Читать книгу The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women - John Armoy Knox - Страница 21



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This work is therefore to us rather "the groaning of this angel," this "watchman of the LORD" at the national subjection, the fiery martyrdoms, "the sobs and tears of the poor oppressed;" than the expression of any fundamental principle on which GOD has constituted human society. Intellectually, there is partiality, forgetfulness and disproportion in the argument. It applies as much to a Man as to a Woman, and more to a wicked than a good Woman. He started on the assumption that almost all women in authority were wicked. Time however alters many things; and he lived to love and reverence Queen ELIZABETH.

So these trumpet notes are the outpouring of a very great nature, if not of a great thinker; of one whose absolute and dauntless devotion to GOD, to truth, to right, whose burning indignation against wrong-doing and faith in the Divine vengeance to overtake it, fitted him to do a giant's work in the Reformation, and will enshrine his memory in the affection of all good men till time shall end.

[Marginal Note 1: what robbed God of his honor in England in the time of the Gospell.]

[Marginal Note 2: The nobilitie and the hole realme of England, caste themselves willing in to the pit.]

[Marginal Note 3: The propertie of Goddes truth.]

The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women

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