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The relations of man to his God have occupied the first minds of every age, but without rendering those relations so understandable to the mass of mankind as to be admitted as true. It has been evident to many, although not to all, that some minds so engaged have been inspired to write beyond the current knowledge of their day, indeed to foretell truths which could only be recognized as such after centuries of progression.

The natural propensity of the human mind in the exercise of its ingenuity has been constantly developing in the endeavor to theorize upon the writings of these inspired authors, so as to present an entire system for the consideration of man. Each of these systems so proposed has passed away, from the fact that it carried with it the elements of its own destruction, itself not arising purely from the absolute, and therefore subject to the analysis of progressed mind, and by such analysis found wanting. Those theories which might have seemed compatible with the ability to adjudge truth in the middle ages, were not truths to the more progressed minds of later times; so that truth, except to absolute consciousness, may be considered, when subject to the test of human comprehension, as not absolute even to such comprehension, except in degree, and that varying with the continued progression of the recipient. Thus the best minds at this time willingly admit that the writer of Job was inspired—that he wrote truths beyond the comprehension of more than a thousand years beyond his time. One instance of this may be thus stated:

To Galileo and Copernicus we have attributed the discovery of the fact that the world is round; and yet the writer of the Book of Job, who wrote a thousand years before them, tells us that the earth is round, that its north is frigid, that the waters are divided by the dry land, where the day becomes night, and the night becomes day—clearly indicating that the continents are twelve hours apart, and that the earth must revolve to enable the relative position of its parts to the sun to give the phenomena now so well understood.

Plato was an inspired man. He wrote on the soul, far in advance of his day; and it is only a progressed mind at this time that can read and comprehend his views. With Plato, all admit that his normal progression might have been equal to the observance of the results of his inspiration. But the writer of the Book of Job could never have seen an ocean. He could not have known of the existence of another continent, and the sciences collateral to his text could not have rendered him the didactic aid which would have been necessary to have made him cognizant, in his normal condition, of the truths he uttered; and, therefore, it is at least possible, if not probable, that these truths were directly the result of inspiration, as much beyond his own comprehension as beyond the comprehension of others. Indeed, even at the present day, thousands of students of theology have read Job without perceiving that he had fore-run Galileo and Copernicus in their supposed discoveries.

It is not to be wondered at, then, that modern Spiritualism and its truths, if credited to the source from which they are supposed to be derived, should be found to present truths not understood as such by every mind; and, notwithstanding its million converts, it seems to have embraced but few minds capable of presenting in a didactic form these truths. The various writers on the subject have rather spoken of its curiosities than its use; and we know of no book capable of instructing and satisfying even a progressed mind on either the precise use or exact advantages arising from a full belief in Spiritualism.

This task has been most fearlessly performed by Joel Tiffany, Esq. He brought to the work a vigorous and original mind. A long course of legal practice had peculiarly adapted him to the task, particularly as an investigator of truth. His own progression was such as to enable him to advantage by his former practice, while his mediative power gave him intuitive advantage seldom combined in the same individual. His course of lectures seems to be suited to the precise wants of the day. It is true that they are not calculated for the use of the novice, but they are the only source we know of at this time by which those who have passed through the curiosity-phase of the subject of Spiritualism are enabled to review their observations and apply them usefully to their own progression. All those properties of the mind known as adjective in common parlance, requiring the assistance of the observation of others to render them substantive, are clearly defined by Mr. Tiffany.

His analysis of mind, when properly understood, enables all the truths he has set forth to be read understandingly; in other words he gives the modus by which we may determine truths at least equal to the progressed condition of man at this time to comprehend.

The Sphere of Lust, that greatest bar to man’s progression, both in its analysis and synthesis, is placed within his comprehension, and hence his power of avoidance is materially increased. The fabled terrors of Hades, Sheol, Tartarus, and Gehenna are defined so as to be comprehended by an ordinary individual, while the relational sphere of man is so treated as to enable each reader to define his own position, and those below him, sufficiently well to assist in his aspirations for higher exercise.

Communication and Progression are fearlessly treated, and the master-mind is observable in all the collateral incidents of thought consequent upon their investigation.

Mediumship is rendered understandable to all, and those phases which have been unproductive of good results to minds not elevated beyond the consideration consequent upon the morbid appetites of the curious, are fairly depicted so as to enable the investigator to avoid their recurrence, and to progress beyond their painful influences.

Mr. Tiffany has judiciously failed to cater to the tastes of those who but magnify Kings to conceive of Gods. He has presented the Deity, or the consideration of the Deity, to the minds of his audience, in such a manner as to call forth the highest feelings of the soul for the comprehension of the highest truth.

The condition of the Spirit in the Spirit-world, as portrayed by him, is freed from the melo-dramatic condition in which it has been painted by the fashionable and various theologians of the day. The character of those Spirits is shown to be in accordance with the great law of God—Progression.

While we freely admit the usefulness and beauty of many works written on abstract phases of Spiritualism, we can not but perceive a want of continuity in their didactic character; and from the point where the mind admits a future state of existence to the supposed character of that existence and the proper preparation of the Spirit while in the form for entering upon such a condition, we can not but observe that no work preceding these Lectures by Mr. Tiffany has met the demand. A careful reading of these Lectures, we are confident, will elevate and instruct every Spiritualist. It will enable him to review his intuitions, and to find their true value. It will chasten his confidence in communications which are not self-evident as truths, and improve his power to comprehend these truths.

We ask the reader to peruse the following pages no more rapidly than he can clearly comprehend them. Every proposition is worthy his best thought and highest power of study; and if he follows them with the same pure aspiration that seems to imbue their author, he will rise from their consideration a wiser and a better man.


The Astral World—Higher Occult Powers

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