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Upon returning from Boot Camp, I and the other twenty nine lucky guys who had been “volunteered” to be Firemen & Boiler Tenders were assigned that first day to be in what they called “X” Division, onboard the training ship, the USS Greenwood. We were told “X Division” meant we were to be treated like tourists. A Chief Quartermaster was assigned to be our tour guide.

As he took us on tour of the ship, we just happened to visit the belly of the ship. “This is where you will be training” the Chief said. That did it for me. I’ve got to find a way out of this Hell Hole! Why feel that way? It was hot as Hell down there. Also, it was not a place for anyone other than midgets. Being six foot tall, there were low hanging pipes all over. I would turn around to answer, when someone called my name, and hit my head on one of those low hanging pipes. They were everywhere! I thought if I can get out of here alive, I must make myself a promise never to return.

As previously stated, there was another disadvantage to working in such a place. If the ship ever was sinking, and the order came to abandon ship, you would have to climb numerous flights of ladders as fast as you could, just to get where you could jump overboard. I never have been good at floating. So I knew my survival chances after being out of breath from climbing all those ladders, would make staying afloat even harder. Besides, I had voluntarily signed up. Put some midget they had to draft down there – not me!

My chance soon came, as after lunch the Chief was showing us the rear gun turret. He explained how it worked, and then asked if there were any questions. I waited as long as I safely could, then at the last moment, just as he was preparing to move on, my hand shot up high in the air. “Yes, do you have a question?” “Yes Chief, I do!” “What is your name?” the Chief asked. “Fireman Apprentice Joseph Callihan” I answered. “And what is the question you would like to ask, Fireman Apprentice Callihan?” “I would like to know how I can get out of being a Fireman?”

With a look if amusement on his face, the Chief then asked me, “Why would you want to do that?” “I’ll tell you why” I said. “I’m a Patriotic American, I joined the Navy, you did not have to come looking for me, and I did not run away to Canada. I volunteered to serve to the best of my ability. You can believe me Chief the best of my ability is not working as a Fireman. I am not mechanically inclined. Besides, didn’t you notice when we were down there? It’s hot as Hell down there. You need to put someone who had to be drafted down there – not me.”

I seemed to have touched the Chief with my impassioned plea. “Wait here,” he said. He then left our group. Some of the guys came up to me and said, “I wish I had the guts to ask what you did.

You may have bought yourself a ticket out of Hell.” Returning a short while later the Chief said, “Come with me, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Taking me to the Flying Bridge, the Chief introduced me to the Captain of the Greenwood. “So you don’t want to be a Fireman?” the Captain asked. “No sir, I’m not mechanically inclined, and being six foot, I tend to knock my brains out every time I turn around. Besides, it’s hot as Hell down there. You need to put someone you had to draft down there. I’m a Patriotic American, and that means I intend to serve to the best of my ability. Believe me - the best of my ability does not include being a Fireman.”

Laughing with pleasure at my remarks, the Captain looked at me and said, “You’ve got guts, Fireman Apprentice Callihan, haven’t you?” “Yes sir, I do,” I answered. “I LIKE THAT!” he said. Then looking at the Chief he asked, “Do we have any other kind of work onboard which might be better suited for Mr. Callihan Chief?” The Chief smiled and said, “We have an opening for a Quartermaster Striker sir.”

The Captain then asked, “Would you like to be a Quartermaster Striker Mr. Callihan?” “Well sir, I don’t know exactly what that is. But if it means I won’t have to serve in Hell, I’m all for it! I only hope I’m qualified for the job.” The Captain laid my fears to rest. “It means you will be working up here in the bridge area. As for your qualifications, can you spell?” “I can spell my name pretty good.” Laughing, the Captain said to the Chief, “Chief, I think you’ve found your Quartermaster Striker.” Turning to me, the Captain said, “Welcome aboard the Greenwood, Quartermaster Striker Callihan.” Boy, I was relieved and elated at the same time!

Thus began my brief career as a Quartermaster in the Navy Reserve. You won’t believe the new Adventures which lay ahead.

Adventures In Navyland

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