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Space Station

For the 666 passengers and crew of flight 367 the arrival at Beta 2 Station was just the beginning of an odyssey that would mark their lives for long time. From then on, nothing else would be the same. The surprises felt at the beginning were just a tiny drop of the immense ocean of emotions that awaited them. Shortly after the initial messages, new ones began to appear on the monitors, with instructions and tasks that they would have to perform at the facilities where they were to be transferred. Of all the instructions received, one awakened particular strangeness: « Special bracelets will be distributed that everyone must wear on a permanent basis, that is, throughout the time of stay on the Space Station. All the communications will be made through the clamps to be distributed: consultations; information; replacement and correction of the vital signs of each one. Any withdrawal, even accidental, must be immediately restored by qualified personnel since the holder is then at high risk of a sudden death. The equipment to be distributed is able to withstand all demands of everyday life, so it is not necessary to have special care with it».

The first reactions of the passengers to that message were of violent emotional shock! No one understood its scope and meaning. The Commander, who was assembled with the crew in the cockpit, was waiting for the end of the meeting to clarify the passengers. Meanwhile, outside, the manifestations of displeasure of the passengers were evident. No one was indifferent to the situation. The comments that were heard all over the airplane were the most diverse: «what is this?! »; « who is be behind these diversions? »; «where are the flight attendants? »; «all this must be clarified as a matter of urgency»; «we pay for our tickets, we have the right to know what is going on! »; «I’ve never seen anything like this! »; «you have to explain the situation! »; «this is unacceptable! ».

The Commander, who was meeting with his team to tell them what each one would have to do. Since he had no audio means to speak to the passengers, he decided to go personally and expose the situation to the members of the Government to bring them up to date. Finished the meeting with his staff and when moving to the top floor was confronted with all sorts of questions to which he invariably replied: « I apologise for the inconvenience; the stewardesses will speak with you all! ». If for the Commander the situation was embarrassing, for the flight attendants it was no less difficult. These, when they came out of the cockpit, were bombarded with all sorts of questions, amidst a sea of emotions! Although they had been trained by the Airline Company to know how to cope with a lot of risky situations, none of them were set up with the parameters of this one. They therefore had to improvise personal resources to deal primarily with the passengers’ emotions. The first moments were particularly difficult for all of them, but especially for Florbela who, embraced by the children, couldn’t contain the tears running down her face. After a greater effort, she managed to dominate her emotions and improvised a brief speech:

-I ask you, on behalf of the Commander, the best understanding for the difficult times we are experiencing. We do not know who is at the origin of these acts, as well as what their intentions are. We regret we’re not able to advance much more information at the moment. Wait in your seats patiently. As soon as possible we will give information on the progress of the situation.

Those words came to the attention of those present as evidence of the crew’s total inability to manage events. As the various groups formed around the flight attendants dispersed, throughout the airplane, expressions of dismay, concern and even despair were visible on the faces of the passengers.

With the members of the Government the Commander had an even more thorny mission, because he had no choice but to report on the drama he and his Immediate experienced since the beginning of events. And as a man of science, technician and Commander, to add that he did not know where they were and who was at the origin of those acts was unbearable. But the hardest thing for him was to acknowledge that he felt helpless to solve that serious problem. After the Commander’s exposure, no one of those present had the courage to make any interpellation, since they knew from experience how difficult it is to manage complex situations. The natural reaction was silence and utter perplexity. Then the members of the Government gathered to confer with each other, in order to identify variables that would allow them to equate the problem. The Commander was fully aware that the situation could at any times become explosive so he quickly returned to the cockpit and, had barely arrived, when he noticed the monitors with a new message, «you will receive equipment that must be placed on your arms as instructed ».

Outside of the plane and without being noticed on board, automats initiated the movement of containers that were positioned in front of the airplane doors. Shortly thereafter these opened up to pass the cargo, and then closed. Almost simultaneously the flight attendant’s communication portables received a message with instructions for the distribution and assembly of the apparatus in the containers. The equipment should be mounted on the wrists of all passengers and crew. The flight attendant Anabela addressed the Commander and questioned him about the situation.

- What do we do?

The Commander did not respond to the flight attendant, instead he noted with perplexity that the video system was working, but instead of transmitting images of the spaces where the cameras were positioned, it passed a video with instructions for usage of an equipment. After paying some attention, he realized that the device in question was related to the subject brought by the flight attendant. He was filled with patience and agreed to do what seemed to be proposed by someone - see the video that was in front of him. At first, with little attention, but at some point, he changed his attitude. The video was well done and out of curiosity began to look at the subject with interest.

In his mind began to circulate questions, one after another: «who are these guys who build such perfect things? »; « what is this civilization that is approaching us? »; «where do they come from and what do they want from us? » and so many others. The Commander who could not find answers to any of his questions was engrossed in his thoughts, so he had not noticed at the urging with which the flight attendant Anabela asked him:

-Commander, please, give-me some attention! What do we do with the devices?

-Distribute them by the people who want to put them on! – He replied without any conviction keeping his eyes on the video, that was now taking his full attention.

On the other side of the cockpit, in the passenger area, the monitors installed also played the video. The flight attendants first read the instructions and then started the first applications on themselves. After some time and without any adverse effects felt, they made themselves available among passengers who did not show reservations, to assist with the placement of the equipment. The four kids who, at an early stage, stood by their relatives’ side looking at the monitors vaguely and aloof, at some point began to get intrigued by the images. Soon after, already impatient, they fled their seats, despite the protest from their parents who wanted them to stay in their places. Mário and Nuno were the first to meet, and shortly after Iris and finally Cristina joined them. Curious about the images they saw reproduced on the monitors, they searched the flight attendants for information about what they had seen. The opportunity soon appeared for the four of them.

-What are you doing here? – Said Florbela with a blink of an eye.

-We want to put the devices on too! – Said Mário, representing the group.

-First you have to get authorization from your parents.

Nuno, accustomed to that phrase, whispered into Mário’s ear something that the others did not understand. Then he ran towards the seat where is parents were.

-Mom, I have to go to the bathroom.

-Then go!

-Yes, but the flight attendant said that to go with me, she needs your permission. You don’t have to go there, just make an affirmative gesture for her to see.

As Nuno stood up from the bench, his mother noticed the flight attendant who, at a certain distance, looked insistently in her direction, so she gave her an affirmative signal. Nuno then ran to meet both the stewardess and his friends. When he arrived, he took the opportunity to tell the stewardess that his mother had given permission and that this could be confirmed by his colleague. Soon afterwards Nuno already displayed the desired apparatus seeking to make friends envious. Mário, displeased with the situation, also went to claim the necessary authorization from his mother, alleging that his friend Nuno already owned a device. After some initial reservations, Mário’s mother authorized it. Cristina and Iris, following the example of their friend, also complained to their parents that, seeing no alternative, accepted the situation as a fait accompli. So, in a short time, they were run through the corridors displaying on their wrists the new motives of interest, as if it were toys. The four kids set an example for a good part of the passengers, thus making life easier for the flight attendants. Over time, throughout the plane, an increasing number of people were adhering to the application of the devices and through them began to have access to their features, most of them not knowing very well what they were for.

On the top floor and after the meeting with the Commander the situation among the members of the Government became increasingly difficult to manage. Without fully awareness of what was really happening, they began to look at the monitors with the distance of those who do not believe in anything they see. For them the messages that were appearing to the monitors had different interpretations. To some, those messages were nothing more than the amusement manoeuvres of the kidnappers to divert attention from what was truly happening. To others, all that was too confusing, so they didn’t pay any attention to it. Others still began to admit that the plane had simply been hijacked and it should be somewhere at some airport. The engines had long been stopped, and this was clear proof of that conclusion. As for the location, the disagreement was even greater. While some leaned towards the Middle East, others claimed it to be a country in North Africa with connections to «Al-Qaeda». Others, however, insisted on the likelihood that it could also be a Latin America country. For everyone, it was an unacceptable kidnapping of a civilian plane and for political reasons. The security guards accompanying the government team had already been instructed to be prepared, as at any moment they might have to go into action to protect lives. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, however, argued with his peers and Secretaries of State that, for him, the Commander of the plane was not at all oblivious to the situation. In defence of his thesis he drew attention to the vague tone with which he had addressed the issue, although he admitted that he could also be under threat from the kidnappers. As far as the Minister of Finance was concerned, the situation was much more complex than the other peers admitted, because as time passed and the non-sighting of any terrorist nearby, led to think that behind all that would be much more than what was admitted. The communiqués and particularly the apparatus, to which the messages insistently referred, with its mandatory application, made it possible to admit another interpretation of the facts. For the Minister of Finance, the images collected from outside indicated that this was a very strange place, advertised as the « Beta 2 Station ». For him, although he did not know all the places on planet Earth, of one thing he was absolutely certain: « I had never seen anything like it! The buildings, in addition to presenting bizarre shapes, also show great construction technicality, so something doesn’t add up! » For the Minister of Finance, it was important to speak to the Commander once again. In this sense he asked one of his advisors to find a flight attendant and request the presence of the Commander. When a few minutes later the flight attendant Florbela arrived, the events brought even more surprises.

- Minister, what can I be of service?

-We have an urgent need to talk to the Commander as soon as possible.

-I don’t know if it’s going to be possible anytime soon. The Commander is locked in the cockpit and I have no way of talking to him!

-Is the situation that bad?

-More than you can imagine, Minister!

-Can you be more precise?

-We are receiving messages that anyone who hasn’t put the device on his arm is putting his life at risk. You can confirm this information on any of the chairs’ monitors.

-Don’t you think it’s another diversion?!

-Very sincerely, I don’t think so! In my humble opinion the matter is to be taken seriously.

-Why do you say that?!

-You see, Minister, those automatons are proof of that. I am very travelled and honestly, I have never seen anything like this! We are probably on a different planet from ours!

-Hollywood does a lot better than that, don’t you think?

-Minister, with all due respect, that territory is American.

The flight attendant Florbela had barely finished the sentence when her sister, Anabela, just arrived and still gasping, interrupted the conversation.

-Sorry! Florbela it’s urgent. I beg you to come downstairs. We have an emergency!

-Go, Go! We’ll talk later! – Said the Minister, this time seriously concerned.

As the flight attendants walked away, the Minister went to one of the windows to observe the movements outside. And for the first time he noticed the strange creatures referred to by the flight attendant, moving equipment without him understanding what all that would serve for. That finding, associated with the previous doubts, helped him to draw up a disturbing picture of recent events. He then met with the other members of the Government to plan a joint action.

On the other passengers’ area, they were also aware that they were increasingly dependent on the conditions imposed by the kidnappers. Common sense recommended that they should avoid explicit demonstrations of hostilities. Thus, a large majority agreed to apply the apparatus in their arms, according to the instructions referred to in the various messages. For those who had already applied the devices to the wrists they noticed that from the beginning they began to feel a lesser dependence on liquids and solids, as well as the absence of signs of tiredness, despite all the tension experienced at the moment. Without realising the causal relationship between these improvements and the device applied, they began to comment on such occurrences.

As time went by, an additional issue began to worry the Commander - the degradation of the airplane’s habitable conditions. If in the economy class the comfort conditions of the airplane exceeded the standard of any other commercial plane and in the first class the ample facilities and luxury provided a life on board of high quality, both were conditional to the maximum number of flight hours. After reaching this limit, these conditions began to deteriorate rapidly if the required maintenance were not carried out. The crew knew this like no one else and even among the most travelled passengers this reality did not go completely unnoticed. With the long hours on board, these habitable conditions began to deteriorate rapidly. Had it not been for the majority of passengers to agree to the use of the devices proposed by the kidnappers, the situation on board would now be completely unsustainable. The emotional wear resulting from the abduction led the majority to become aware that their lives were in multiple dangers and, perhaps for all that, their cooperative attitude was not strange. However, Christina’s father, as a judge, had a different mind, who thought that every Man should fight for his rights even if it jeopardises his own life. In the face of a new message from the kidnappers (calling once again on the urgent application of the devices on everyone’s wrists), the flight attendants reiterated the fulfilment of the instructions received, but whenever they approached the Judge, he remained adamant in the position taken.

From the beginning, the Judge was aware that the kidnappers were not sided by right, but by force. That circumstance had weighed on the many appeals of his wife and daughter to accept the application of the apparatus. An equally complex situation was lived on the 2nd floor of the airplane with the governmental entourage. There, opinions knew different levels, not only because of the hierarchies, but because of the need to defend the moral values associated with each one. Here and there, through isolated dialogues, one could perceive the reigning thoughts. This was the case in a small group formed by the Secretaries of State and their Deputies and later by three Ministers.

-I’m afraid we can’t put off much longer the decision to stay on or off the plane - said Clara Sobral, Secretary of State of the Treasury.

-The problem goes way beyond that! – Said Elsa Ferreira, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

-Wherever you look, the interrogations are more than many – said at last Teresa Domingos, Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.

Although they belonged to the same Government, these women had very divergent positions. To Elsa Ferreira, the situation would require the assailant to leave the lair, even if he had forced it to do so. For Teresa Domingos the biggest problem was because « the food resources in the airplane would run out quickly and then what to do? ». If Clara Sobral insisted on the need for a rapid decision, it was due to the imperative position of the kidnappers, in the use of the bracelet, as a condition to get off the plane. Her academic training in medicine told her that they were in control of the situation, proof of that were her thoughts: «the fact that the kidnappers do not expose themselves shows that they dominate the situation and they know very well the way to go to obtain their ends»; « they are clearly intelligent, unemotional and very programmatic beings»; «they know that time runs in their favour so they have no need to expose themselves or use other resources such as fear».

At a certain distance, a small group of Security Men were also exchanging opinions on the subject.

-In my entire career, it’s been 20 years, it’s the first time I’ve watched a situation so complex - said Lopes, one of the oldest security guards on the team.

-When I joined this function three years ago, I was convinced that the hard training we went through enabled me to have sufficient preparation for everything, or almost everything, but in the face of this situation I feel like an apprentice, fearing the worst - said Caciano, one of the newest on the team.

-You’re not isolated in that feeling. As far as I’m concerned, it’s been seven years in the job, I’ve been through a lot of situations, but like this is the first time. The bastards behind this are very clever, they don’t even bother to show themselves. Now with the bracelets, read the handcuffs, they want to control us all. You’re going to have to shoot me first! – Said Pereira, one of the security guards with more heroic deeds recorded in the curriculum among the security men of the members of the Government.

-I think you’re forgetting that the Bosses are the ones deciding on the situation – said Xavier, responsible for the security team.

On the other side of the room, three other men spoke with discretion and in a low voice. One of them mobilized the attention of the other two and due to the respectability achieved, should have hierarchical ascendency over them. With the arrival of the flight attendant Florbela, they interrupted the conversation to hear that she had to tell them.

-I spoke to the Commander who expects to be here very soon.

-Thank you very much! We have absolute need to speak with him - said Oscar Pereira, Minister of Finance.

-I hope you told him the situation is extremely complex! – Reinforced Mago Vieira, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

-I’d say explosive! – He added Marco Dias, Minister of Economics.

Amidst that crosstalk, Florbela remained silent, making comments to herself, in particular about the outburst of the Minister of Economics «look who’s talking! ». Meanwhile, without the present realizing it, the Commander had approached.

-How can I help you? - The Commander said.

Florbela, looking in the direction of the voice and realizing who it was, intervened.

-Commander, the Minister of Finance wishes to ask you a few questions.

-Go ahead!

-We’d like to have an update, if possible! – said the Minister.

-I do not have much to add to what I said previously, unless the lack of collaboration from your team makes life difficult for everyone! – said the Commander. If I may, I must return to the cockpit urgently.

To those present the words of the Commander were, to say the least, disconcerting. For Florbela it was the second time, in a short time, that she did not recognise the attitudes of her own Commander (insensitive, rational and distant, presenting a seraphic face without expressing any emotions). The poor Minister, in addition to disconcerted, saw in the Commander’s response an attitude of little elegance, having passed his hands by the face in a sign of displeasure. And, turning to his Foreign Affairs colleague, he added:

-What’s gotten into him? It’s got to be stress.

-Don’t worry, Minister, the Commander is upset about the situation! – Said Florbela, trying to mitigate the lack of respect manifested.

Sometime later Florbela commented with Anabela the scene that she witnessed, receiving from her an even more disconcerting answer.

-This is crazy!

-What’s the matter? – Said Florbela, surprised.

-You’ve seen the last message: «all passengers with bracelets should get off the plane». But what about the air outside?! Will it be breathable?

-Think about it! If it wasn’t, we’d all be dead by now, don’t you think?

-I’m sorry! I think I’m losing my mind!

-Come on, calm down! That won’t solve anything! – Said Florbela, also trying to keep her emotions under control.

Outside, shortly thereafter, the first passengers from the plane began to appear. Carriers of apparatus applied to the arms and guided by signs were divided into three groups: young people under the age of twenty-five; adults between the ages of twenty-five and fifty, and one for adults over the age of fifty. The border line between the groups was thus demarcated by age, so some families found themselves distributed among two and up to three groups. At first that segregation did not represent a major difficulty because, although they were in different compartments, they could see each other through glass that separated them. Some time later each of the groups was invited to perform music oriented exercises: to the youngest with rhythmic cadences; while for the older ones with soft and slow tunes. For those who, through the windows of the airplane, watched the show, it felt like they were standing in front of some holiday resort. No one would say they were looking at passengers coming out of an abducted aircraft, for who knows what terrorist purposes. Shortly thereafter, inside the airplane, the ventilation and air renewal circuits as well as the lighting were shut down. For the crew and some passengers who were still inside the plane, that was an alarm signal. The passengers in those conditions would have to leave as soon as possible, because the habitable conditions would deteriorate considerably. From there, the meals on board would cease to be usable and even the air would gradually become more unbreathable. The use of the sanitary facilities itself would have to be stopped, as they would no longer operate either the waste disposal systems or the water supply for discharges (life on board was gradually becoming impossible).

The people who remained on board, still in significant numbers, became more aware that they had little time left to get off the plane. Among them were all members of the governmental team and their auxiliary personnel as well as security staff. After having pondered the new condition, they decided to accept the Commander’s recommendation: « applying the bracelets without reservations». When the Minister of Finance announced to his team the decision, made in a meeting with the other government colleagues, he had done so in the painful acceptance that this was the only way out. With the departure of the entire governmental entourage, the plane was almost deserted. From there they ceased to feel the need to ingest any kind of solid or liquid food, to the surprise of everyone and perplexity of the doctor Clara Sobral, who did not find an explanation for that extraordinary phenomenon!

The only passenger on board was Judge Marcelo, irreducible in his position. Gradually he became weaker and even after the many appeals of his daughter, wife and hostesses, he refused to reconsider. Clara Sobral, upon learning of the situation, made herself available to the flight attendant Felisbela, to serve in the mediation of the conflict.

-I’d like to talk to the passenger who’s been detained on the plane.

-Come, please. It’s the Judge. I’ve never seen such difficult person! We’ve done everything to convince him to leave, but no result!

When they entered the airplane, they felt an atmosphere that was already degraded and unpleasant. They went to the seat where the Judge was and came across a scenario that greatly moved them. A child bathed in tears embraced her father’s legs in a suffocated cry. Beside the Judge, his wife, whose face was disfigured by the bitterness in his soul, held her daughter’s head in her hands.

-So! What’s the matter? – Said Clara Sobral.

The Judge, with half-shut eyes, tried to figure out who dared to talk to him like that, but very tired closed them again without saying anything. His face expressed an advanced state of physical weakness. The flight attendant, in front of that desolated picture, intervened with a few words of encouragement.

-You’re lucky we have a doctor who can help you! But it’s essential that you cooperate!

This time the Judge did not react to Felisbela’s words and shortly thereafter leaned inanimate. Faced with that scenario the flight attendant was disturbed and not containing what was in her soul said in a low voice «you want to see that he died! ». Little Christina, realizing that something very serious was happening with her father, ran off, in an uncontrollable cry toward the outside of the airplane. Giving up to her pain she said to herself and to her guardian angel: «my father cannot die, do whatever is in your power to save him! ». Inside the airplane the doctor, identifying the gravity of the situation took on the Judge’s arm to check his pulse while, in a firm voice, ordered the flight attendant:

-Quickly! Bring me the device to apply to his arm!

Felisbela ran off like she hadn’t done in a long time. Outside she ran into her sister Florbela, who hugged Cristina and tried to understand the reasons for that scenario.

-What’s going on?

-It’s the Judge, he is in a bad shape! We’ll talk later!

While Florbela sought to console little Cristina, Felisbela mobilized all resources to attend to that medical urgency.

Inside the airplane the clinical picture of the Judge was increasingly critical to Clara Sobral. The bracelet application was an imperative condition of the kidnappers so that any passenger could leave. And, as the Judge’s physical condition prevented him from making a definitive decision on the subject, the doctor thought it was right to put the question to his wife.

-Your husband’s life requires the use of resources that we don’t have on the plane and as you know his departure is conditioned by the application of the device I ordered to be brought. What do you think we should do?

-My husband came to this state because he always refused its application. I really, really want him to live! I think, however, I have no right to oppose his will - I feel so deeply divided!

-I understand! But a decision has to be made! Urgently! Let me tell you this, maybe I can help you: I’ve always been on the side of life when I have to choose between life and death! And unless you oppose it, I’m applying the device to him as soon as I have it.

-I don’t object! Do the best for my husband’s life!

A few moments later, Felisbela arrived carrying the bracelet, accompanied by two security guards carrying an improvised gurney. The doctor applied the bracelet immediately. Then the security guards transferred the Judge by carrying him outside.

That scenario brought back to the doctor’s mind moments of strong anguish experienced a few years ago. After completing her first academic degree (medicine) and yet as an intern, she went through traumatic situations, which made her rethink her entire career. As a medical student she had a colourful and romantic idea about her future activity (helping people to alleviate sufferings and save lives). However, the day-to-day experienced in the ER during her time in the hospital showed her a very different reality. Beside that romantic dream of the activity, there also dark days, where death lurked at every moment. One day she witnessed an occurrence that greatly shocked her. The loss of a life that could well have been avoided. From then on, the romantic side of the activity disappeared, and she started to notice more about its dark side, especially whenever she watched the loss of lives due to indifference, bureaucracy and negligence. She decided to abandon her career and build a new one, far from that world of suffering. This time in Economics where she came to take doctorate, becoming a Professor. By this route she joined the Ministry of Finance and was later appointed Secretary of State of the Treasury.

Outside the plane the Judge was driven to a small reserved where he was in recovery, accompanied by his family, friends and Clara Sobral. Shortly thereafter he began to show signs of clear recovery, which did not cease to surprise those who accompanied him and in particular the doctor herself who asked herself: «how is it possible for him to come out of such a difficult situation without clinical resources? ». That recovery brought Clara a world of interrogations. The circumstances in which the Judge’s recovery occurred were in frontal clash with everything she had learned over her six years of medical school. Accompanied by a strange sensation that she knew very little or almost nothing about the life sciences after all! For the first time, as a former doctor, she felt apprenticed alongside those astonishing results! Her mind was now protruding from one question after another, without getting the slightest explanation for all of them: «how is it possible that a small apparatus placed on the wrist recovers a patient already in an advanced stage of pathology? ». Although she had been out of clinical practice for many years, she had kept abreast of what was coming out of the medical world. And she didn’t remember ever reading or listening to what she had observed there. But beyond that she could not even comprehend the basic principles that would be behind that new technology. That apparatus appeared to her eyes as a riddle, difficult to understand.

But for little Cristina, everything was a lot simpler! Just one look around and see what was right in front of her eyes: « her father recovered thanks to the intervention of her guardian angel! ». (Nothing simpler in the eyes of a child!) For her the adjectives that other people used were just a semantic way of talking, for what little mattered to her. The circumstance that occurred due to the renewal in her father’s health brought Cristina a renewed hope in life and in the joy of living, now with a greater closeness to her friend Mário - he also believed in Heaven, a kingdom of peace and joy where all coexist in total harmony. Managed by a God in the company of his children (the Angels), who cared for the beings existing on all planets, enough to ask them to help them. In this altruistic realm, the others always came first. Each angel received his share of joy and well-being in the right measure of the good that he did to each of the other beings he cared for. The very light that emanated was all the greater the more intense the love he gave to each of these beings. In Cristina, the belief in a realm of angels came through Mário’s grandmother. A Brazilian lady, travelled and very cheerful, for whom life was not a total paradise because most people had an ancestral tendency to spoil everything around them! That view of Cristina was, in the Judge’s opinion, « a colossal error of education » that he endured with great difficulty. Some bitterness between her parents originated precisely from this mystical tendency of Cristina. Marcelo accused his wife of allowing friendships like Mário’s and thus negatively influencing his daughter’s education. Margarida, on the other hand, did not see that Mário influence sufficient reason to produce the estrangement of the couple, Paula and Alberto, close neighbours and engineers, with whom it was very pleasant to live with.

Lost in Space

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