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This book is dedicated to the memory of my dearest and closest friend, life’s companion, extension of God’s Love, my precious and beloved late wife, Dolores “Dodie” Callihan.

This is a love story bordering on the eternal, far different from anything you will find coming out of Hollywood. Our Love story is based on faith, dignity, mutual respect, companionship, fidelity, sincere commitment, laughter and joy. What you are about to read is a true story. The facts as related in this story have in no way been altered to glamorize or change the truth.

In a time when so many marriages end in divorce, Love Poems for Dodie offers a glimpse into the kind of wedded bliss many only dream of finding. For me finding Dodie was a dream come true.

Love Poems gives the reader the opportunity to learn of two hearts filled with love, which became one. Honest communication, sharing and caring, with the desire to build upon Jesus as their foundation, were the ingredients their love fed on daily. Dodie and I were destined to meet and bring our love story to the world.

Lastly, the most extraordinary and wonderful woman you will be reading about was real. She was not a fictional character, nor a figment of my imagination. But she never could have been all that she was without having surrendered her body, heart, soul, and spirit, to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I like to tell people that in taking Dodie for my wife, I was robbing the cradle. When in 2005 I first met Dodie, I was a 31 year old man (becoming born again in 1974, at the age of 30. Dodie, born again in 1996, was only 9). But in spiritual maturity she far exceeded me.

I believe one of the best things I can say about this book is every word, every story, actually happened as told. So although this book is dedicated to my wife, it brings honor and glory to the One who made her His beloved daughter and my wife, our Father in Heaven.

Love Poems for Dodie

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