Читать книгу Field Guide to Covering Sports - Joe Gisondi - Страница 25



When you have tight deadlines and you’re focusing on news, use the inverted-pyramid style of writing. That means starting with the most significant information and then arranging your other points in descending order of importance, so that, if the story had to be cut from the bottom, you won’t lose anything crucial. In inverted-pyramid structure, you’re unlikely to lead with the first quarter in basketball, the first inning in softball, or the first mile during a cross-country meet, because the key plays tend to come later, when the game is close. So you would first focus on the final quarter of most football games—unless something extraordinary happened in the opening minutes.

Also, insert the score as early as possible. That could be in the second or third paragraph if you’re focusing on a key moment, or that could be the first paragraph if you are filing a straightforward results story on deadline.

Field Guide to Covering Sports

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