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Evaluating the Sufficiency and Appropriateness of the Audit Evidence Obtained


The auditor must form a conclusion as to whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained to reduce to an appropriately low level the risk of material misstatements in the financial statements. (AU-C 330.27 and .28) The auditor’s judgment as to what constitutes sufficient appropriate audit evidence is influenced by factors such as the following:

 Significance of the potential misstatement in the relevant assertion and the likelihood of its having a material effect, individually or aggregated with other potential misstatements, on the financial statements

 Effectiveness of management’s responses and controls to address the risks

 Experience gained during previous audits with respect to similar potential misstatements

 Results of audit procedures performed, including whether such audit procedures identified specific instances of fraud or error

 Source and reliability of available information

 Persuasiveness of the audit evidence

 Understanding of the entity and its environment, including its internal control

(AU-C 330.A75)

If the auditor concludes that he or she has not obtained sufficient evidence, the auditor:

 Attempts to obtain such evidence.

 Expresses a qualified opinion or disclaims an opinion if unable to obtain that evidence.

(AU-C 330.29)

Wiley Practitioner's Guide to GAAS 2020

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