Читать книгу Oahspe: A New Bible - John Ballou Newbrough - Страница 42

Chapter III


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1. AND God gave commandments unto man, that the earth might be a place of rejoicing forever. And these are the commandments of the Lord God as given in that day:

2. Thou shalt strive to remember the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul.

3. Thou shalt not kill man, nor beast, nor bird, nor creeping thing, for they are the Lord's.

4. Thou shalt build walls round about thy cities, that beasts and serpents may not enter and do thee harm. And if thy habitation be in the wilderness, thou shalt build mounds of wood and earth to sleep on at night, that serpents and beasts may not molest thee.

5. The I'hins inquired of the Lord, saying: If we build walls around about our cities, how shall we get in and out? How shall we gather our harvests of fruit and nuts and seeds of the field? How shall we ascend on the mounds which we build in the wilderness?

6. The Lord said: Behold, my angels shall teach you to build ladders and how to use them. And when ye go into the city at night ye shall take the ladders in after you; and when ye come out in the morning ye shall let the ladders down again.

7. And God's angels taught the chosen these things, and man provided the cities with ladders, and he provided the mounds with ladders also; according to the commandment of God were these things done.

8. And the I'hins prospered and spread abroad over the face of the earth; hundreds of thousands of cities and mounds built they, and they rejoiced in the glory of all created things. Neither killed they man, nor beast, nor fish, nor bird, nor creeping thing that breathed the breath of life.

9. And God saw that man was good and grateful in all things; and God called unto the angels of heaven, saying: Why are the I'hins good? For, as yet, they are ignorant!

10. And the angels answered, saying: Because thou saidst unto us: Go ye, as guardian angels, and inspire man to live without evil, even so have we administered unto the I'hins, guarding and inspiring them night and day.

11. God said: Why then, the I'hins have no honor. Except they learn of themselves to be good, they will be void of wisdom in heaven. For this reason ye shall withdraw a little, that man be tried as to his self-commandment.

12. And the angels withdrew awhile from the I'hins. And now it came to pass, that they had stored in their cities and on their mounds ample provision of food and raiment for the winter; but the Druks followed not the example of the I'hins, for the Druks stored up nothing.

13. And when the angels departed a little way, evil spirits came to the Druks, and said unto them: Behold, it is winter, and ye are hungry. Go ye over the ladders and possess the stores of the I'hins.

14. And the Druks plundered the I'hins; and evil spirits sat upon the I'hins also, and many of them were inspired to defend their stores. And war ensued; and it spread around about the whole earth.

15. And the I'hins besought the Lord as to why God suffered evil to come upon his chosen.

16. And the Lord said: Because ye depended upon me for all things, ye developed not yourselves. Henceforth shall man learn to face evil on his own account; otherwise he could not attain to the Godhead in heaven.

17. Two entities hast thy Creator given thee, that which is flesh, and that which is spirit. And the flesh shall desire earthly things; but the spirit shall desire heavenly things.

18. Behold, when the Druks came upon thee for thy stores, thy flesh cried out WAR, and thy people fell.

19. Again have I come to thee to raise thee up; to make thee understand the spirit within. It is that, and not the flesh, which shall learn to triumph.

20. The I'hins said: Our people are scattered and gone; will they not mingle with the Druks, and thus go out in darkness?

21. The Lord said: Behold there were Druks who had learned a little from the images; now because thy people are scattered and gone, they shall go amongst the Druks and teach the law of incest and the name of God, and they shall also begin to hide their nakedness.

22. So the Lord inspired other people besides the I'hins, to make and wear clothes, and they thus wore them.

23. And again the Lord brought the I'hins together in lodges and cities, and he said unto them: Henceforth ye shall live upon the earth as an example of righteousness. And your brethren who have mingled with the tribes of darkness shall no longer molest you, but be your defenders and protectors.

24. And there began to be a new tribe on the earth; and they were called I'huans, because they were half-breeds, betwixt the Druks and I'hins. The I'huans were red like copper; and they were taller and stronger than any other people in all the world. And the Lord commanded the I'huans, saying:

25. Protect ye the I'hins, the little people, white and yellow; call them THE SACRED PEOPLE. For ye are of them, and ye are also of the Lord your God. And it was so.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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