Читать книгу An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side - Joan Charles - Страница 7

Chapter 2 The journey of life


When I am communicating with a child in spirit, a feeling of playfulness often comes through, which is a lovely thing to experience. In some cases the messages I receive are from a very early stage of life when I can sense a child waiting to be conceived. This might sound odd, but let me explain. When we are souls on a higher plane, we make decisions about whether we want to reincarnate and, if so, which parents we will choose. I’ll explain more about this later, but when a soul is waiting to be conceived by a particular couple I can often sense them waiting. On many occasions I’ve predicted pregnancies, and this can be a very emotional experience for me as well as for the person for whom I’m doing the reading.

I need to handle my answers with great delicacy when a woman asks, ‘Am I going to have a baby?’ I can see some things, but I’m not an obstetrician or gynaecologist. Maybe I will see a baby but can’t predict exactly when it will come. A woman’s emotional need for a baby can cloud matters, so that her own body may not even know what’s going on. Any medium who comes out with a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer is really putting their head on the chopping block. But, having said that, I’ve done it many times.

At a reading, I may not know how long a woman has been trying to get pregnant, what doctors have told her or how fraught the whole subject is for her. This is one of the most difficult types of readings to do. The mere fact that a woman asks me if she will have children doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants them. I would never assume that the question meant that she was desperate to become a mother, or indeed that she had no children already.

Sometimes you have to make a snap decision about whether to tell a woman what you see for her. I might inch my way towards it. I remember reading for one lady and I asked her, ‘Do you see yourself having kids?’ She said that she did, and I followed up by enquiring whether she fancied having quite a few. It was a relief when she said ‘yes’ to that as well. ‘You better prepare yourself,’ I told her, ‘because you’re going to have six!’ This would have been shocking news for some, but she said that was the number she had always pictured herself with. I think we often know what’s in our future if we listen to our own inner instincts.

When a woman called Fiona came for a reading, I could see immediately that she desperately wanted to have a child and that this was the main question she was planning to ask me; in fact, it seemed to be the whole purpose of the reading. Almost before she sat down she had asked, ‘Will I have a child?’

There was no doubt in my mind. ‘I absolutely feel there is a child waiting here for you, in spirit,’ I told her. ‘The child’s energy is a little boy.’

Fiona started to cry. ‘But the doctors have told me that I can never have children.’

‘I’m not medically trained,’ I replied, ‘but I’m sorry – I don’t care what they’ve said. I can only tell you what I feel and what I can see. I wouldn’t say this if I thought it wasn’t the case. I could never be that cruel.’ I paused, then asked her a very important question. ‘Don’t you feel this is your destiny too?’

‘Yes!’ she cried. ‘I absolutely do and always have. I’ve always wanted to have children but have never been pregnant. I’ve been for tests and specialists have said it will never happen. It breaks my heart to think of a future without a child in it.’

‘There’s something stopping it from happening at the moment,’ I told her. ‘But you need to know that what the doctors are saying is nonsense because there’s a little boy waiting for you. Go and get him.’

It would have been completely wrong of me, both professionally and morally, to give her false hope. If the doctors were right, I was now setting Fiona up for even more heartache, but I truly believed that she would live her dream and that she would have a baby one day. If I had had even the slightest doubt of that I would never have told her what I did.

Fiona was shaking her head. She desperately wanted to believe what I was saying, but she had also had many years of hope crushed by disappointment and was wary of letting herself be optimistic again. I needed to make her believe that her negativity could be the very block that was preventing her from conceiving in the first place.

‘I can see him, Fiona,’ I continued. ‘I can see your little boy – he’s a cute wee thing, an old soul, and very intuitive. Don’t worry; it will happen because this baby is just sitting there waiting. In fact I can see twins waiting for you.’

It was a difficult moment because I didn’t want to push this poor woman too far. I left her to think about the message and continued with the rest of the reading, knowing that I had to wait and see whether Fiona would take up what I had said. There was a child waiting in the wings for her. Once she was in the correct emotional state and the divine timing was right, the baby would come.

About four years later I had an appointment to do a reading at what I thought was a new client’s house. I had a vague recollection of the woman who opened the door but couldn’t quite place her. I always recognise a face but am not always sure where from because I meet so many people in my work.

‘Do you remember me?’ the woman asked immediately. ‘My name’s Fiona. You told me I’d have twin boys, when every doctor I’d ever seen said it was impossible.’ She smiled at me. ‘Look,’ she whispered. She pushed the door wide and a wee laddie of about four ran towards us. ‘That’s one of them,’ said Fiona. ‘That’s Archie, one of the babies you saw, the one you said was waiting in the wings.’

As I watched this little miracle throw himself into Fiona’s arms, I could have burst into tears. He was a beautiful little blond child and I could see in his eyes that, as I had predicted, he had been here before.

‘I got pregnant a few months after you did my last reading,’ she told me. ‘I was amazed. I knew this must be the miracle babies that you had seen for me, but I could still hardly believe it. The doctors couldn’t believe it either, but they couldn’t dispute what was happening. I sailed through the pregnancy and they’re the most perfect boys you could imagine. They’re all I’ve ever wanted and everything you said they would be.’

It was lovely to be able to be part of that joyful story. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. How many other women have been told that they can’t have children or that they’ve missed their chance, so they stop trying, whereas if they just left it to divine timing they might find that a miracle happened? I’m not saying that medical advice is always wrong. Of course there are many couples who suffer infertility for genuine physical reasons, but I think that for some people there are mental blocks in the way of conception. The power of the mind can work both ways.

Archie and his twin brother James were the children who were meant for Fiona and I knew she wouldn’t have any more. When you are on the next plane you make decisions about your own journey. It’s a strange combination of free will and ‘what will be will be’. I believe that we choose our parents for a reason. I know that I chose my parents, siblings and even friends to allow me to develop my gifts. Sometimes those choices will bring bad things to us, but we need to come through a learning curve. Once we are on the Earth plane we have free will and can adapt those choices as we learn.

Joanne’s blue-eyed girl

When Joanne came to me for a reading, she had been having a lot of emotional issues with her family. Her mother had died and her brother was very unwell with stress, and on top of this she desperately wanted a child. It was the first thing which struck me about her, and the first thing I brought up, as it was clearly so important to her.

‘You really want a baby, don’t you?’

She nodded and the tears welled up in her eyes immediately.

‘I can see that you’ve been trying for a while now, but had no luck.’ Actually, I could see that it was becoming an obsession with her. I also knew that it was nothing to do with luck; babies come when they are needed and when the soul you require in your life is ready to be with you, but I had to be sensitive about what I said.

‘It’s all I think about,’ she confided. ‘I can’t help it. I spend all my time wondering why I’m not pregnant, or dreaming of holding my own child. I look at baby clothes, plan the nursery, think of names. I chart my menstrual cycle, work out the best times to try, eat healthy things, do all I can – but nothing. I fear it’s never going to happen,’ she wept. ‘I fear I’m never going to be a mum.’

I could see that Joanne was perfectly healthy. She hadn’t lost babies, she hadn’t miscarried. I knew exactly what was happening, but I also knew that what I was about to say would frighten some people.

I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. ‘Everything will be fine,’ I told her. ‘I need you to listen to me and I need you to believe this: your baby is there. Your baby is waiting for you and, when the time is right, your baby will come.’

‘Can you see it?’ she asked. ‘Can you see my baby?’

‘Yes, I can. There’s a little girl waiting to arrive, but she won’t come until the time is right – and the time is not right at the moment. She has the most striking blue eyes; they’re piercing and will take your breath away when you see them. This is important: when she arrives, she will be a very particular sort of child. She will know when things are going to happen. People will say she’s an “old soul” or that she has an “old head on young shoulders”, and they’ll be right. Your daughter will be born wise. You’ll see.’

‘Really?’ she asked. ‘You can see all of that?’

‘As clear as day. But there’s something else. There’s a reason your girl isn’t here yet. The timing has to be perfect. This baby who is waiting for you to become her mother is actually your spirit guide so she has another purpose at the moment.’

Joanne looked puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’

I explained that a spirit guide is someone who guides us in life. It is often someone we know who has passed over, but not necessarily, and your guide can change at different points in your life depending on your needs. I continued: ‘You are going through so much emotional trauma that you need your baby’s energy as support. The loss of your mother and the worry about your brother are such a heavy load to carry that she knows you wouldn’t be up to a pregnancy as well. She needs you to be in a much better place before she arrives. As soon as you stop worrying, you will conceive. Your baby is with you already, helping you. Let nature take its course and she will be here with you on this plane before you know it.’

It was as if a cloud had lifted from over Joanne. Her face changed. She looked bright and alive, a million miles away from the way she had been when she arrived.

Almost two years later I was walking in my local high street one Saturday when who should I bump into but Joanne and her brother – and Joanne was pushing a pram. Inside, fast asleep, was a gorgeous little girl of just under a year. She opened her eyes as I peeked at her and I saw they were a startling azure blue. I felt as if she was looking into my soul. I also felt as if I knew her.

Joanne said that she felt the same way. ‘I don’t feel as though she’s only been with me for ten months,’ she said. ‘I feel as if she knows everything about me and that we’ve met before.’

I laughed. ‘That’s exactly the case! She has been here before and she has known you forever.’

She was glowing as she walked away – and I was excited too because I know I am going to hear a lot more about that child over the years.

Babies in waiting

There have been many instances over the years when I’ve predicted a pregnancy or twin babies – too many to mention, as that is such an important part of many women’s lives. Women in their fertile years often come for readings simply because they feel more in tune with their spirituality. It is the child that I sense; there is a feeling of waiting energy or an energy that is already present. Sometimes I’ve known that a woman is pregnant before she knew it herself, because the energy of the baby is already there.

Once I was getting ready to do a reading at a young woman’s house when I noticed a little ornament in the corner. It was a man and woman embracing, but the centre was open and I immediately knew, by glancing at it, that she was going to have a baby. As usual, I had to be careful about broaching the subject so I asked a general question: ‘Are you broody?’ When she said that she was, I told her that she wouldn’t have long to wait!

Sometimes when a person is in a new relationship there’s a different energy about them; their aura changes colour. Auras also change colour when a woman is pregnant because there is an energy that shines through them. Sometimes this can be confusing for mediums, and we need to take our time to work out whether it is one thing or the other. When a baby is actually there, no matter how soon after conception, there is an excitement about the woman’s aura, a real feeling that this is happening.

Children who are in tune with their psychic talents are likely to pick up on babies-in-waiting. One woman I read for told me that her five-year-old son had come in from school with a beautiful card, which he had made for her. On the card was an angel. She told him it was lovely and asked what it was for.

‘It’s to welcome the new baby,’ he told her.

‘I’m not having a baby!’ she answered.

‘Yes, you are,’ he said. ‘There’s a baby in your tummy.’

The mum just put it down to wishful thinking, but he continued: ‘It’s my birthday present – you’ll have the baby for my birthday.’

She tried to put it out of her mind, but it niggled at her for a few days until she gave in and bought a pregnancy testing kit. The test was positive – and at her first antenatal appointment the obstetrician confirmed that the baby was indeed due on her first son’s birthday. That little boy had been showing quite a few signs of psychic awareness, but this was something so concrete that everyone was amazed.

My own family

As a mum and a granny myself, I’ve had plenty of experience of pregnancies and babies. When my own four children were born, I was still young and didn’t have the confidence in my abilities that I have now so I was never able to see anything very clearly, but with the pregnancies of one of my daughters I really had to hold my tongue so that I didn’t let the cat out of the bag. When my daughter Dannielle was expecting her first wee one, I knew from the outset that she was having a little girl – I could see her waiting. Dannielle, on the other hand, was certain that she was going to have a boy. I told her that a scan was a waste of time as she had a mother who could see just as well as any machine. Nevertheless she went ahead and there was no surprise for me when she called to say that my first granddaughter was on her way. It happened in her next pregnancy as well, when I told her she was having a boy; she still thought she was having a girl until she found out that once again I knew best.

I try not to overuse my psychic abilities where my own family is concerned, but there was one day during Dannielle’s first pregnancy when I felt terribly unsettled. I was waiting for her to visit and I felt a huge uneasiness, a sense that something just wasn’t right. I became more and more frantic but was unable to see exactly what was wrong. I felt sick to my stomach. When Dannielle finally arrived, she was also upset and shaken as it turned out that she had fallen quite badly. She had been checked over by a doctor and the baby was fine, but it did make me reflect on the difficulties that are thrown up when I can only see part of the picture. I hadn’t known exactly what had happened, or that she would be all right; I only knew that something was amiss, which is scary when it concerns a member of your own family.

My children would sometimes complain about the way my gifts affected them. After one of my sons passed his driving test, he was keen to be out and about in the car as much as possible, despite having little experience. He didn’t have a car of his own and when I lent him mine it was with conditions attached, the main one being to avoid a notorious road near where we lived which was an accident blackspot. He could get anywhere by using slower, less convenient roads, but I always worried that he would take the easier, and more dangerous, option. One night he borrowed my car as usual and promised that he would, also as usual, avoid the treacherous road. During the evening I got an awareness that he had used that road. I was in bits while he was out. I sat in the lounge with the lights off, just waiting for the phone to ring, wondering if there would be bad news.

When I heard the car draw up and he walked in, as quietly as he could, the relief was enormous. I didn’t say anything to him because I was in such an emotional state; in fact, he didn’t even know I had been waiting. I went to bed and slept soundly, but the next morning I was absolutely furious because I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had broken his promise and driven on that road. I marched into his room and gave him hell for it. Lying there, half asleep, with a ranting mother giving him a row for something she had psychically ‘seen’, he admitted it all.

‘Is there anything you don’t know?’ he asked me, wearily.

‘No! Nothing at all!’ I said. But I was lying. There is plenty I don’t know when it comes to my own family, and that’s hard. Just like any other parent, I want to know that they’re all always fine, that they’re safe, that they’re well, but I don’t have that luxury as I can only see part of the picture. Maybe the children of psychics have more problems to contend with than most teenagers, but it was difficult for me as well.

I get snippets of information, but that’s all. When I was pregnant myself, I didn’t pick up anything about the babies. My neighbour was pregnant at the same time and when she told me she was having twins my response was one of horror. ‘I’d die if that was me,’ I thought. But just afterwards I had a scan and I remember looking at the screen and wondering how on earth the baby had moved from one side to the other and why there was still a shadow of it where I had seen it to begin with. It was only when the sonographer explained that I was having twins myself that the penny dropped, and of course I was delighted once I’d got used to the idea.

When my sister was pregnant, I told her not to bother with a scan as she was having twins. She said that was nonsense. As a midwife, she’d know. But I was right with her too. It was only with my own pregnancies that I saw absolutely nothing.

I have never had a sense of the babies who were coming. When I do readings for pregnant women, most of the time I’ll be able to read the child’s personality or character. With my own, I was in the dark. However, at the time I wasn’t as aware of my talents as I am now. I was also very busy with life. As my own children grew up my gift started to get stronger, so perhaps if I’d had my children later in life I’d have picked up more signs.

Pregnancy and motherhood tend to make women reflect on the relationship they have, or have had, with their own mothers, and that was certainly the case for me. The child you were is growing into a mother who will nurture and care, and that in itself is a stage of your personal journey. When I was pregnant I would often imagine the type of parent I wanted to be, and I vowed that I would shower my children with love and warmth. I would never be distant or unsupportive, as my own parents had been with me. It brought back the way I had felt so alone and out of place in my early years, never knowing what to make of the things I saw and heard and sensed. When my mother died, I was twenty-four and a mum to four young children. A stage of my life had passed and it was time to come into myself. That is when I went back and looked at who I needed to become and how I should develop. Pregnancy is a time of reflection for all women, and I was no different in that sense, but it was motherhood and the death of my own mother that really developed my gifts.

I have always known whenever my children were upset by something they weren’t telling me about, or have done something that they shouldn’t have. Reading this, a lot of you will say, ‘But most mums feel that way – it’s mother’s intuition.’ If those are the words in your mind, great! I hope they are, because that is exactly what I’m trying to get over. We all have this ability, we all have the potential to harness this natural talent.

How many times have you been in a different room from your toddler and just known when you need to go through and check on them? And how many times has that been the very moment when they have stuck a bit of Lego in their mouth or decided to poke their fingers in the DVD player or make a move on the dog sleeping in the corner? Do you really think that’s coincidence? I don’t, and I know I’m not the only woman in the world to have this intuition. We all have it, but we aren’t aware of the number of times it works. We just think we have some unidentified, unnamed ‘link’ with our children.

Even cynics will have experienced this, I’m sure. Why not take a moment to recall all the instances you can’t quite explain? The times when you didn’t want someone left alone with your child even though there was no clear reason not to. The times when you didn’t want them to go on a trip but didn’t know why. There was a reason; you were being sent a message, you were being given signs. At those moments you are in touch with your intuitive side, even if you are not normally that ‘sort’ of person. Female intuition, in particular, is very strong and it gets stronger when you have a child (unless there is no bonding, which happens in some sad cases). That is the very core of intuition or psychic awareness. Tuning in to your child’s inner needs is incredibly basic and incredibly precious. It should not be under-rated and should always be acted upon. The more we act on our intuition, the better it will be for our children.

A funny feeling

How many times have you heard someone say they wished they had acted on ‘a feeling’? How many times have you heard someone say that if they hadn’t gone in to see their child at that moment, they would have fallen or choked or walked out into the road? All of these are indicators of how much help we can receive on our journey through life if only we listen and act upon the talents we are naturally blessed with. As mothers we have that ability – and as children we have it in an even purer form.

I remember doing a reading for a woman called Liz, who talked a lot about whether she ‘believed’ in things ‘like this’. (I always find it funny when I hear this; if folk really didn’t ‘believe’ then I can’t see why they would ever contact me in the first place!) Such individuals often don’t seem to see the relevance or importance of what they are telling me, and that was the case with Liz. She was the mother of three children, and grandmother to eight.

‘What a week I’ve had,’ she told me. ‘My youngest grandson, who’s only three months, was taken to hospital last night. My daughter was going to bed and just before she closed her eyes she felt she had to go and check on him. He’d been fed and he wasn’t crying, but she had this feeling that she needed to look in on him. The poor wee thing had stopped breathing, and if she hadn’t gone in that moment who knows what would have happened?’

‘Why was he taken to hospital?’ I asked.

‘Well,’ said Liz, ‘just to see if there’s anything wrong.’

I could have told her that her mother’s intuition saved that child’s life.

‘That happened to me once as well,’ Liz continued, ‘with the same daughter I’m telling you about.’

‘Is that right?’ I said. ‘Did anything else like that ever happen with your kids?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Did you ever get a sense that there was something wrong, and go just in time to prevent something happening?’

‘Oh yes,’ said Liz. ‘All the time. All mothers get that – don’t they?’

Yes, I think they do. However, not all of them act on that intuition and most of them are completely oblivious to the fact that it is simply another one of their senses. Liz and her daughter were in tune with this aspect of their beings, but they had not yet recognised how to make the most of it. So far, they had reaped the benefits without looking too deeply into what was really happening, but the fact that Liz had experienced it so many times when her children needed her was proof enough for me. I had no doubt that if she and her daughter worked on developing their talents even more, and listening to their inner voices, their lives would be richer.

Very few people dispute that parent-child bonds exist, so why should there be resistance to taking this a step further and considering whether those bonds might be psychic ones? I think most people are unaware of how psychic they really are, but at one time or another they have had a ‘funny feeling’ that they’ve known something without ever having been told it. They know it but they don’t know how they know it. If that isn’t a psychic experience, then what is?

We don’t just receive information through taste, touch, sight, smell and sound, but also through intuition and body language, through telepathy and primal instinct. Some talk about the sixth sense, which includes all of that second group, but we probably have many more than even six. ‘Just knowing’, ‘gut instinct’, ‘just a feeling’ – we’ve all used these phrases, even the most cynical amongst us, and we should all act on the feelings they relate to. If we try and push our psychic abilities, they tend not to work – as you’ll know if you have ever tried to squeeze those lottery numbers out. This is because we are thinking too hard rather than letting our psychic energy flow. We need to sense rather than think, daydream rather than focus.

Within all of this psychic wonder, the bonds between mother and child are incredible, like a psychic version of the umbilical cord. While the umbilical cord nourishes and grows the child physically, the psychic cord nourishes and grows the child in a different way. We send love and caring, protection and feelings to our children through this link, and it exists forever.

We all exchange psychic energy with each other all of the time, but in a mother’s transactions with her child trust and protection are entrenched in their love for all of their journey through life. No matter what stage you are at in the process, remember that those in spirit are waiting to help us. We just need to open ourselves up to communicating with them and our children can show us the way. For those who are not parents, just spending time with children will help you to learn. By trusting our intuition around children, we can all have a more spiritual, more fulfilling journey through life.

An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side

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