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Carla and Ronnie had lunch together the following afternoon in Ronnie’s living room. “From your contented look,” Ronnie said, swallowing a bite of grilled mushroom, “I assume Bryce did right by you.”

“He sure did. It was wonderful.”

“I’d love to hear all the details,” Ronnie said, “But I don’t want you to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

With a laugh, Carla said, “That’s very funny coming from you and considering the business we have in mind.”

“You still have the right to be uncomfortable about things. You give up no rights here.”

“I know, and thanks.” Carla proceeded to tell Ronnie about the previous evening, chapter and verse.

“This tendency you have to be submissive could be a profitable addition to our business. You know that I tend to be the dominant one and I have many friends who enjoy playing with me. But lots of men like to be the master. Well,” Ronnie said, spearing a shrimp with her fork, “we’ll figure that out as time goes on. First, I’d like you to think about changing your appearance. Making yourself look more sophisticated. I’d love to get you an appointment with Jean-Claude.”

“The Jean-Claude? The one who works with all the stars?”

“That’s him. And he’s done pretty well for himself since he and I first met,” Ronnie said. “He did a makeover for me a long time ago, when he was still a hairdresser named Jimmy and I was still relatively monogamous. He did my hair, taught me how to use makeup, how to select the most becoming clothes, the works. I recommended him to my friends. He’ll do wonders for you.”

“Am I that bad?”

“You are perfect for the supermarket and the PTA but not quite right for men who want to take you out and show you off. Like last evening. In addition to how it will make you feel, it makes a man feel potent if the woman he’s with makes others’ heads turn.”

“I guess you’re right.” Carla crossed the room and looked at herself in the antique mirror that hung over the maple desk. She lifted her long brown hair and turned left and right to study her face. As usual she wore only rouge, gray eyeshadow, and lipstick. Her earrings were simple gold hoops. “Do you think Jean-Claude could do something with me?”

“You bet.” Ronnie looked sheepish, then said, “As a matter of fact, you’re due at his studio in about an hour.”

Carla’s laughter was immediate. “You were so sure?”

“What woman could resist putting themselves in the hands of a talented, gorgeous Frenchman with the soul of a lover?”

“Does he know about you and this?” Carla said, waving her arm around the lavish room.

“Actually he’s a good source of referrals,” Ronnie said. “He works around celebrities and he occasionally meets someone who wants discrete company.”

“You’ve entertained celebrities? Here?”

Ronnie sighed. “Russell Street was here just last month.”

“I’m impressed,” Carla said. “Russell Street.”

“Don’t get starstruck. Eventually you may entertain someone famous, but what they want as much as anything else is a companion who’ll enjoy cavorting without the trophy-collecting mentality that groupies are known for.”

“Well,” Carla said, “if I’m due at Jean-Claude’s, I’d better take a quick shower and wash my hair. Are you coming too?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Jean-Claude did wonders. He cut Carla’s hair short so it formed a soft frame around her face and rinsed in a slight reddish highlight. He and Ronnie spent an hour showing Carla how to put on her makeup and select clothes that would best accentuate her lovely figure. Together they tried earrings and necklaces on Carla to see which complemented the shape of her face and her large brown eyes. Jean-Claude’s manicurist redid her nails in a bright shade that Carla thought of as hemorrhage red.

Finally, when she studied herself in the mirror, Carla was thrilled. Her eyes appeared larger and her cheekbones seemed higher. Dangling gold earrings made her neck look longer and the teal scarf Jean-Claude had draped around the collar of her white blouse brought out the pink in her cheeks.

“Remember when we…uh…ran into each other that morning last summer?” Ronnie said with a wink. “You described yourself as medium brown and average, average, average?”

“I did, didn’t I.”

“And now?”

Carla gazed at herself in the mirror. “Well, I have to admit that I’m not half bad.”

“Not half bad indeed.”

When Carla arrived home late that afternoon, her boys just stared. “Hey, Mom, what’s with the new hair and stuff?” Tommy asked.

“I had a makeover. My friend Ronnie suggested it. Do you like?”

“Heck no,” Tommy said. “You look like a model or something, not like a mom.”

“Yeah,” her youngest chimed in.

“I think I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Cut it out you guys,” BJ said. “Mom’s looking for a man. It’ll be good for her, dating and all.” He patted her on the arm and Carla suddenly realized that her thirteen-year-old son was almost as tall as she was. “It’s okay, Mom. If you find a nice man, I’ll explain it to these guys.”

“Thanks, BJ,” she said, completely nonplussed, “but I’m not looking for a man. I just want to look nicer for my business meetings.”

“You know as well as I do,” BJ said, “that grown-ups need a partner. Hormones and all that.”

“Oprah again?”

“Yeah. And we learned about that in sex education.”

Carla tried not to laugh.

“Will you still cook and stuff?” Tommy asked, his eleven-year-old mind not yet taking it all in.

“Of course. If you’ll let me get into the kitchen we’ll do Barrett-burgers for everyone.”

Three days after Carla’s session with Jean-Claude, Tim Sorenson maneuvered his station wagon into the parking space that appeared unexpectedly when a van pulled out from right in front of Ronnie’s door. He sat for a moment, thinking about his assignment: to take photos of Ronnie’s friend Carla for an album like Black Satin. Ronnie had told him a lot about the woman he was about to meet and he was confident that he could do a professional job.

Since his first evening with Ronnie, Tim had come a long way. He’d managed to tell his father that his working life wouldn’t revolve exclusively around the oil business and, to his dad’s credit TJ had taken the news just fine. Although he still worked at American Oil and Gas Products with his father, Tim now also viewed himself as a photographer. His work had appeared in several photography magazines and two of his views of the California coast were appearing more and more frequently in photo stores. Clients wanting Tim to do portraits had to book him three months in advance.

More important, thanks to Ronnie, Tim had discovered the joy of sex, to borrow a famous phrase. His new vibrancy showed in his work. Women seemed more beautiful, men more robust. His first serious photographic assignment had been the nearly two hundred pictures he’d taken of Ronnie for her album. During that photo session they’d made love in ways Tim hadn’t dreamed of and they’d been together several times since. He now considered himself a sexual sophisticate. And he loved it.

He climbed out of the driver’s seat and unloaded cases from the back of the wagon, stacking lenses, camera bodies, and video equipment. He also pulled out a nylon bag filled with goodies he’d gathered after his long conversation with Ronnie about Carla. He walked up the steps and rang the doorbell with his elbow.

When Carla answered the door she saw a wholesome, appealing looking young man standing on the stoop, his hands filled with black leather cases. Tim held the handle of a blue nylon gym bag with his teeth, which muffled his words. “Catch the top one,” he mumbled. “It’s going to fall.”

The case toppled from the stack and Carla neatly caught it, tucked it under one arm, and snatched the bag from his teeth. “You certainly come prepared,” she said.

“Overprepared, one might say. May I come in? This stuff’s heavy.”

“Sorry,” Carla said, stepping away from the door and holding it open with her foot. “Come on in.”

As if familiar with the house, Tim walked directly into the living room, dumped the cases on the leather sofa, and extended one hand. “Hi. I’m Tim, as you already know, and you’re Carla.”

Carla shook his hand and was charmed by the warmth of both his grip and his open smile. As Tim sat on the sofa and unsnapped his cases, Carla settled next to him and curled her feet underneath her. “Nice to meet you, Tim.”

“Me too. I’ve talked about you with Ronnie and I’ve got some dynamite ideas about this shoot.”

“You and Ronnie talked about me?”

“Sure. She helped me get a handle on what kind of pictures you want. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t. What did she tell you?”

“Just that this is your first venture into this…uh, business…and that you want shots for your album. I’ve got ideas about that but, if it’s fine with you, I’d like to keep them to myself for the time being. Anyway, what do you think of Ronnie’s album?”

“Impressive.” Carla thought about the erotic photos of Ronnie and wondered whether she’d be comfortable enough with this stranger to pose like that. She twisted her fingers in her lap. “Ronnie looks so great.”

“Yeah, they did turn out well. But I had a good subject.” Tim studied his new subject more closely and muttered aloud as he thought. “Great eyes, fabulous cheekbones, great skin so there’ll be no problems with close-ups.”

Carla squirmed under Tim’s scrutiny, glad of the job that Jean-Claude and Ronnie had done with her. She ran her fingers through the cap of soft waves and nervously licked her lips. Tim’s smile was warm and understanding and since his manner was both professional and friendly, she began to relax.

“I’m sorry you’re nervous,” Tim said. “I think you’ll find the nervousness wears off quickly once we start.”

“I hadn’t realized how anxious I was about this. I really don’t know exactly what to do.”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s my job. Would you stand up?”

Carla stood, her hands hanging awkwardly at her sides.

“Relax,” Tim said. “You’re going to be great.” Long legs he thought. A great body, magnificent breasts. He decided to take a risk. Either he was going to get terrific, sexual pictures or he was going to blow it before he even took one shot. “I can see your nipples through your shirt,” he said softly. “Any man would want to suck them.” He watched her body react and knew just how to get the attitude he wanted.

Carla was a bit surprised by the language coming from this stranger, but excited too. Although they shocked her, she realized his raw words also aroused her.

“Can I get you a drink or something?” she asked.

“Actually I’d like to get started, if that’s okay. This light is wonderful and I’d like to get a few head shots right here before we do anything else.”

Carla used the mirror over the desk to touch up her makeup. “Where would you like to start?”

Tim shoved a chair toward the window, adjusted its position several times and said, “Sit here and let’s see.” Carla settled into the chair but Tim shook his head and pulled her to her feet. He moved the chair slightly and sat her back down again. “Yeah. That’s nice,” he said finally.

Heeding Jean-Claude’s advice, Carla had selected a simple kelly green tank top and black palazzo pants. She added a gold chain with large open links and oversized gold earrings. As she settled in the chair, she fluffed her short hair and Tim watched the sunlight coming through the window catch the reddish highlights. She had used three shades of eyeshadow, liner, and mascara as Jean-Claude had shown her and, with the addition of rouge and lipstick, she had been pleased with the results.

“You look smashing,” Tim said. “Now turn your head this way and tip your head.” He spent several more minutes peering through the lens of his camera and adjusting the tilt of Carla’s head and the angle of her shoulders. He also set up a video camera on a tripod, aimed at her chair.


“Sure. You’d be surprised how many men will enjoy watching you on tape, knowing that you’re in the room with them, naked and willing.”

“I never considered that but I’m getting an education quickly. Does Ronnie have a video?”

“Several. I’ll shut it down if you don’t want it.”

Carla stared into the video camera’s eye and found that being on display was exciting. Go the whole way? she asked herself. Who am I fooling? Damn straight I will. “Leave the camera running. It’s fine.”

When Tim had her positioned to his satisfaction, he said, “Now close your eyes.” When she did, he said, “Picture yourself lying stretched out on your back on a blanket in a secluded clearing in a forest. The sun is beating down and heating your face. Can you feel it?” When she started to nod, he said, “Don’t nod, just tell me. Is the bright sun hot on your skin?”

“Yes,” Carla said softly, raising her chin to the warmth.

“Now open your eyes.” When she did, Tim snapped off several pictures, capturing the soft, dreamy look he’d wanted. “Close them again. You’re still lying in that clearing in the forest but now you’re naked. You can feel the sun on your entire body, on your shoulders, your belly, your breasts.” He paused and watched her face. “Open your eyes.” He snapped several more pictures. “God, the camera loves you,” he murmured.

“More?” Carla said, her voice husky.

“Close your eyes.” She complied and he continued. “A man walks out of the forest. You can’t see him because your eyes are closed, but he’s tall and very good looking, with a great body and soft hands. He’s wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and nothing else. You don’t have to open your eyes to know that he’s looking at your body, but you’re not nervous. The heat of his gaze adds to the heat of the sun. He’s staring at your breasts and he can see that your nipples are getting hard. Although you’re pretending to be asleep, he knows, Carla. He knows you’re excited. He knows that he’s making you excited.” When Carla opened her eyes, Tim snapped again, then told her to move one arm and retilt her head and took several more shots. With the sound of the clicking in her ears, Carla stretched and extended her arms over her head, making love to the camera.

“Close your eyes. It’s important that the man believes you’re sleeping, so when he stretches out next to you on the blanket you stay still and keep your body relaxed. He just stares at you for a moment, then brushes his fingers through your pubic hair just touching your love button. You remain motionless, wanting him to continue.

“Although you don’t move, he knows how wet you’re getting.” Tim picked up a different camera and snapped a few shots of Carla with her eyes closed. He didn’t know whether it was her expression or the line of her body, but she was radiating sex and he wanted to capture it. “You want to move your hips to deepen his touch, but you don’t want him to know how he’s affecting you, so you remain absolutely still, pretending that you’re still asleep.”

Carla was there, in the clearing in the woods. Tim’s voice had transported her and she could actually feel the sun on her body, feel fingers probing and exploring the secret places of her body. God, she thought, he’s really turning me on. I’m going to explode.

“Keep your eyes closed and pull off your tank top and your bra,” Tim said.

Carla removed her clothes without hesitation. She was no longer nervous or embarrassed. Both Tim and the camera seemed erotic and right.

When Carla was naked to the waist, Tim repositioned her in the chair so shafts of sunlight illuminated her shoulders and breasts. Her eyes were still closed as Tim moved back behind his camera lens. “Beautiful. Let your head fall back against the chair.” He kept snapping as she moved, each pose a sensual invitation. “Now, he’s still touching your clit and you’re still pretending to be asleep. His fingers caress each fold and part your lips. You’re so wet that his finger slides easily into your body.”

Tim watched Carla’s body react to his story. He knew that she was having a difficult time holding her hips still and he smiled as he watched her through his lens. “He adds a second finger, then a third, filling you completely.” He saw how puckered her nipples were and added this to his story.

“Your nipples are so hard and tight that you think you’ll die if his mouth doesn’t take them. You slide your hands up your ribs and hold your magnificent tits out for him to suck. Offer them to him, Carla. Don’t speak, but offer him your hard, tight nipples.”

Carla’s body tightened and she did as Tim asked. She flattened her hands against her belly and slid them upward, lifting her full breasts and offering their rosy tips to the camera. When Tim asked her to open her eyes, she still envisioned an attractive man lying next to her on a blanket in the sun.

“So good, Carla,” Tim said, trying to resist the lure of his own sensual story. He wanted to take the breasts being offered into his own mouth, but he knew that would come later. For the moment, he kept repositioning her, snapping pictures as the video camera hummed in the background. He finished his second roll of film and changed to a third while Carla stood up and removed the rest of her clothes.

Ronnie had told Tim a lot about Carla and he had come prepared. He took a large piece of satiny soft leather from the nylon bag he’d brought and spread it on the chair. “Sit back down,” he said, “and close your eyes again. Feel the leather against your skin.” As she moved her naked body against the soft surface, Tim knew he’d been right. Leather would take Carla to the next level of sensuality. “Feel it, smell it. Fill your senses with it. Put your right leg over the arm of the chair and slide your ass forward…. Yes, that’s right.” Her pussy was wide open and shining.

Carla was in a sexual daze. She’d never dreamed that the smell and feel of leather could arouse her so. She felt she was going to climax, but everything about this experience was soft and gentle. She didn’t understand it, but then she didn’t have to.

“Go with it. Fly with the feelings. The blanket in the forest is made out of leather, soft, black, fine-grained leather. It’s becoming warm from the sunshine and the heat of your body, and the man is rubbing a corner of it over your legs, your arms, your belly. There’s no sound, except the rustle of his movements. You’re unwilling and unable to move. You just lie there in the sun absorbing the sensations. Open your eyes.” Carla opened her eyes, and Tim snapped several more pictures.

“He’s stroking your clit faster now. It tightens your lower belly.” Tim watched Carla’s body and saw the tiny movements he’d been waiting for. “Do you want to touch your pussy, Carla? Are you so hot that you want to rub yourself while the man watches, while the camera watches?”

Carla had never wanted anything more in her life. “Yes,” she whispered.

“Then do it,” Tim said. “Touch your pussy. Make yourself come.”

Carla touched herself, one hand on her breast and one in her pussy. She rubbed and probed until the tightness in her breasts and her pussy became almost pain.

“Rub it just right,” Tim said. He moved around, snapping pictures of Carla’s hand on her breasts, her fingers working in her cunt, her face as she strained in pleasure.

Carla heard the click of the shutter and felt Tim’s movements around her. To her surprise, it added a new dimension to her excitement. She opened her eyes and watched the camera as it watched her. She moved so Tim could get a better view.

“You’re close now, and you want to come,” Tim said, taking the video from the tripod and aiming so it captured Carla’s body and hands. “You like the camera watching you. You love it that I’m watching you. I can see everything. I’m going to record you as you come. Anyone who sees the pictures will see you getting off. Tell me when you’re going to come. Tell me, Carla.”

“Now,” she said. “Oh yes. Now! I’m going to come right now! Watch me come.” Waves washed over her. She moved her fingers around her pussy touching the right places with exactly the right rhythm. She drew the orgasm from her body, bit by bit, savoring every spasm, making it last as long as she could. Tim alternated between the video and his still cameras, taking dozens of pictures and long moments of tape.

While Carla recovered, Tim fused with his camera equipment. “Unbelievable,” Carla said. “I was really nervous about this, but you’re amazing. You’ve come a long way since you and Ronnie met.”

Tim chuckled. “She told you about that?”

“I’m sorry. I hope that doesn’t embarrass you.”

“Not at all. That was the opening to a whole new world. She’s wonderful, you know.”

“I know.” Carla sighed.

Tim handed her a glass of water and she took a long drink as her breathing returned to normal. “If you’re recovered, why don’t we go upstairs and try on some of the costumes for your album photos.” He picked up the piece of leather and threw it over his arm. “And I think you should use a black leather cover on your book. Leather seems to turn you on.”

Carla nodded her agreement. “I never realized it, but you’re right.”

Naked but unembarrassed, Carla climbed the stairs with Tim behind her. “You’ve got great legs,” he said, “and a nice tight little butt. I like the way you walk around nude. You don’t parade, yet you don’t hide either.”

“I used to walk around without clothes a lot but with three inquisitive boys, I don’t get much chance to anymore.”

Tim squeezed past her and shot a few snaps of her walking up the stairs. “God, you’ve got a great body,” he said. “I love taking pictures of you.”

She put her hands behind her head and raised her elbows.

“You’ve got the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen,” he said.

In the bedroom, Tim opened a closet and pulled out an evening dress. It was a column of royal blue silk with classic lines and a high neckline in the front. “I’ve seen Ronnie wear this and I’d like to see you in it,” he said. “You should wear primary colors, bright greens and blues. Red would look terrific on you, and black and white of course. Stay away from too much yellow and orange. It won’t go with your skin.”

“You’ve got quite an eye,” Carla said, selecting a pair of tiny bikini panties from a drawer. “That’s exactly what Ronnie and Jean-Claude said.”

“I hope you don’t mind if I pick out a few things for you,” Tim said, flipping through the dresses.

“Not at all.” She looked at the high-necked dress hanging on the closet door. “But isn’t this a bit tame for our photos?”

“Wait until you see it on.”

As Carla reached for a bra, Tim shook his head. “No bra. You don’t need it.”

“You’re the boss,” Carla said. She pointed to a large jewelry chest that stood on the makeup table. “What do you suggest with this dress?” While Tim rummaged through the extensive collection of costume jewelry, Carla picked up the hanger and took a better look at the gown. From the front it looked almost demure, but the dress had no back. It was cut low enough to reveal the line between her cheeks. As she slipped it over her head, she said, “I’ll have more cleavage in the back than in the front.”

“That’s the idea. That’s the first dress I ever photographed Ronnie in.”

“It isn’t in the album,” Carla pointed out.

“I know. I kept that picture for myself. I have it in my bedroom. I may keep the one I’m about to take too.”

“Do you have fantasies about her?” she asked, fluffing her hair.

“Not anymore. I did for a long time after our first meeting. Now we’re just good friends. We fuck now and again and I take her to an occasional party, but that’s about it.” Tim had selected a pair of large silver-and-diamond dangle earrings and he handed them to Carla.

“They look like chandeliers,” she said.

“Try them.”

Carla stood in front of the mirror and clipped on the oversized earrings. Tim was right again. They accented the dress perfectly. “Change your makeup,” he said. “More eyes and a darker lipstick.”

Carla quickly adjusted her makeup as Jean-Claude had taught her to and suddenly she was a seductive woman of the evening. “Brilliant,” she said.

“Brilliant is right,” Tim said. He posed her with her almost-naked back to him, looking seductively over her shoulder. He snapped several pictures. “Now we come to album photos,” he said, opening Ronnie’s other closet. “Which of these says you?”

“I don’t know. Which do you think I should wear?”

“Not my decision. For the album you need pictures of fantasies that you would enjoy acting out with a friend. That’s a very personal decision.” He reached into the closet and took out the pink little-girl dress. “This fantasy is about the older man who likes to make love to virginal little girls. You wear white socks and Mary-Janes, white cotton undershirts and underpants.”

Carla smiled as she put it on. Tim photographed her sitting on the edge of the bed with her hands folded in her lap and knees locked together, looking a bit scared.

“This,” he said, holding a short wedding dress and a veil, “is a similar fantasy, deflowering a wedding-night virgin.” She dressed and Tim snapped that outfit as well.

They continued for over an hour, with Carla portraying a cheerleader, an aerobics instructor, a bikini-clad nymphet, and a harem girl. When Tim suggested the stern teacher costume, Carla demurred. “I don’t think I’m the dominant type.”

“Ronnie is,” Tim said, “and I have some very sexy shots of her with a whip in her hand and a man wearing nipple clamps licking her pussy.”

“I never saw those.”

“She has some particular pictures for special friends.”

“Should I have a special album? I can’t see myself with a whip.”

“I know that. But I have a different idea. Come with me into the other room,” Tim suggested.

“What other room?”

“Ronnie’s playground. She told me she hasn’t shown it to you, so let me.”

“Should I wear anything special?” Carla asked removing her costume, a nurse’s uniform with a starched cap.

“Just your beautiful skin.”

Tim opened the door to the other bedroom and let Carla precede him. As she entered the room she gasped. Almost cave-like, it was darkened with wood-paneled walls and heavy velvet drapes. As Carla looked around she saw that the room resembled a dungeon with eyelets, chains, and bondage equipment proudly displayed on every wall. There were three differently shaped wooden benches with hooks and straps attached and two cabinets filled with items Carla didn’t recognize. A huge brass bed dominated one end of the room. As shocked as she was, Carla also realized that she could hardly breathe.

Tim walked in behind her and wrapped his long fingers around one wrist, holding her tightly. “Exciting?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Ronnie thought as much. I took several rolls of film in here with Ronnie dressed all in leather brandishing whips and paddles. But I don’t think that’s you, is it?”

Carla shook her head. She was picturing herself held down or chained, restrained and helpless with a man standing over her enjoying her vulnerability. Tim took her other wrist and held her arms against her sides. He put his mouth close to her ear. “The word is ‘popcorn,’” he breathed, rubbing his fully clothed body against her back. “Say the word and I’ll stop whatever I’m doing. And let me give you some advice. Never play in here without a safe word. And never play with anyone you don’t trust to honor it. Understand?”

“Ronnie and I discussed that. I understand.”

“Say ‘popcorn.’”


Tim released her hands and moved away. “Now, stand here and look around the room while I get my camera. While I’m gone, picture yourself strapped into each piece of equipment, unable to escape. From now on, don’t speak unless I ask you a direct question. And don’t move!”

The last was an order, one that Carla had no intention of disobeying. She looked around and studied each device. She imagined herself restrained in a few but she had no idea what many were for or how they worked. She didn’t care. Her palms were sweating and she was struggling to get air into her trembling body.

“Good girl,” said Tim, reentering the large room. “You’re so excited, you’re ready to burst. That’s very good. Come here.” As Carla walked across the thick dark gray carpet her feet sank into its soft lushness. “Give me your arm.” Carla held out her arm and Tim fastened on a tight leather wristband. He looped a ring attached to the band over a hook on the wall and took a picture of her hand and arm.

“You know you can unhook yourself any time you want.” Tim’s voice caused a heat wave to wash over her. “But you want to stay there. You want me to restrain you. That’s excellent.” He fastened an identical strap around her other wrist and one around each ankle. The rings attached to additional hooks on the wall so her arms were held out from her shoulders and her legs were spread about two feet apart.

As the camera snapped, Carla imagined how she looked, fastened to the wall, controlled and helpless. God she was hot. If she could just touch herself…. But she wouldn’t move, couldn’t move.

Tim walked over and kissed her full mouth. Then he slid his finger across her hip until it was against her clit. “You want to come? Just like that?” He stopped. “No. Not yet. I want to play a while.” He put the camera down. “After Ronnie and I had been together a few times, we discovered that we both have a love of dominance. I want to be in control. I want to be able to tease. I want to do anything and everything without any protest. Do you want to play with me?”

Carla nodded. At that moment she wanted to be dominated by him more than she’d ever wanted anything else.

“Do you remember the safe word?” he asked.

“Popcorn,” Carla said.

“That’s good. Now, a few questions. And I want honest answers. What if I hurt you, just a bit?” He pinched her nipple and twisted it hard.

It was so sudden that Carla cried out.

“Good or bad?”

Carla paused, then admitted, “Good.”

Tim grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her head back. He kissed her mouth, grinding his face against hers. She responded, pressing against him as much as her bound body would allow. “A true playmate,” he said, unhooking her limbs from the wall. He pulled her over to a wooden bench, adjusted the length of its legs, and laid a leather spread over it. “This has been a fantasy of mine for a long time, but Ronnie is too dominant herself to really enjoy this. Lie down on your back.”

Carla did, feeling and smelling the leather. “Inhale,” Tim said. “Smell your own aroma.” Carla breathed deeply and knew the scent of her arousal. She was so hot that she doubted it could get any better, but each time Tim spoke, it did.

“Here’s something else for you to enjoy.” He slipped a leather blindfold over her eyes.

The darkness was total. Being unable to see made her more aware of her other senses. She heard the rustle of Tim’s clothes as he moved around the room. She smelled leather and sweat and sex. She rubbed her hands over the leather, appreciating its rich texture.

“Don’t move,” Tim said. Carla could hear the camera and imagined this scene as it would appear to those thumbing through her own ‘special’ pictures.

“Now slide up until your head hangs off the end. There’s a pillow that will support your neck and let your head hang down gently.” She slid along the leather until her neck rested on the pillow and heard snaps as Tim fastened her arms and legs to the bench. “These aren’t hooks, they’re padlocks,” he said. “I want you to struggle to get free.”

Carla experienced a moment of panic as she pulled at the locks. She had to test Tim’s words. “Popcorn,” she said.

Tim fumbled with the first lock until her right arm was free. “Refasten it,” she said. “It’s all right.”

“I was afraid that I’d gone too far,” he said. “I was seriously disappointed.”

“Don’t be. I just needed to be sure.”

“Of course you did.”

Tim quickly relocked her wrist. “Now struggle. I want to see your body strain, unable to get free.”

She pulled at her arms and legs. The bindings didn’t hurt at all, but she was, nevertheless, completely helpless.

“Beg me to let you go.”

She heard the hum of the video camera. “Please.” She knew that she could say popcorn at any time and he would let her go. She could also beg and plead and know he wouldn’t release her. Her head angled downward was making her a little light-headed but it was fantastic. “Please let me go. Oh god, please.”

“Oh no, baby. Not a chance.” Then his hands were on her face, gently feeling around the blindfold. He slipped a finger into her mouth and she sucked as he worked it in and out.

“I want you to understand exactly what I’m going to have you do,” Tim said. “This bench is at just the right height.” What had to be his naked cock slid over Carla’s cheeks. “You’re going to suck me good.” He withdrew the finger from her mouth and replaced it with his hard erection. Carla gasped as Tim forced his large member into her mouth, but she quickly started sucking as he fucked her mouth. “Too good, too fast,” he said, pulling away from her greedy mouth.

She again heard a rustling then a buzzing. “Hear that?” he said. “That’s a vibrator and I’m going to make you come with it. I’ll be in control of your body. You won’t be able to resist. You’ll come when I want you to and only when I’m ready.”

Carla jumped when she felt the buzz against her nipple. Jolts of magic electricity bounced around inside of her, stabbing her in the breasts, the belly, and in her hungry pussy. She wanted nothing more than for Tim to fuck her, any way he wanted, but she sensed that her resistance was part of his fantasy and she wanted him to have it all. She knew instinctively what to say.

“Oh stop,” she said, “please stop. It’s torture.”

“It’s exciting to beg, isn’t it? And to know you can’t sway me. And I love to hear you plead for mercy, but there will be none.” He placed the tip of the vibrator deep in her armpit.

Carla was afraid it would tickle, but it didn’t. It just excited her more. “I can’t take it. No more, please.”

“There’s so much more,” Tim said. He moved the vibrator until it was rubbing the insides of Carla’s thighs. “Want it against your cunt?”

“No. Don’t.”

“I will. And what’s more you want me to. It’s so embarrassing to admit that you want me to fuck you with this vibrator, this artificial buzzing cock that can give you such pleasure.”

“Oh god, no.”

Tim was in heaven. This was his favorite fantasy and it was better than he had dreamed it would be. And he was taking it as far as it would go. “I think you’d better ask me to fuck you.”


He teased Carla’s cunt, touching her swollen lips, then stopping. Sliding the vibrator through her thick wet juices, then moving it back to the inside of her thigh. “I can make you crazy with wanting. Admit that your pussy needs to be fucked. Say it.”

“Yes, do it,” Carla said, slipping out of character. “Fuck me good.”

Tim inserted the penis-shaped vibrator into Carla’s pussy and strapped it in place with a piece of leather that was connected to the bench. “Now suck my cock,” he said, walking around to the head of the bench and laying his cock against her mouth.

Carla became pure sensation. She sucked and lapped as the buzzing filled her demanding cunt. Tim came quickly, unable to resist the pull of Carla’s mouth. She swallowed as he pumped until he thought he would never be able to come again. He pulled his exhausted cock from Carla’s mouth, knowing that she hadn’t come yet. “Do you want to come now, baby?” he asked.

“Please. Help me.”

“Of course,” he spoke reassuringly. He knelt between her legs and flicked his tongue back and forth against her clit. “Yes,” she screamed. “Don’t stop.”

He didn’t and Carla climaxed, shuddering and bucking against the straps holding her wrists and ankles. Tim pulled the vibrator from her sopping pussy, unfastened the straps and carried her to the bed.

“I’ve never experienced anything like that before,” Carla said.

“It was great for me too,” Tim said. “Maybe when I’ve developed the pictures, we could get together again to look them over…and whatever.”

“Yes,” Carla sighed. “Lots of whatever.”

Made For Sex

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