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With the immediate way Claire’s expression went from sultry to sickened, Chris felt like he’d delivered her a death sentence. Her fingers uncurled from his shaft and she took a step back, eyes narrowed. “I should have known this was a trick.”

Lamenting the loss of her touch, he moved to the bedroom door. “At least come in here and take a look.” She hesitated, so he added a pleading, “For me.”

She looked shocked for about two seconds and then let out a dry laugh. “Erin really did tell you everything.”

Her sister had included in Claire’s file what a pushover she was when it came to begging, particularly if Erin was part of the equation. He hadn’t intended to use that knowledge. But then, he also hadn’t intended to use her desire to sleep with him and he’d since changed his mind on that note, as well.

She stood her ground the better part of a minute before her glare let up. “Fine. I’ll take a look, but that’s as far as I’m going.”

Claire came to the doorway. She stalled when she reached him to send a nervous look at his tented boxers. “If you’re thinking of skewering me as I pass by, then moving me out on the deck when I’m too stupid with lust to realize it, forget about it. I don’t make the same mistake twice.”

Chris brought a camouflaging hand over his cock. “No skewering, I swear.”

With a nod, she continued past him. He’d been doing his best to ignore the fact that she hadn’t pulled the crotch of the boy panties from her sex. He didn’t have as much luck ignoring the hot way the coral—as she called it—cotton rode up between her butt cheeks. His dick jerked against his palm and, for the little bit of time it took for her to reach the bed and sit down, he had second thoughts about the whole skewering thing.

Ordering his head out of his ass and the blood back to his brain, he slipped between the bed and the two-person table-and-chair set to draw the floor-to-ceiling blinds. Past a sliding glass door, numerous trees were visible. None were close enough to the cabin to shade it. Sunlight streamed down from the deck’s wood-framed screen roof, shimmering in the water that ran through a small, decorative fountain shrouded with dogwood seedlings and baking the dark oak floorboards.

Moving back around the table and chairs, he came to a stop in front of the sliding door. “As you can see, the deck’s screened in with trees surrounding the outside perimeter. No other cabins are nearby either, so you don’t have to worry about being watched.” He grinned back to where she sat stiffly on the side of the bed, bare legs hanging over the edge and her hands fisted on the mattress near her hips. “Not that I think you wouldn’t go for a voyeur if you knew they were harmless.”

Claire didn’t even crack a smile. “I’ll admit it looks nice.” She spoke quietly without meeting his eyes. “But I can’t go out there.”

“You can. You just won’t.”

Another of those dry laughs left her as her gaze lifted to his. The disappointment in her eyes was nearly palpable. “Somehow I thought that when you said you understood what I’m going through, you really did understand.” Her voice wasn’t quiet now but accusing. “You don’t get it, though. You sound just like Erin.”

“I do get it, Claire. Enough to know that, in this case at least, your sister’s right.” Adding some wicked to his grin, he held out a hand. “Try it. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot of me to win.”

“Yeah. Nothing to lose. Just my breakfast and my mind.”

“Suit yourself. I’m going out.” Using the hand he’d offered to her, he slid open the glass door. Claire’s breath dragged in loudly. Even before he turned back, he knew panic would be in her eyes. Knew it would reach out and grab him by the throat, make him feel like he was committing some grave sin.

Not about to let himself go there, he took a step backward through the door. The deck had been built at the best angle to avoid the wind. Barely a breeze lifted through the screened-in room, leaving the sun to render it almost steamy. Smiling in a way that wasn’t almost steamy, but downright feral, he met her eyes and then slid his gaze to his groin. He slipped a thumb into either side of his boxers, easing the tacky cat shorts slowly down, gliding the soft material against the inclines of his hips. Lower to expose a teasing flash of dark blond pubic curls.

The rough edge of the waistband brushed the arousal-sensitized head of his cock. He lost his grin as electric sensation zinged through him and a sigh whistled past his lips. “Apparently, he has a weakness for hellcats.”

Desire danced into Claire’s eyes, knocking away all traces of fear. She sucked in a hot breath. “You don’t play fair.”

Reclaiming his grin in a rough chuckle, Chris skated the boxers down his hips another inch. “C’mon, sweetheart. Every step you take is another inch you get to see.”

She shook her head in denial but then pushed to her feet. “I’m stopping the second it gets to be too much.”

Nah, she wasn’t stopping. The panties were still sucked up inside her pussy, wetness darkening the material and short dark, moist curls exposed on either side. She couldn’t be that afraid and that turned on all at once.

She came a step forward, and he pushed the shorts down another inch. The head of his cock pressed furiously at the waistband with the move, building tension along the length of his shaft and spreading it down through his ass and around to his spine. “Thatta girl,” he encouraged through gritted teeth.

One more step she moved, her gaze trained on his groin. Her breathing increased to steady pants that did a tantalizing thing to her breasts, making them heave and strain against the cups of her bra.

He eased the shorts down again, just a fraction of an inch this time. Any farther and the peekaboo show would culminate with his dick escaping its hiding place. Not a problem, unless the abrupt move was enough to trigger her mind out of the moment.

Right now, as she came another step toward him, she was as in the moment as it got. Eyes huge and sinful blue. Lips deep pink and parted a little. Her tongue flicked out of her mouth without warning, dabbing suggestively at her full bottom lip, and his cock bucked hard enough to push the waistband out of its way.

The head of his shaft sprang free of the cotton. Claire’s eyes went wider still. Panting out a hasty breath, she brought her gaze to his…and came to a dead halt.

The air snagged in Chris’s throat. Maybe she could be that aroused and that afraid at once. “C’mon sweetheart. Two steps. Just another two steps.”

She wanted to take those last steps damned bad—he could see that much brimming in her eyes as dark, hungry need. Her gaze started to slip from his, to travel to the area past him. The area that was certain to be her downfall. “Look at me!”

Her eyes came back to his, hot and yearning, and then darted past him, out the open door. Panic replaced passion in the space of a heartbeat. Wildly, she shook her head, dancing her bangs across her forehead. “Dammit, I can’t do this! I won’t.” She stepped backward quickly, forcefully, until her legs rammed into the side of the bed and she toppled onto the comforter.

Stopping herself from falling all the way back by planting her palms on the mattress, she set her chin and glared. “It’s not happening, today or ever.”

“Then neither is sex.” Releasing a defeated sigh, Chris yanked his boxers back up. The far from graceful move proved near painful on his rock-solid shaft. Grunting, he moved inside the bedroom and closed the sliding glass door. Staying in the room with Claire so nearby and wet with arousal was a bad idea for both of their sakes, so he strode to the bedroom door.

“I should at least get a consolation prize for trying,” she said when he reached the door. No anger colored her voice, no fear. Just that needful hunger he’d witnessed in her eyes seconds before.

Against better logic, he turned around to find she’d moved up on the bed. With her back against the headboard, legs bent and parted slightly, full breasts nearly overflowing the cups of her bra with each of her deep breaths, she looked thoughtful and too damned sexy.

Coral really was her color. The way the panties were still lodged up inside her pussy and damp with her juices was his undoing.

Not that he was about to cross the room and fuck her. But a consolation prize couldn’t hurt. Rather, it could help them both. Get his mind off every other thought for a short time while relieving the knots he’d felt in her shoulders and back when he’d tried to give her a massage out on the couch. Too, it would help with building trust between them. Not to mention, it would feel damned good.

Chris moved a few feet back inside the room. “Something tells me you aren’t thinking of a gift certificate to the jelly-of-the-month club.”

A siren’s smile curved Claire’s lips as her gaze fell on his groin. “Close. I was thinking you could let me watch you stroke your jelly.”

His cock pulsed with the suggestion. He would deliver her that want, but not without getting at least something out of her for his efforts. “Why do you want me so much, Claire? You’re a beautiful woman. According to Erin, your last boyfriend was about as impressive as it gets. You can get a guy like that. Probably deserve one. So why do you want me?”

“Guys like that only stick around as long as things are running smoothly.”

“I look like the type to last the long haul?” If that was what she thought, he had bad news for her. For one, no woman who knew about his past would want him. For two, due to the sensual nature of the resort, healers were required to be single.

“No. I can’t see you as the settling-down kind,” she answered seriously. Then the naughty spread into her eyes. “But you do look like the perfect guy to spend three weeks basking in ecstasy with. I haven’t been with a man since before The Incident. After my time here, the only male I’m going to be with is the type that purrs and prefers a whole different kind of pussy.”

“What it boils down to is that you’re horny.”

“Horny.” Her hot gaze slid down his torso, feeling almost as good as a physical caress, before ending on the bulge of his cock. “And seriously attracted to you.”

“My body maybe. Me, you don’t know from Adam.” She wouldn’t be sitting on his bed in her bra and panties, let alone want to have sex with him, if she did.

“Fine. I’m seriously attracted to your body. Do I get my jelly now?”

“I’ll give you jelly,” Chris responded quickly, before the part about this consolation prize clearing his head of every other thought failed. “But you have to give me the same. And, Claire, this isn’t a jelly-of-the-month club. This is a one-time, indoor prize. You want anything more, it either happens on the deck or outside of my home completely.”

“Where do you want to do it?” Claire smiled at the wavering of her voice. Seven months ago, she would have taken advantage of her open-legged position on the bed, and already had been fingering herself until they were both too distracted for thought. Now, when she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they were about to engage in mutual masturbation, she felt suddenly nervous.

Chris gave her another of those understanding looks that said he got what was happening in her head. After he tried to lure her out onto the deck, she wasn’t convinced he did, but then she wasn’t convinced he didn’t either. Right now, she also didn’t care.

He moved back to the bedroom door and took hold of the knob. “How about you make yourself at home and I’ll come in after a while?”

Was he suggesting role playing, or just giving her time to relax? “Am I supposed to act surprised to see you?”

“You can act however you want so long as you’re having a good time.” With a parting glance at her crotch, he left the room, pulling the door closed as he went.

Claire scuttled off the bed. She didn’t miss the irony of the situation as she hurried to the dresser and yanked open the last of the drawers he’d designated as hers. This morning she’d moved hastily so he wouldn’t catch her in the buff. This afternoon she moved hastily to ensure she was well prepared for when he returned to the room with the purpose of catching her in the buff, or at least nearly naked.

Her earlier search of his home revealed that Erin hadn’t just packed for comfort. The bottom dresser drawer held a selection of risqué clothes, as well as lingerie and a handful of sex toys. How her sister knew where she kept her toy stash, she had no idea. She didn’t want to waste time wondering either.

Chris seemed plenty happy with the coral bra and boy-panty set, so she ignored the lingerie to focus on the toys. Or rather the lack thereof.

She pulled the clothes out of the drawer in the hope of finding her favorite vibrator hiding somewhere in the pile. Her heart sank a little when a thorough search yielded no pink vibrator with a built-in clit stimulator. She didn’t need it to climax, but from the first touch the stimulator would have eased her nerves to the point that her bones felt liquefied and she had only his much-coveted return on her mind.

Accepting that she’d have to settle for her second-favorite vibrator, a short black bullet with a rotating head, she took the toy out and stuffed the clothes back into the drawer. She locked the sliding glass door for an added measure of comfort and then returned to the bed. Typically, masturbating in bed was a bit too tame for Claire’s tastes. Knowing she wouldn’t be doing it alone, but with a living, breathing, sexy-as-the-devil man for the first time in months added a whole new level of excitement.

Reclining against the headboard, she drew up her knees and spread her legs. She focused on the door as she turned the bullet on and brought it between her thighs. How far along the path to orgasmland did she want to be when he returned? Or was it better to give herself a quick climax via the vibrator now so that she could rely solely on fingering herself then?

The spinning head of the bullet brushed against her inner thigh. Not realizing how closely she’d held it to her body, she gasped with the unexpected touch. Her pussy clenched as the head whirred upward along her thigh, cream already welling and making her sex feel like it was melting with carnal heat.

Chris’s boxer-dropping show and that partial view of his cock obviously had her body at full arousal. She wouldn’t need the vibrator to reach a speedy climax today. She brought it to her slit and rubbed it against her sex past her panties anyway. The cotton still inside her pussy shifted with the vibrations, arcing heated sensation throughout her core. Warmth licked through the rest of her as she took hold of the crotch of the panties and dragged them slowly free of her sex. Her pussy lips resisted their loss, sucking at the sodden material and registering a tingling need in her clit.

Claire pulled the crotch of the panties to one side and answered that tingling with the head of the vibrator. The rotating tip eased past trimmed pubic curls to slip between her labia and stroke against her clit. Mini-vibrations shuddered into the swollen bundle of nerves, and she gasped as her hips bucked up off the bed. Parting her pussy lips with two fingers, she angled the vibrator. The thick, hard side rode between her labia with short, erratic bursts of speed. The rotating tip struck against her clit with each of those bursts.

Warmth turned to sizzling heat within the space of seconds. Orgasm took her over nearly as quickly. Her breath wheezed between her lips as she closed her eyes to visions of Chris standing naked in the doorway, one strong hand fondling his balls while the other pumped away at his cock.

The vibrations died away slowly, her breathing returning to normal pitch. It picked up again with the creak of the bedroom door. A wild thrill pushed through her, heating her pussy back into an inferno of aching need. She opened her eyes expecting to find him standing there, cock and balls in hand. But he wasn’t there. The door was still closed, no further sound coming from the room beyond it.

Displeasure sailed through Claire. She displaced it with the thought he’d be here soon. Probably he was staying away with the idea of building anticipation.

She set the vibrator aside and pulled the panties down her thighs. Tossing the damp underwear onto the floor, she sat back and waited to give him the ultimate fingering show. And kept waiting for a good ten minutes.

Sighing, she brought her fingers back to her sex and petted the outer folds. The nervous tension had gone with her short but oh-so-sweet orgasm. She wasn’t about to let it return because he was taking his time in getting back to her.

Another several minutes of petting passed without his return, and she glared at the door. Had he changed his mind about masturbating? Or had he never intended to go through with it in the first place?

If this was another trick, so help her…. “Chris?”

She hadn’t shouted his name. In fact, she’d barely spoken it loud enough for him to hear beyond the door. Which meant he had to be waiting right outside, because the door burst open instantly. He wasn’t wearing the cat boxers with the tented front any longer. He wasn’t wearing a thing but a devastating grin and his hand around his cock. Except the action of his hand along his shaft was more of a stroking than a wearing. Not quite her vision come to red-hot life, and yet it was even better.

“Did someone call my—” His gaze latched onto her fingers caressing the folds of her sex. Appreciation mingled with the desire in his eyes as he met her gaze. “I don’t know who you are, lady, but I’m certain you never asked to come in my bed.”

So they were going with the role-playing game. That was one challenge she could eagerly rise to.

Chris slid his fingers to the blood-pink corona of his shaft. He rubbed his thumb in the silky moisture seeping from the tip, and then brought that same thumb to his mouth and sucked it between his lips.

Claire’s breath dragged in with a pant. Her pussy went from warm and damp to scorching and drenched. With effort, she recalled that he was waiting for her to play her part in this sensual game. But, God, it would have been so much easier if he hadn’t gone and tasted his jelly that way.

“Sorry,” she said in a low, husky voice. “I was passing by and saw your bed. So big and warm and empty looking. I was just going to lie down for a few minutes but then my pussy started to ache.” She stilled the easy petting to slip her fingers between the folds of her sex. A little moan left her as they pumped inside her channel. “Rubbing my finger around inside it helped but it’s still aching something fierce.”

He brought his hand back to his dick, stroking the hard length as he studiously eyed her cunt. “I can see the problem. It’s juicy red and inflamed. You need more than a finger diddling, lady.”

Excitement balled in her stomach. Was that an offer on his part? “I do?”

“Sure do. Lucky for you, I found this in the hallway.” She hadn’t paid attention to his left hand with all the good stuff his right one was doing. Now, she couldn’t take her eyes off it as he held up her missing vibrator.

Her clit fluttering in anticipation, she innocently eyed the pink sex toy. “You think that will make it feel better?”

“Only one way to find out.”

Claire pulled her fingers from her pussy to catch the vibrator. But he didn’t toss it to her. He turned it on and brought the quivering clit-stimulator to the side of his shaft. His cock bucked wildly, his features contorting with maximum pleasure.

“Oh yeah,” he said in a tight, raw voice. “I’d say there’s an excellent possibility it’ll work for you.”

Oh yeah was right. More like oh hell yeah!

It took one confident man to taunt his cock with an object so blatantly phallic. None of her past lovers had had the balls to do so. Which just might explain why her sex was shuddering as violently as if it was the one being stimulated by the toy.

Chris’s throat worked audibly as he teased the clit-stimulator the length of his erection. Muscles contracted visibly in his thighs. On a groan of pure pleasure, he brought the head of the vibrator to the weeping eye of his shaft and coated it with pre-cum. He tossed it to her then, the end shimmering with his own personal jelly.

Her jelly now.

His masculine scent lifted from the vibrator—strong, heady, and intoxicating. Claire’s tongue moved restlessly over her teeth.

God, it had been so long since she’d tasted a man’s seed.

She ached to take the vibrator into her mouth and suck his cum off. Her hungry pussy had other ideas, pulsing out a silent plea to put it inside. Ignoring both those needful aches in the hopes of getting something even better, she stared at the toy with feigned confusion. “I’m not sure I know how to work it.”

He took his member back in hand, idly stroking the hard flesh. “It’s pretty simple.”

She tilted her head to the side and batted her lashes. “So am I. Show me?”

His hand stilled as hesitation slid into his eyes. “Will a hands-on sample get you out of my house?”

“Um. Maybe.” It depended whether he meant that literally or as part of the game.

The answer had to be the game, because Chris accepted her neutral response by unhanding his shaft and joining her on the bed.

Her heart slammed against her ribs as he came up on his knees beside her, his erection so close if she straightened her right leg it would be rubbing against it. She wanted to risk it. Just not at the cost of losing his hands-on sample.

The heat in his eyes magnified about twenty times as he took the vibrator from her. Gaze intent on her crotch, he lightly touched the clit-stimulator to her labia. “It might seem like getting your pussy even juicier is moving in the wrong direction, but it’s going to have to get wetter before it feels better. A little outer lip stimulation goes a long way.”

Amen to that. Her sex fluttered madly as he moved the stimulator along her slit. The thumb of his free hand joined in, pressing between her damp folds. His thumb pushed deeper into her sex, opening her wide and, seconds later, exposing her clit to the stimulator’s all-powerful touch.

Urgent, trembling need whipped through Claire. Her body singed almost as hot as it had when he’d coerced her outside this morning. The difference being this heat she wanted wholeheartedly.

Gasping, she fisted her hands in the comforter. “Should it get hotter before it gets better, too?”

His gaze lifted to hers. “Is it hot?”

Ah, hell. He looked so equally concerned and hungry for her that it was just impossible to stop from risking it all. “Scorching. I think it needs something to cool it off. A tongue maybe.”

Chris’s eyes narrowed accusingly. He jerked the vibrator from her body and left it to quiver on the bed. “First you come in my bed and now you want to come on my tongue. Lady, you’re really something.”

Something good or something bad?

Before she could voice the question, he had her ankles pinned in his hands and was jerking her down the bed on her back. Planting a palm on each side of her head, he came over her, looking huge and wicked and wild hovering inches away. “I wouldn’t be much of a man if I left you suffering, now would I?”

The damp head of his cock nudged against her inner thigh. Her pussy pulsed with liquid anticipation. For just a second, Claire held out hope that he was so much of a man that he planned to give her far more than his tongue. Then he moved back down her body and buried his head between her thighs.

His fingers clamped around her upper legs as his lips pressed tight to her sex and his tongue speared deep inside her. And—what do you know?—she recognized that having his tongue in her wasn’t so bad.

Matter of fact, it was downright glorious. So much better than even her favorite vibrator. So much better than what past lovers going down on her had done.

Of course, past lovers might not have been this orally skilled.

She’d defined his fingers as magical when they’d massaged the knots nearly out of her shoulders and back. His tongue was nothing short of a miracle as he licked, sucked, and ate at her pussy, and erased every knot in her body.

Chris scooped his hands beneath her butt and tilted her hips at an upward angle. His tongue slipped deeper inside her sheath, lashing at tender tissue until she lifted her pelvis and ground her cunt greedily against his mouth. “Yes. Fuck me more!”

His tongue retreated, and she considered her outburst had cost her dearly. Then his mouth moved to the nubbin of her clit, lips closing quickly around it, sucking hard as his hold on her butt intensified, short nails digging almost painfully into her ass.

Claire moaned against the decadent nip, felt it drive throughout her butt, leaving her crack feeling empty and untouched. His teeth closed over her clit, first twisting and then tugging at the tight bundle of nerves. Her thoughts splintered apart as shudders erupted in her core, small at first then growing into something fierce and delicious as one of his hands released her butt to toy with her crack.

Afraid to speak, she whimpered for more and lifted her ass off the bed completely. His finger lingered along the silky divide of her crack, taunting her for long seconds before dipping divinely into her hole.

Releasing her clit, Chris pushed his tongue back into her pussy. In tandem, he filled her, front and back, in and out, pumping her with ultimate pleasure until her entire body shook with tremulous force.

Her belly clamped tight. Her heart pounded. Frantically, she clung to the comforter, feeling helpless yet again because of him. Mindless.

At least this time it was for all the right reasons. Or at least reasons that felt right as the tremors coalesced into a hot ball of desperation.

“Yes. Please…” Words slipped from her mouth.

The hand on her ass left. She feared again that he would stop completely. He didn’t stop. Just turned up the pace of his thrusts to savage devouring, expanding her desperation to the bursting point.

Claire shattered as rapturous heat slammed her eyes closed and caressed her to the soul. It left her trembling, panting, and weak. Unable to move, breathe.

Holy Jesus, his massages had nothing on his mouth jobs.

Chris’s shout of release invaded the orgasmic haze shrouding her mind and body. The primal sound snapped her eyes open. Quickly, she discovered where his hand had gone. Eyes smoky and dark, the muscles of his throat and neck corded delectably, he pumped his shaft with a white-knuckled fist. He aimed it at her chest and bathed her fettered breasts with the warm, silky stream of his cum.

All thoughts of risk evaporated. Pulse pounding, she drew the cups of her bra down and released her breasts. She dipped a finger into the seed glistening between the slopes of her breasts and then rubbed the silky gel along her nipple. The shiny, pink tip went instantly hard. She repeated the move with the other nipple, bringing it to a matching crest. Giving each tight point a squeeze had a groan emerging from her bed partner. With a moan of her own, she went back for more of his cum.

He’d tempted her when he sucked his pre-cum from his thumb. She tempted him right back, slipping the shiny finger between her lips. Or maybe she’d tempted herself, Claire realized, as the hot, salty taste of him exploded over her senses, because she wanted more. More of his cum and more of his body.

She went back for more of the first, swirled her finger into the shimmering fluid, and then sucked it sensuously back inside her mouth. With a murmur of elation, she flicked her gaze to Chris’s and let the digit pop back out. “My kind of jelly.”

Dark desire rallied in his eyes. His cock jerked hard. Discounting them both, he climbed from the bed. “Too bad for you the indoor supply just ran out.”

Escape to Ecstasy

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