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Dear Reader,

For the past year, God has laid Psalm 139 on my heart, particularly the end of verse 13, “thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.”

Some of us had two amazing, loving earthly parents. Some had one. Some had none. Here is the thing God has shown me, and I wanted to make sure it came through in Erin’s and Jason’s lives... No matter the kind of earthly parents you have, God is always, always there. We simply have to look for Him. Yes, in the midst of our trials and struggles and hurts, He can be hard to see. But when we look back, I’m certain hindsight shows us His fingerprints all over our lives. His little gifts are everywhere, and He sends people into our lives to fill in the missing pieces, even though we may not get to see exactly what those people did until we get to heaven.

If you are feeling unloved, unwanted, uninvited, know this... God Almighty loves you so big. And He cares about you so much that when you were hidden from sight, growing into life, He was watching you. Verse 16 goes on to say that He knew every single day of your life before you were even born into it. I don’t know about you, but that speaks of a deep love to me, a love that has been there every time we’ve laughed and every time we’ve cried. Every time life has been perfect and every time we’ve wondered why on earth God is letting this happen to us. It may not feel like He is always there, but, sweet one, from one who has seen some dark times herself, I promise you that He always is. We simply have to look.

I wish I could sit across from you, share a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing) and tell you why I know this to be true. But I’m praying for you, that God sends you someone to help you if you’re hurting. If you’re healed, I’m praying you are the one that God sends. Let’s be His love to one another and help each other see His light in the darkness.

I’d love to hear your God story, if you’d like to share it. Stop by www.jodiebailey.com and visit. You can find my story there, too, if you want to make yourself some coffee (or tea!) and check it out.

Jodie Bailey

Fatal Response

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