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Chapter Three

Tyler drove a little farther up the gravel road and then turned right onto a dirt road that was overgrown with brush. Slowly, they made their way through large dips in the road and tall grass until they came upon a locked gate. Tyler left the headlights of the truck on and aimed at the gate. He jumped out of the cab, picked his way through the tall grass and then unlocked the combination lock. It took some brute strength and determination, but Tyler managed to push the gate open wide enough for the truck to drive through.

Once they were safely through the gate, he locked it securely behind them. And then they forged deeper into a part of the ranch she had never seen before. London loved an adventure and it felt as if Tyler was taking her on one now. She loved how dark it was. The only light around them was from the full moon overhead and the truck headlights. She had no idea where they were going and she didn’t care. It had been a really long time since she had felt this excited and filled with anticipation.

“I’ve always wondered where this road went,” London said to him.

“I’m taking you to a special spot.” He glanced over at her. The light in the cab was dim, but he could see that she was smiling, genuinely smiling, for the first time that day.

They headed farther down the darkened path until they reached a fork in the road. Tyler turned to the left, driving the truck up a steep hill.

“Keep looking up there.” Tyler pointed ahead. “You’ll see it in a minute.”

At the top of the hill, there was a small plateau where Tyler stopped the truck. Straight ahead, two giant cedar trees were growing side by side.

“Do you see it?” he asked.

London leaned forward and squint her eyes. With the help of the headlights, she could see a staircase that led up into the twin cedar trees.

“A tree house?” she asked excitedly.

“That’s exactly what it is.” Tyler leaned closer to her, opened the glove box and grabbed a flashlight.

“I used to have a tree house when I was a kid! I love them!” When he leaned closer, she caught the scent of his skin. It reminded her of the night that they had made love, and her body naturally responded.

“Me, too.” He opened the driver’s door and got out. “But I doubt you’ve seen one like this before. Wait here for me while I check it out. I want to make sure it’s safe for you.”

London could track his movements as he climbed the staircase and entered the tree house. A soft yellow glow from a lantern being lit illuminated the interior. This wasn’t just a makeshift tree house thrown together by amateurs. This was a tiny house built high up in the cedar trees by expert hands. She couldn’t wait to get in there and see it for herself.

“Is everything okay?” she asked when he returned. She already had her seat belt off and she was ready to go.

“It’s safe. You want to come check it out?”

London pushed the passenger door open. “Just try and stop me!”

The area surrounding the tree house was relatively clear. The root system and the wide canopy created by the ancient trees prevented plants and grass and other trees from growing nearby.

“This is so cool.” London followed Tyler up the narrow staircase that wound up the tree to a small deck. “How come I didn’t know this was here?”

“It’s really only for the family.” Tyler opened the front door of the tree house, let her walk through first and then followed.

London felt as if she had walked into a magical world, secretly tucked away, like a hobbit house hidden in a hillside. It was a real house, complete with a small kitchenette, a cozy living room with a fireplace and a spiral staircase leading up to a second floor.

“What do you think?” Tyler made sure the front door was secured.

“It’s...” She turned around slowly in a circle, looking up at the tin ceiling. “It’s incredible.”

“My father had it built for my mom for their fortieth wedding anniversary.” Tyler started to open some of the windows to the let the fresh night air stream into the space.

London sat down on the love seat and put one of the pillows on her lap. She breathed in deeply through her nose. “It smells so good in here...just like a cedar closet. If I had this, I’d use it all the time. Do your parents still come here?”

Tyler joined her on the love seat. “Not as often as they used to. If they do come up here, they come here on horseback.”

“I’d love to ride horses here...”

“Next time,” Tyler promised.

London tossed the pillow to him and left the love seat to explore. “Where does this staircase lead?”

“To the bedroom.” Tyler took his hat off and put it on the end table. “A person could live here, if they wanted to. We have running water, electricity, even though the lights in here didn’t switch on for me. I think some fuses must need to be replaced. There’s a nice shower in the bathroom...a kitchen.”

“Is it okay if I go up?” She pointed up the stairs.

He nodded. “I’ve gotten some of my best sleep up there.”

She climbed the spiral staircase, which was designed with tall people like Tyler’s dad in mind. She didn’t have to hunch her shoulders or duck her head when she reached the loft. There was just enough room in the loft for a queen-size bed and a small nightstand. There were wide windows on every wall, and it made London wonder what it must be like to awaken way up high in the trees. She sat down on the bed with a long sigh. It seemed as if she had been holding in that sigh for years. One of her friends from Montana State was into new age spirituality; she was always talking about the latest book she had discovered and living in the now. She often tried to live in the now, but her focus on the future always overtook her enjoyment of the present moment. She had been working toward her future for so long, working toward returning to her life in Virginia, that she didn’t really know how to appreciate now. But in this magical tree house, sitting alone in the loft, nestled in the arms of these two massive cedar trees, she felt peaceful. And she realized that there was nothing wrong with this particular right now. This particular right now was perfect.

London was up in the loft for nearly thirty minutes, alone with her thoughts. Tyler hadn’t disturbed her, not once, and she really respected him for it. He was confident enough to give her space. When she came down the stairwell, he was waiting for her, in the same spot on the love seat where she had left him.

“Feel better?” he asked with a knowing look on his handsome face.

She nodded as she sat down next to him. “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

“It’s funny you should bring that up, because that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Tyler stretched out his legs and crossed his booted ankles. “How about we don’t leave? How about we spend the night here?”

London hadn’t expected him to say that and she didn’t know how to respond.

“Just hear me out...” Tyler understood her hesitation, but he’d thought this through. “When are you planning on taking the pregnancy tests?”

“First thing in the morning.”

“That’s what I figured. So, wouldn’t it be easier if we took the tests here instead of at the ranch? At least here, we’ll have complete privacy.”

He continued. “And...I’m not going to say that it wouldn’t be nice to share the bed with you. But if you don’t want me to, I’ll sleep down here.”

He was making total sense. She didn’t feel comfortable with everyone at the ranch knowing her business. Since Tyler wanted to be present for the test, one of them was going to have to sneak out of the other’s room. The last time she’d sneaked somewhere, it had turned out to be a really bad idea.

“You’re right. Privacy is important.”

If she was pregnant, she didn’t know what she would choose to do about it. The last thing she wanted, or needed, was to have all of Tyler’s family involved.

“And as far as sleeping goes...I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor. We can share the bed.”

Tyler went down to the truck to get the bag with the pregnancy tests, and then they both agreed that they should go to bed early. They brushed their teeth using toothpaste they found in the bathroom and their index fingers. Then Tyler grabbed the lantern and they headed up the spiral staircase to the loft. It seemed kind of ridiculous, but London appreciated it when he turned his back to her so she could strip down to her underwear and put on his white undershirt. The cotton T-shirt, snug over her breasts, smelled strongly of Tyler’s scent.

“Thanks,” she said. “I’m done.”

She pulled back the comforter and slid underneath it. She kicked the bottom of the sheets to loosen them and sank back into the pillows. The mattress was soft, just the way she liked it. And the pillows were thick and plush. Now she understood why Tyler had said that he loved to sleep in the loft. The bed was comfortable, and with the cool air coming in through the windows and the sound of the leaves rustling, it was perfect for sleeping soundly. London happily pulled the comforter up under her chin and sighed deeply for the second time that night.

“Comfortable, right?”

“A little slice of heaven.” She hadn’t felt this comfy since she was a kid.

Tyler, still with his jeans on, lay down on top of the comforter next to her. He pulled the pillows out from beneath his head and dropped them on the floor next to the bed.



“You don’t have to sleep like that. Why don’t you get under the covers?”

“Are you sure?”

“We both deserve to get a good night’s sleep.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “Come on. Take off your jeans and get into bed.”

Tyler stripped down to his underwear and joined her in the bed. Part of him had wanted to sleep above the covers for his own sanity. Just the thought of sharing a bed with London had given him a hard-on. The sound of her undressing in the dark had made it worse. He was glad for the dark, so London couldn’t see how aroused he was. This wasn’t her problem, it was his. So until he went to sleep, he was going to have to deal with his penis being rock hard.

“Good night,” Tyler said. Even though he normally slept on his back, he turned on his side, away from her.

London lay on her back for a while, listening to Tyler’s steady breathing. It was nice, having a man next to her in bed. She enjoyed the feeling of the heat coming off his skin; she enjoyed the feeling of the weight of his body on the mattress next to her. She’d forgotten how good it felt. But her own body hadn’t forgotten. Even though he wasn’t touching her, her body was responding to his. That nagging, gnawing desire that had brought her to Tyler’s bedroom in the first place was back. Between her thighs, a persistent ache had started. London flopped onto her side, stuffed one of the pillows between her legs and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Are you okay?” Tyler asked. He was still awake.

“Yes.” It sounded like a lie because it was a lie.

It didn’t matter to her body that it was the wrong thing to do. It didn’t matter to her body that the timing was bad. The only thing that her body knew was that it needed Tyler’s body. She rolled onto her back, sexually frustrated once again. Was it completely wrong to ask Tyler to make love to her again when she knew that she was leaving? Was it wrong to ask Tyler to make love to her again when she knew that he wanted much more from her than she was able to give?


He rolled onto his back and waited for her next words to come.

“Did you bring the condoms in from the truck?”

Tyler closed his eyes in silent prayer. He hadn’t been able to fall asleep because he still had a raging erection. He needed London in the worst way, but he hadn’t wanted to take advantage of the situation.

“They’re downstairs.” He turned his head to look at her profile. “Do you want me to go get them?”

Quietly, she responded, “Yes.”

Tyler got out of bed, quickly retrieved the condoms and returned to the loft. The moon provided just enough light for him to see London sit up to pull his shirt over her head. The sight of London sitting naked in the moonlight, her hair falling over her full, creamy breasts, made him pause just to admire her beauty.

He ripped open the box of condoms while she pulled off her underwear.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked her once he was back in bed.

London took his hand and guided it between her thighs. He had his answer. She needed him as much as he needed her.

“My beautiful London,” he said right before he kissed her.

He kissed her lightly and slowly. He didn’t want to rush this moment. He wanted to enjoy every second that he had her silky skin next to his. He wanted to enjoy every taste of her lips and the sound of every pleasurable gasp that escaped from them. He teased her with his fingers and his tongue until he was certain that she needed him as much as he needed her. London rolled onto her back, her breathing rapid and shallow. She parted her legs for him and Tyler kissed her deeply as he gradually eased his body into hers.

She pulled her mouth away. “Faster...”

Tyler held himself back. He put his hands on either side of her face so she had to look up at him.

“No.” Tonight, he was in control. “This time, we’re going to do this my way.”

Frustrated and needy, London lifted her hips and tried to take more of him, but he held his body back from her. And no matter how much she protested or squirmed beneath him, he forced her to go at his pace. He filled her body so slowly that it felt like sweet, sweet torture. She realized that she had no choice but to relinquish control, at least temporarily, to him.

Tyler buried his face in her neck as he slowly buried himself inside her body.

“London...” He groaned. “You feel like heaven to me.”

Tyler sank the full length of his shaft within her willing body. He hadn’t expected it, and neither had she, but London climaxed. She knew that they were far away from prying ears, so she threw her head back and cried out loudly as waves of ecstasy rolled out from her core and fanned out over the rest of her body. Tyler held on to her tightly, held himself steady, and waited for her to ride the waves until their very end. Once she was breathless and clinging to him, Tyler gave her exactly what she had demanded from him in the beginning. He made love to her with more passion than he’d even known he was capable of. He kissed her harder and loved her harder than he had ever loved another woman before. He tried to show her with every inch of his body how much he cared about her. His unrestrained passion drove London to a second orgasm, and at the sound of her joyous cries, Tyler found his own powerful release.

Tyler kissed her lips, her neck, and then slowly eased his body away from hers. Side by side, and on their backs, they let the chilled air cool their skin.

London was the first to speak. “I have to admit...your way has its benefits.”

Tyler laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

He was encouraged when she didn’t pull her hand back when he reached for it. He knew, in that exact moment, that he loved London. Perhaps he had loved her for a long time and out of self-preservation never admitted it to himself or to her. He loved her. He was in love with her. He needed to tell her how he felt...he would tell her. But not tonight. Tonight, for the first time in his life, Tyler would sleep with his arms around the woman he loved.

* * *

The following morning, the bright sunlight brought with it a heavy dose of reality. London had sprung out of bed, shaken Tyler to awaken him and then rushed downstairs so she could take the pregnancy tests. While she was in the bathroom, Tyler got dressed and waited on the love seat for her. She emerged from the bathroom carrying four tests. She sat down next to him and, one by one, laid the tests out in front of them on the coffee table.

“I feel bad putting pee sticks on your mom’s table.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Tyler stared hard at the tests. “There’s bleach under the sink. What are we looking for?”

London pointed to each test. “Plus sign, plus sign, two lines, two lines.”

“If we see a plus sign or two lines, it will mean that yes, you’re pregnant?”

She nodded. “And a negative sign or one line means that I’m not pregnant.”

“I...think I see a second line on this one...” He leaned forward to get a closer look at one of the tests. “Do you see a second line, too?”

London’s body crumpled forward, her hands pressed tightly into her stomach. She didn’t want to see it, but she did see a second line. And then, to make matters worse, she saw a plus sign, too. One by one, the tests came back positive. She was pregnant with Tyler Brand’s child.

London stared at the four positive tests, her hand over her mouth to stop herself from saying something horrible she might regret later. She wanted to scream and curse and throw something so hard that it would shatter into a thousand pieces. But she couldn’t. So she just sat there, staring and knowing that going to Tyler’s room that night had been a terrible mistake.

Tyler was staring at the four positive tests as well. Even though he’d known this was a real possibility, he still felt a little bit in shock. And he didn’t know what the heck he should say to London. He had the certain feeling that anything he said was going to be wrong.

“You’re pregnant,” Tyler said robotically.

She looked at him as though he was the dullest nail in the toolbox before she stood up, gathered up the offending tests and shoved them back into the bag.

“I know,” she snapped at him.

“Do you want to talk about it now?”

“No.” She jerked a knot into the top of the bag to make certain that the tests wouldn’t fall out when she threw them away. “I don’t want to talk about it. We should head back.”

Tyler was actually relieved she didn’t want to talk. They both needed some time to adjust to the idea. In his family, there was no such thing as pregnancy without marriage. He was just getting used to the idea of being in love for the first time and now he was on track to be a father. Other than his responsibility to ranching, maturity had never really been high on his priority list. Babies and marriage, especially with a woman like London, would take all manner of maturity.

He cleaned up downstairs while London tackled the loft. She quickly made the bed and then sat down on the edge of the mattress to look out the window. The world outside that window was so pretty and peaceful and simple. She placed a hand on her flat stomach.


She quickly began to mentally count out the months in her head. If she kept the baby, she’d still be able to finish her last semester as planned. But she would be very pregnant by graduation and she wouldn’t be able to hide it.

“What have I done?” London closed her eyes tightly and forced the flood of emotions bubbling up inside her back down. There was no sense getting all weepy. It wouldn’t do her a bit of good.

London stood up, plumped the pillows and then headed down the spiral staircase. Tyler was waiting for her; he watched her closely but didn’t detect any hint that she might have been crying while she was upstairs. He wasn’t all that surprised—she had a stiff-upper-lip attitude. Even so, at the door, he put both hands lightly on her shoulders and waited for her to look at him.

“London...I promise you,” he said sincerely. “It’s going to be okay.”

“That’s not a promise you can keep, Tyler.”

“Yes, it is.” Tyler wrapped his arms tightly around her body, a body that seemed to be trembling from the inside out. “Yes. It is.”

High Country Christmas

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