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My thanks and appreciation extend to so many people who have encouraged me, listened to me, and provided invaluable advice. Chief among them is my husband, Matt, and our children for always being there with love, understanding, patience, hugs, and back rubs during this project. They understand it is never possible to “do it all” well.

I’m deeply indebted to the women and men who took the time to sit down to complete a lengthy survey or telephone interview, to return to emotionally difficult subjects, issues some hadn’t thought about for a long time, details that for others were a hell they endured every day. I’ve lived with their stories for several years now—accounts that still warm and chill me, make me laugh and make me cry, and fill me with gratitude for their experience and willingness to share. I’m also grateful to the reproductive medicine professionals—physicians, nurses, administrators, staff members—who spoke to me over the telephone or within a quiet room in their clinics. Their openness and interest in this project reveals their commitment to their patients and to reproductive health.

This project would never have come to fruition without several organizations’ assistance. Projects like this take a great deal of time; the Federalist Society’s generous award of a Searle Young Legal Scholar’s Research Fellowship provided crucial interviewing time. Financing this research would have been very difficult without a substantial research grant from the Indiana University Faculty Research Support program. The Indiana University Maurer School of Law provided resources to hire additional research assistants. I am also grateful to organizations like RESOLVE (the National Infertility Association), the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, and clinics that allowed me access to forums and wall space. These organizations’ tireless advocacy and the relationships they facilitate help individuals connect over reproductive issues, give voice to important matters, and effect needed reforms.

Finally, others have provided invaluable assistance in conversation or reading manuscript drafts, engaging and challenging me in critical and productive ways. Pamela Foohey and Rachel Guglielmo read and commented on the entire manuscript—a task beyond the boundaries of friendship. June Carbone tirelessly fielded questions throughout and provided invaluable remarks on drafts. Basia Andraka-Christou helped me to untangle research findings and also provided excellent draft contents. Debra Unger read drafts and talked me through some tough parts, and Laura Helper-Ferris delivered top-notch developmental editing. Hannah Eaton provided excellent research assistance. I would also like to thank (in alphabetical order) Susan Frelich Appleton, Gaia Bernstein, Naomi Cahn, I. Glenn Cohen, Susan Crockin, Judy Daar, Dov Fox, Michele Goodwin, Jim Hawkins, Kimberly Krawiec, Seema Mohapatra, Dara Purvis, Rhadika Rao, Rachel Rebouché, John Robinson, and other participants in the “Baby Markets” conferences over the years. Last but not least, I’m so thankful for my colleagues at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, whose constant curiosity, support, and engagement over the years has helped me to fill a scholar’s shoes.

Taking Baby Steps

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