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We begin with gratitude, remembering the words of Thich Nhat Hanh: “If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow: and without trees, we cannot make paper.” So it is with this book. Without all those who’ve played supporting roles, it would simply not be here. So our thanks extends to all who have helped, particularly:

The core team involved in its production. Early on in our book-writing journey, we were joined by two people who understood what we were setting out to do and who were with us in this purpose: our agent, Suresh Ariaratnam, and our editor, Jason Gardner. What a relief to have you alongside us. Thank you. We’re grateful to Dori Midnight for the wonderful spiral illustration in chapter 2, to Dave Baines for the two intriguing spirals of time in chapter 8, and to all at New World Library for the different roles they’ve played, particularly Mimi Kusch for copy editing, Monique Muhlenkamp for publicity, Tona Pearce Myers for the interior design, Tracy Cunningham for the cover design, and Munro Magruder for marketing. We would like also to thank the many who have inspired us, particularly those we’ve quoted, such as John Robbins, John Seed, Rebecca Solnit, Tom Atlee, Nelson Mandela, and the late Arne Naess and Elise Boulding.

The many friends and family who have supported us while writing. Joanna’s husband, Fran, supported us right from the beginning. We have felt him as a powerful ally, even after his death in 2009. Joanna particularly thanks her assistant Anne Symens-Bucher, her children, Peggy, Jack, and Christopher, and her grandchildren, Julien, Eliza, and Lydia. Chris’s wife, Kirsty, encouraged him through writing ups and downs; his mum, Sheila, brother, Dave, and sister, Diana, were great allies too. Hamish Cormack interviewed Chris about each chapter and commented on early drafts. We received invaluable and encouraging feedback from our panel of “test readers,” which included Roz Chissick, Marion McCartney, Philip Raby, Helen Moore, Manu Song, Edi Hamilton, Pete Black, Sally Lever, Alex Wildwood, and Sue Mann. Our dear friend Kathleen Sullivan, who has known us both for decades, has been a friend of our writing too, and we thank her.

The countless colleagues in the Work That Reconnects, who have engaged with it as a practice, offered it in places all over the planet, and added their own distinctive contributions. As we take the essence of this approach to wider audiences, we are aware of the ways you have enriched it; our pleasure in your company is boundless.

Active Hope

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