Читать книгу Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual - Joanne M. Flood - Страница 29

Example 2.10: Statement of Net Assets in Liquidation


XYZ Company Statement of Net Assets in Liquidation As of June 30, 20X1

Cash and cash equivalents at carrying value $ 3,300
Trade receivables, Net 1,536
Property, plant, and equipment, Net 6,518
Liquidation basis of accounting, Items previously not recognized 818
Total Assets $12,172
Accounts payable $216
Taxes payable 66
Notes payable 450
Due to related parties 348
Estimated costs to liquidate 32
Total liabilities 1,112
Net assets $11,060

Practice Pointer: Notice that in the example above, the entity initially measures its assets to reflect the amount it expects to receive in cash or other consideration. The assets include items previously unrecognized, like trademarks and patents that the company expects to sell. These are valued in the Statement of Net Assets at the amounts of proceeds the entity expects to realize. Assets are reported gross. The costs to dispose of the assets are presented separately in estimated costs to liquidate. The statement is unclassified and presents the total net assets in liquidation.

Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual

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