can understand that, but what Tony and I did was just clean, honest fun. He comes to tend to the pool and, occasionally, he tends to me as well. It’s really nothing.”

“Nothing?” Jessie spat. “What about Brian? I’m sure he wouldn’t think it was nothing if he knew.”

“Of course he knows,” Steph said softly. “Come on downstairs. Let’s get some coffee and I’ll explain everything. I was going to tell you about things before this, but I haven’t gotten a chance.”

“What things?”

“Coffee first. I need some right about now. I promise I’ll tell you everything.”

Fifteen minutes later, the two women sat in the plant room, each with a fresh cup of coffee and a toasted english muffin. The coffeepot sat on a warmer near Steph. As she munched on her muffin Jessie’s lay untouched on the plate beside her. They had not spoken a word.

“Okay, Jessie,” Steph said with a long sigh, “let me try to explain.” She sipped her coffee. “About three years ago, Brian was infatuated with a single woman in his office. He told me about it and, for a while, telling about what it might be like if they ever got together made for wild times in bed. Finally, I asked him if he’d like to actually be with her. You know, make love. He said yes.”

“He told you that he wanted to go to bed with another woman?” Jessie was horrified.

“There isn’t a man on this earth who hasn’t thought about doing that at one time or another. Brian was just honest enough to admit it. He would never lie to me and I knew that he wouldn’t do anything without telling me.”

“And you allowed him to be with someone else?”

“Allowed is an interesting word. I hate to think that I’m in charge of his sex life. I gave it a lot of thought and I decided that I wanted him to be happy. I guess I’m very strong because I didn’t feel threatened. It wasn’t that kind of thing. He wasn’t in love with her, just in lust.”

Jessie laughed and started to relax. “In lust. That’s an interesting way to put it.”

“Well, that’s really what it was. Haven’t you ever felt that pull, that almost irresistible urge to jump into some man’s pants?” When her friend was silent, Steph continued, “You, my love, haven’t lived. It’s a great feeling, even if you never get to do anything about it.”

“I guess I’ve got no sex drive,” Jessie said softly. “And no sex appeal either.”

“Bullshit,” Steph said. “You just haven’t discovered them yet. Anyway, getting back to Valerie. That was her name, Valerie. I never saw her, but Brian described her to me. Tall and shapely, with big, soft tits and great, long legs. But it wasn’t her body that turned Brian on. It was her obvious attraction to him. Her eye contact, smiles, movements.”

“He told you all that?”

“He described everything in detail afterward, in bed. And the telling got him so hot that we fucked like bunnies.”

Jessie shook her head. “I don’t believe it. You lay in bed discussing another woman fucking your husband.”

Steph nodded, silently letting Jessie absorb what she had heard.

Jessie picked up her muffin and took a bite. “Amazing. How long did it last?”

“He was only with her for about two months, then it all wore off for both of them. So much of being in lust is the expectation, not the actuality. Reality is frequently a letdown.”

Despite her amazement, Jessie was fascinated. “You still haven’t told me about this morning.”

“Give me time,” Steph said. “It’s a long story. It was several months after that and Brian and I had spent an evening playing Boggle with Lara and Hank Cortez, friends of ours from Scarsdale. Have you ever played Boggle? It’s a word game and it’s lots of fun. Your score is based on the number of words you can make that no one else wrote down. Well, everyone had had quite a bit to drink and, toward the end of the evening, we had gotten very silly.”

Take Me To Bed

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