Читать книгу Active Hope - Joanna Macy - Страница 34



Notice: Scan your recent memories and identify something that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours that you’re pleased about. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just something that makes you think, “I’m glad that happened.”

Savor: Close your eyes and imagine that you are experiencing that moment again. Notice colors, tastes, sounds, smells, and the sensations in your body. Notice also how you feel in yourself.

Give thanks: Who or what helped this moment to happen? Was anyone (or anything) else involved? If so, think of them and imagine expressing your thanks.

There are two sides to gratitude: the first is appreciation, where you’re valuing something that has happened, and the second is attribution, where you’re recognizing the role of someone or something else in bringing it about. Even when you’re grateful to yourself, it is likely that others played a role in your development of the skill, strength, or quality you used. Gratitude is a social emotion. It points our warmth and goodwill out toward others.

Active Hope

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