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“As a physician, I have to caution you against doing this,” Danica scolded herself as she adjusted the temperature of the water streaming from her bathtub faucet.

Not only was Lena due over in fifteen minutes to brainstorm fund-raiser ideas to raise money for resort expansion, but Danica would pay hell in the form of back pain for folding her body up like a human pretzel. Climaxing with the aid of a vibrator on the softness of her bed would be so much healthier, but nowhere nearly as enjoyable.

More than feeling good was at stake, she recognized as she stepped into the tub and sank down in the inch of water pooling in the blue porcelain basin. She had to get over her bizarre want for Jordan. From the way he’d accused the resort and its staff of operating below the law to the noteworthy time he’d arrived in her office, he was destined to be trouble.

One quick orgasm and maybe, if their paths happened to cross again, she wouldn’t have to worry over whispering about her nut fetish.

Mortification attempted to surface with the memory of her inappropriate words. It would have been bad saying them to a normal man. It was downright shameful saying them to a man who had issues with his genitalia.

Hopefully Jordan’s nuts worked fine. Even now he could be slipping into the shower of his rental villa on the other side of the resort to treat his balls to a fondling.

The purpose of reclining back on the tub’s molded floor and propping her feet on either side of the chrome faucet head was to expunge her want for Jordan. Instead, as the fast-running water connected with the folds of her sex, visions of him masturbating in his shower filled her mind.

It wasn’t an undersized cock his fingers glided over, but a long, thick solid staff jutting from a thatch of dark blond pubic hair.

Relenting to the vision, Danica closed her eyes and used her fingers to spread her pussy lips. Normally, she loathed the uneven set of her hips, which made it next to impossible to find clothes that looked good on her. Now, her off-kilter frame was a blessing, placing her clit at an angle that had each of the millions of beads of water striking against it as they hammered down from the faucet.

Her cunt contracted with the intensity of pleasure blasting to her core. Warmth licked through her, increasing to a carnal inferno as she imagined Jordan standing in the opposite end of the tub, his fingers stroking over his proud member, his eyes bluer than ever with the heat of passion.

“I want you.” She could almost hear him speak the words in a voice gone rough with lust. “I want my tongue on your body, my cock filling you up.”

“Yes. I want that, too,” Danica panted.

Did she? Of course not, but that wasn’t important. This wasn’t real, even if it felt too good to be anything else.

She clung to the imaginary as the pulsating water continued its sensual torment. She could come at any moment simply by lifting her hips and accepting the full force of the rushing water deep into her sex. This was the first time she’d taken for pleasure in months, and she wasn’t giving in yet, to her body’s trembling desire or reality.

Jordan came down on his knees in the shallow water. His muscular, hair-lined thighs hovered around her head, his fingers continuing to pet his hot, hard flesh. A drop of silky fluid cascaded from the tip of his cock to land on her upper lip. She swiped at the creamy droplet with her tongue, and his essence exploded over her taste buds.

More. She needed more.

Tilting back her head, Danica reached out her tongue and greedily lapped at the plump, purple head of his penis. So good. So male. She wanted to sink her lips down his shaft, feel his cum pummeling the back of her throat with the power of his climax.

He lifted his cock from her tongue before she could take him inside her mouth. Hands moved to her legs, more fingers went to her pussy. Opening her farther.

The increased pressure arched her hips up, connecting her swollen flesh with the cold, solid chrome of the faucet. Fingernails bit into her tender thighs, the exquisite nip propelling her ass off the tub floor. Her clit scraped against the shaft. Her leg muscles tightened. The walls of her cunt constricted with each pass of her sex along the shaft, the force of the wicked water consuming her burning flesh.

Orgasm flooded her in a pulsing rush. She screamed with its magnitude, harder as the shaft chafed against her clit. Holding herself up became too much to bear.

Gasping, she fell back into the shallow water, extending her climax with the thrust of two fingers inside her creaming, clenching sheath.

The sound of knocking filtered through the open bathroom window, overpowering the mad beat of her pulse in her ears.

Opening her eyes, Danica pulled her fingers from her body. She turned off the water and pushed to her feet, stumbling a bit with the wearing effect orgasm and the pretzel position had on her legs.

Damn. Lena was early. Only by ten minutes, but they were ten minutes she’d been counting on to come down from her climax high and get cleaned up.

Lena wouldn’t care if she was clean. Considering how loudly Danica had screamed with her orgasm, her friend was bound to know what she’d been doing. As often as Lena mentioned Danica’s dating dry spell, she was probably ecstatic to have overheard Danica having sex of any kind.

The knocking continued. She took a few seconds to blot at the portion of her hair that had found its way into the water. Grabbing her well-worn robe from the hook next to the sink, she quickly tied the sash and padded barefoot through the one-story villa to the front door.

She flipped on the entryway light and drew in a calming breath as she opened the door for Lena. Then nearly choked to death on that breath when she discovered it wasn’t Lena waiting in the darkness, but a sexily disheveled Jordan with a smile so wickedly perceptive there was no denying he’d heard her rapturous scream.

She didn’t owe him an explanation. He shouldn’t even be at her villa. Still, words rushed out of her mouth. “You think I have a man in here. I don’t have a man in here.”

That was where she was mistaken, Jordan thought, giving her flushed, damp body an appreciative ogling that had his rock-solid dick jerking beneath his untucked shirt. It might not have been a man who’d made her shout so loudly he’d heard her impassioned cry long before reaching her door, but there was a man in her villa. Or rather there was about to be.

“Actually, you do.” He pushed his way inside, taking a second to kick the door shut before he pinned her against the wall with the press of his body against hers.

Danica’s eyes went wide. A gasp attempted to escape her arousal-reddened lips. He gobbled the sound up with his own lips. Sinking his tongue into her mouth, he jerked at the loose knot at her waist. The sides of her pink robe gave way, and his hands filled with warm, soft, succulent skin.

He’d come here to give her what she made clear she wanted each time she checked out his cock. He’d planned on a swift approach but never realized just how swift it would be. Or that she would be waiting, fully stimulated and mostly naked.

Or that she would taste so damned good.

Hell, he shouldn’t enjoy kissing her. She didn’t appear to enjoy kissing him—her tongue was lifeless against his, her body inert. That changed the instant Jordan slid a hand down the rise of her belly to cup her mound.

Heat rose off her sex. Moisture joined that heat as he fingered her slit. Her hips shot to motion, bucking wildly, her tongue licking to lusty life against his. Her fingers gripped at the front of his dress shirt, quickly moving lower, past the shirttails to find his erection freed of his zipper and already sheathed for action.

Danica’s mouth stilled. Her fingers froze around the head of his cock. His ready state might have surprised her, but from the stab of her erect nipples against his chest and the dampness of her slit, there was no question that she wanted him.

He thrust into her slick pussy, fingering her core while his tongue and lips continued to render her speechless.

Wetness built with each of his strokes until her sex contracted around his fingers, her inner walls deliciously milking at them, making his cock damned anxious to get inside.

Her tongue started moving again, her lips taking his so eagerly it was as if she was starved for a lover’s kiss.

Of course, that wasn’t the case.

She’d probably slept with another potential resort client just last week. Maybe even last night. It was the reason Jordan was here now, to start on the path to proving her immoral, if not the resort a complete joke. Only, it was hard to remember his purpose when he pulled his fingers from her weeping cunt, lifted her up his body, and pumped his cock inside her.

He’d expected wet and loose. He had the wet part right, but Danica’s pussy was nowhere near to loose.

Her sex clamped down tightly, fitting around his shaft like a second skin. She continued her eager assault of his lips and tongue and teeth while her hands gripped his back through his shirt, and she met him thrust for violent thrust.

Jordan palmed the silky roundness of her ass as he shoved inside her so fiercely the back of her head connected with the wall. He winced with the sound. She didn’t miss a beat, just kept moving, taking him deep, tight, fast.

Danica tensed in his arms, her movements stopping abruptly only to restart with the clamping of her pussy. Moaning into his mouth, she came around his dick.

He moaned back as he gave in to his own orgasm, one that had been building from the moment he entered her office. As much as he would like to pretend he’d fucked her solely for the sake of verifying the unethical way she secured patients, it wouldn’t be true.

He’d wanted her. Wanted her again even now.

He pulled from her body and set her on her feet. She swayed a little but then stood firm. Her robe hung open, giving him an alluring view of full, round tits and curly, damp copper hair camouflaging her sex. Arousal scented the air and ran in creamy rivulets along her inner thighs.

Jordan fought the urge to go down on his knees and lick her clean. He was here for business, to prove she was the enemy as far as his father was concerned. He would be a damned fool to forget that just because she happened to enjoy a round of golf, talked about the resort as if it really was an accomplishment to be proud of, and fucked like a champion.

“Why?” Danica’s voice shook.

He met her eyes, unprepared for the shock that filled them. She had to be faking her surprise. Narrowing his gaze, he snorted out a laugh. “That supposed to be some kind of joke? You spent the morning eyeing my dick and talking about having a nut fetish.”

“For professional reasons.”

“Right. Your way of making sure I pick Private Indulgence to do my surgery.”

Her breath dragged in audibly. She glared at his deflating cock, still sheathed because he had no idea where to dispose of the condom and clean himself up, and he wasn’t about to ask. “I thought you were shorted in the penis department.”

Jordan felt the words as a verbal punch directly to his gut. Right now his dick wasn’t all that big, but when he was hard, he came in on the above-average side of things, or so his past lovers had told him. Unless those lovers had merely said so in order to stroke his ego enough to keep him in bed and away from work.

No, that was his father talking. Putting shit in his head that wasn’t true. His career mattered, but he didn’t put it above all else. If he did, he wouldn’t be here now. “What the hell made you think that?”

Danica’s gaze fell from his cock to look down at her exposed body. She tugged the sides of the robe together so quickly it almost seemed like she was ashamed of what they’d done and he almost felt guilty for his part in it.

Her glare softened a bit as she looked back at his face. “When I asked why you were having surgery, you said it was a sensitive matter and looked at your crotch. Then when I mentioned you having phalloplasty, you didn’t correct me. I thought you were after a penis enlargement.”

Damn. Now he did feel guilty. Then again, no, he didn’t.

If she’d shown any sign of resistance, he wouldn’t have screwed her. She hadn’t resisted; from the moment he’d cupped her mound, she’d acted like she couldn’t get enough of him. “I was looking at the floor, not my crotch, and I have no idea what phalloplasty means.”

She sighed, and the last of the resentment left her face. “Why are you having surgery?”

“I don’t know that I am. If I do, there are several things I’d like to change.” She looked like she wanted to respond but remained silent. It was his cue to get out of here to do some serious thinking.

Jordan tucked his penis into his pants, condom and all. He would worry about the mess when he got to his place. He moved the few feet to the door and opened it.

“So that’s it?” Danica asked as he was about to walk over the threshold to the rental coupe parked in a spacious yard made private by a wall of trees extending out from either side of the villa. “We’re just going to forget we had sex?”

He turned back with a shrug. “That a problem?”

“No,” she said, sounding like it was. “Of course not. Accidents happen.”

“Sure they do.” She’d covered herself up, but her ample breasts and tight pussy were ingrained in his mind. He couldn’t help his lingering stare or a wolfish smile. “They just don’t normally look as good as you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. A flush rose into her cheeks as she glanced away. “How did you find out where I live? Neither my home number nor my address are listed.”

“Your assistant told me.” That had her looking back with the same icy glare she’d given him this morning, only this time it appeared to be all for her coworker.

Danica ignored the knocking at her front door as she pulled a baggy red T-shirt and black canvas shorts out of her white wicker dresser and tugged them on. This time her company had to be Lena. Since she hadn’t arrived to hear Danica in the throes of climax, Lena wouldn’t wait for her to answer the door but would knock a second time and then come inside and make herself at home.

Lena was doing as expected, relaxing on the plastic-framed couch on the villa’s seaside terrace with a bag of tortilla chips on the flowered cushion next to her. She dipped a chip into the bowl of salsa balanced on her thigh, then stuck the chip in her mouth with a blissful moan.

“You’re late,” Danica snapped as she stepped through the sliding glass door from the living room. And about to be dead.

Lena jumped. The salsa tipped precariously before she grabbed it and saved the couch’s fabric from a stain that probably wouldn’t even show amid all the others accrued through the years.

She scrutinized Danica in the light-brightened darkness, and a slow, knowing smile curved her lips. “Ten minutes and on purpose. I saw you getting it on and didn’t want to interrupt. You were way overdue.”

She did what?

Lena had been her friend for over two years, and they’d never had anything more than temporary minor friction between them. Now, Danica felt like she didn’t even know her. “Telling him where I live wasn’t enough, you watched us?”

Lena’s fingers stilled with a naked chip midway to her mouth. “Hell, no, I didn’t watch. I had a vision about it.”

“You had a vision of me having sex?”

“I had a vision of Jordan showing up on your doorstep ready to do you and you answering the door looking just as ready to do him. When he asked for your address, I figured it was destined I tell him.” She popped the chip into her mouth, then leaned down to pull a six-pack of Pepsi from beneath the couch’s frame. “Here.”

A quarter moon cast a dim glow on the beach fifty feet beyond the raised terrace. The tide was receding, leaving the sand to dry. Danica’s throat suddenly felt even dryer than the sand. Her fingers curled, wanting to grab hold of the soda and drink it back can after can—she still hadn’t gotten her fix for the day. Only, she couldn’t let Lena off so easily. “Pepsi? You think that’s enough to make up for what you’ve done?”

“What I’ve done is see that you experienced passion for the first time in eons. That’s called a favor. The Pepsi’s a bonus.”

“I don’t want it, and I sure as heck don’t want or need you seeing to my sex life.” Liar. At least the first part was a lie. She really didn’t want Lena acting like her personal pimp.

“You do want it, and you’re glad I sent Jordan over here.” She smiled conspiratorially. “Eyes don’t lie, hon. Yours are screaming happily laid and in dire need of refreshment.”

Danica should hang on to her anger a while longer. If she gave in now, there was no telling who or what Lena would send to her place in the future. But they had been friends for over two years, and she’d never been good at holding a grudge.

She sank down on the end of the weathered couch opposite Lena, grabbing the soda and freeing a can from the plastic ring around its neck. She pulled the tab and took a long, luscious drink before sending Lena’s sky blue, midriff-baring tank top and skimpy white shorts a teasingly snarky look. “Your earrings don’t match your outfit.”

Humor flashed in Lena’s eyes. “So you tell me at least three times a week. Give it up. I’m not taking them off.”

Danica smiled. “Thanks. For the Pepsi. I’m still not thrilled about your giving Jordan my address, though I probably would never have found out his cock is plenty big otherwise.”

Lena paused with another naked chip dangling from her fingertips. The astonishment in her eyes said her vision really hadn’t shown all—if she’d even had an honest-to-goodness vision. “Come again?”

“I thought he was checking out the resort because he was considering a penis enlargement. I spent the entire morning looking at his crotch; then I told him about my nut fetish. Hence the reason he was so eager to find out where I live. He was convinced I wanted to sleep with him.”

“You did, but debating that fact’s pointless now. So what is he here for?”

“He won’t say, just that there are a lot of things he would like to change.”

“What do you think? Is it a case of a great face and build but a freak show beneath his clothes?”

Danica stiffened. She knew Lena didn’t mean anything cruel by her words, but they hit on a nerve sensitive enough to have Danica’s belly rumbling for almonds. She didn’t stock almonds at home, given their tendency to go straight to her waistline, or rather, a little to the right side of her waistline and a lot to the left.

Talk about a freak show.

If not for her robe covering up her sides and back, Jordan would have taken one look at her and run.

She dipped a chip into the salsa and jammed it in her mouth. She chewed slowly, letting the balmy night breeze and the salt smell lifting off the sea ease away her irritation and overcritical self-bashing. “No idea,” she finally said. “He never took them off.”

Lena’s eyes went wide with appreciation. “Oh, man. He just pulled his cock out and did the deed. Hot.”

“Actually, his cock was out of his pants and sheathed before I even opened the door.” When she’d first made that discovery, Danica had been turned off by his self-assurance. Then he’d palmed her sex and dipped one of those long, thick fingers inside her body, and she could have cared less if he was arrogant, so long as he didn’t stop fucking her. “But, yeah, very hot.”

“Next time you’ll both be naked.”

Danica pulled from the hedonistic daze she’d fallen under with the memory. As incredible as it had felt to have a man’s hands on her body after so much time, his cock pumping away inside her, it wouldn’t be happening again anytime soon. Work was her priority. And, if she was to be completely honest, she would rather leave Jordan with the impression he’d had of her when he left the villa: that she was good to look at. “There won’t be a next time.”

“Sorry to break it to you, but Hi’iaka tells me otherwise.”

Then it was a good thing Danica wasn’t convinced Hi’iaka was sending Lena visions. Just to be safe, she downed the rest of her Pepsi in one long swig and then reached for the remaining cans for reinforcement.

Body Moves

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