Читать книгу Texas Glory - Joan Elliott Pickart - Страница 9
“Tell you a story? Why, I’d be mighty pleased to do just that. I’m figurin’ you want to hear ’bout Bram Bishop. So make yourself real comfy there, and your ol’ Granny Bee will tell you all ’bout Bram.
“Now, you know that two of the Bishop boys up and got themselves married. Tux is with his Nancy. Blue is with his Amy. They’re happy as can be.
“Bram was mighty pleased that his brothers found the forever love they were seekin’. But, oh, mercy, Bram surely did wish himself a fairy godmother with a magic wand, who would produce a lovin’ lady for him to marry. He just wasn’t havin’ any luck findin’ a wife, none at all.
“Well, one day Bram was gettin’ on an aeroplane to fly back to Houston, after doin’ some business over Austin way. I never been on an aeroplane and don’t intend to, either. I’m just fine right here in my ol’ rockin’ chair.
“Anyway, that plane had three seats glued together on each side of the aisle. Can you imagine that? There wasn’t even room for a person to put their knittin’ bag ’longside their chair ’cause they’re stuck plum together.
“You got a little piece of paper tellin’ you what seat you’re to settle yourself in. Silly business, if you ask me. But Bram was lookin’ for the seat number on his special paper, ‘long with the other folks all shufflin’ in a row on that plane. Bram found his place and saw a lady already in the seat by the window.
“Now, that’s where my story really begins, you see, with that pretty little gal by the window. Glory be, she was... Funny I should say that word...Glory...”