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Title Page



1 Mediating Death ‘Madness That Is Shared Is Not Madness’ The Problem of Mortality The Myth of Media Overcoming Death The Structure of the Book

2 A Brief History of an Idea Early Spectacles of Death Envisioning Death Death in Hybrid Media

3 The Event of Death Time of Death Events Spatial Endeavours Death Event as Ritual

4 Rethinking Mourning Rituals Hybrid Grief in Social Media Networked Mourning Vernacular Sorrow

5 Ritual Contestations Who Counts as an Ideal Victim? Vicarious Witnessing Livestreaming Death

10  6 Rituals Connect and Separate Remembering Not to Forget Ritual Insensibility Whose Memories Matter? Multifaceted Connections

11  7 The Quest for Post-Mortality Floating Death The Dilemma of Immortality ‘Who Wants to Live Forever?’

12  Bibliography

13  Index

14  End User License Agreement



Table of Contents

Title Page



Begin Reading



End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 PrefaceFigure 0.1 Covid-19 mural in Helsinki.

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The funeral of President John F. Kennedy: The family in mourning.

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Manchester worker bee – a mourning symbol after the UK arena attack in 2017.Figure 4.2 ‘Je suis Charlie’ meme on Edward Munch’s ‘The Cry’.Figure 4.3 Street mural of David Bowie in Brixton, London.

4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The funeral of Margaret Thatcher.

5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The death of George Floyd. Black Lives Matter movement meme.

6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The death of Diego Maradona. ‘The old Maradona’.











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Mediated Death

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