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Grief: Finding the Candle of Light

by Jody Neufeld with Janet Wilkie, LCSW

Published by Energion Publications.

P.O. Box 841

Gonzalez, FL 32560

Website: www.energionpubs.com

Unless otherwise marked, scripture quotations are personal translations by Henry Neufeld, MA for this book.

Scripture quotations marked “paraphrased” were paraphrased by the author.

Scripture quotations marked ‘NIV’ are from the New International Version Bible. Copyright © Zondervan Corporation. 1996. Used by Permission.

Scripture quotations marked ‘CEV’ are from the Contemporary English Version Bible. Copyright © American Bible Society, 1995. Used by Permission.

Cover Design by Jason Neufeld, jasonneufelddesign.com.

Copyright © 2007 by Jody Neufeld

All rights reserved.

Neufeld, Jody 1954 –

Includes bibliographical references.

Aer.io Edition: 978-1-63199-685-6

Print ISBN: 1-893729-50-8


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