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What role did religion play for Mary TudorMary I, Tudor and Mary StuartMary Stuart, Queen of Scots?


Mary TudorMary I, Tudor, Queen of EnglandEngland; Mary StuartMary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Queen of ScotsReligion played a very important role in family life for Henry, his first wife Catherine of AragonCatherine of Aragon, and their first daughter Mary TudorMary I, Tudor. When Mary Tudor became Queen Mary, she attempted unsuccessfully to introduce RomanRoman CatholicRoman Catholicism again after her father had made himself head of the church. Her marriage to the Catholic King Phillip of SpainSpain didn’t result in any children. Mary StuartMary Stuart, Queen of Scots was also Catholic but belonged to a different dynasty and ruled two different countries. One way to distinguish the two 16th century Marys: Mary Tudor became known as Bloody MaryBloody Mary (perhaps a bit unfairly since the rest of her family – father and sister included – probably executed just as many as she did); Mary StuartStuart is also known as Queen of Scots because she became Queen of the Scots in addition to Queen of FranceFrance (at least for a little while). Since Mary Stuart had a justifiable claim to the English throne and was probably involved in some of the unsuccessful plots to overthrow her cousin Elizabeth, Mary Stuart was imprisoned for many years and then finally beheaded. Another irony of this period: Mary Stuart’s son, JamesJames, later became king since Elizabeth, the Virgin QueenVirgin Queen, had no children.

Anglo-American Cultural Studies

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