Читать книгу When Baby Was Born - Jodi O'Donnell - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

When baby was born… What memories those words evoke! In a family of fourteen children, as mine was, such a phrase is apt to produce a spate of “remember when’s,” like “Remember when Tom was born? Dad was on the road working, so Mom had cousin Ellen drive her to the hospital, and they barely made it!” Or “Remember when Evy was born? Dad was on the road again, and the Lutheran minister’s wife drove Mom to the hospital in the Cadillac. She said that car spoiled her for any other after that!”

Yes, each and every one of us has a story that begins with “When you were born…” because the birth of each and every one of us is unique. I firmly believe there are no routine births; each is its own miracle, capable of transforming the lives around it.

That’s exactly what happens to Sara and Cade in When Baby Was Born. Fate has conspired to bring them together for this most memorable of births. And indeed, this baby changes their lives, and continues to change them even as fate seems to conspire to keep them apart.

It’s impossible, however, for Sara and Cade to deny the bond they forged when her baby was born. Such is the power of this kind of an event. Such is the power of love.

So for the child in all of us who loves to hear about that moment when we came into the world, forever changing it, here’s When Baby Was Born. Enjoy!

When Baby Was Born

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