Читать книгу Oahspe: A New Bible - John Ballou Newbrough - Страница 46
Chapter III
Оглавление1. UP to this time the ancient names of the division of the lands of the earth had been maintained, and God and his Lords being driven from the place of Hored, which had gone into dissolution, dwelt part of the time in Whaga and part in Jud and Vohu.
2. And God and the Lords had established three kingdoms, one in Whaga, one in Jud, and one in Vohu; and within these kingdoms of heaven there were two hundred millions of redeemed angels capable of the second resurrection, and one hundred millions of es'yans and unlearned apprentices. Chief of the three heavens was Whaga, and thither had God and his Lords congregated with their chief officers, as soon as the sign of the descending sea of Jehovih's kingdom appeared in the firmament above.
3. To God, Jehovih spake, saying: Make ready thy places, O My son, and thy Lords with thee. Behold, I come in a world of fire, and My faithful workers shall find rest and happiness.
4. Ah'shong will redeem thy sons and daughters; yea, he will girdle the earth about with new, etherean light and great power.
5. Call together thy people, O God, and bid them rejoice and make merry, for the time of deliverance is at hand.
6. Then God communicated to the Lords, and they again to others, the words of Jehovih; and at sight of the sign in heaven, the faithful began to rejoice and to gather together in their respective places. But of the unbelieving angels dwelling on earth, and with mortals, and in other abodes, of whom there were hundreds of millions, this is what happened:
7. They were overcome by the sight of the ship of fire in heaven above, and in fear fled in all directions. And by their great numbers, in the presence of mortals, caused mortals also to fear and flee in search of some secure place. And many of these spirits of darkness came beseechingly to be admitted into the kingdoms of the Lords, whither they had been invited for hundreds of years, but would not come.
8. But God and the Lords encompassed their places about with walls of light and would not receive the unbelieving. God said: Till such time as Ah'shong shall arrive, let order be maintained within my kingdoms. So it came to pass that for six days and nights the fear that prevailed on earth and in heaven was such as had never been before since the earth was.
9. And God and the Lords brought their es'enaurs out, and they sang and danced before Jehovih. And on the approach of Ah'shong's hosts, with his musicians and heralds, and the great multitude, arrayed in shining raiment, even God and the Lords were overcome by the splendor and magnificence.
10. They sat down on the improvised throne, and the etherean marshals approached and divided, first into single columns, then double, then quadruple, and so on till the fifty thousand marshals had enclosed all sides, save the east, where was an open space through which Ah'shong came, attended by his chief counsellors, of which there were five thousand. After these came the council of one million, interbroken here and there with groups of thousands of es'enaurs, who were chanting hymns of praise to Jehovih and his kingdoms.
11. The lower heaven above the continent of Whaga and parts of Jud and Vohu was illuminated by the hosts of Ah'shong, the like of which had never been in atmospherea before. Nor was there any more work being done on earth or in heaven, because of the fear and great stirring up.
12. But now Ah'shong approached before the throne of God and the Lords, saluting with the sign of the second degree of Jehovih, saying: In Jehovih's name and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, am I come to give you joy.
13. God said: In Jehovih's name, all hail! Ah'shong, chief of Anakaron, all hail! And God went forward to the foot of the throne and received Ah'shong, whereupon the Lords came forward saluting also. The es'enaurs ceased singing, and Ah'shong proceeded to the throne and sat thereon, and God took off his own crown and gave it to Ah'shong, and also gave him the triangle, which was called the heirloom of the heavenly kingdoms of earth, bestowed by command of Jehovih.
14. The All Light was abundant around about Ah'shong, and the voice of Jehovih spake out of the midst thereof, saying: Inasmuch as these things are done in My name prayerfully, and in faith, so do I dwell with you all. My Son shall wear thy crown, O God.
15. Behold, I am come in might and swiftness, for it is the spring time of the earth. My Son, Seffas, is afoot on the earth; he hath stirred up the earth-born. But I will establish anew My light in these heavens.
16. Have I not said: I brought the seed of everlasting life to the earth? I gave God and his Lords to teach mortals and spirits of My glories in the upper heavens. And I commanded that they that come up out of the earth should be My God and My Lords in these realms.
17. Ye were installed by My hand, and have done a good work. Think not that I curse because Hored and Moeb are fallen! Knew I not beforehand that these things would be? Behold, I have provided all My works so that man should be forever making new things. Had Hored stood, there had been no heaven to rebuild on earth in this day. How, then, could My newborn Gods learn? Think not that I come to teach with Mine own labor; I provide My people that they shall teach one another.
18. What is so conceited as man? And yet I bring him into life the dumbest of animals. Man prideth himself in his power and wisdom. I send the drought, the rains and winds, the weakest of My members, and they show man he is nothing. So also do My Gods and Lords of the lower heaven become conceited of their power and wisdom; but a turn of a word, and their heavens fall. Thousands of millions of souls turn from order and high estate into confusion and anarchy. Thus do I confound men and angels, and in their seeming misery lay the foundation for an everlasting good. The voice ceased.
19. Ah'shong said: In the name of Jehovih, I announce my presence over earth and the lower heaven.
20. The marshals said: ALL HAIL! AH'SHONG, GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! Proclaim him in Jehovih's name.
21. Hardly had these words gone forth when the voice of the entire hosts joined in proclaiming: ALL HAIL! O GOD! SON OF JEHOVIH!
22. Ah'shong, now God, said: Thy crown shall be my crown, for under this shall Jehovih's power triumph; otherwise people would say: Behold there is no virtue in Jehovih's crowns. So, he placed it on his head and rose up and saluted the retired God and Lords, saying to them:
23. I have a place for ye; and it is called Yeshuah. Retire thither with my proper officers, and partake of rest and the freedom of the place until I come also. But the retired God and Lords said: We pray thee, put us to labor. Whereupon God (Ah'shong) said:
24. Jehovih's sons must not be humiliated; how, then, can ye labor under me? Were ye not Jehovih's God and Lords.
25. They perceived, and, after due salutations, were provided with an escort of five hundred thousand men and women; and they departed on their way to Yeshuah.
26. God (Ah'shong) said: Let M'ghi come before me, and Bing-fo and Nest. They shall be my Lords of dawn in Jehovih's name.
27. The three came and stood before the throne. God said: I announce the presence of Jehovih's Lords of the earth. The marshals said: ALL HAIL! O M'GHI AND BING-FO AND NEST, JEHOVIH'S LORDS OF EARTH!
28. These were also proclaimed by the voice of the assembled hosts. God said: In Jehovih's name, go your ways, O Lords of earth.
29. Whereupon the Lords crowned themselves and at once departed, saluting reverently.
30. God said: Bring the atmospherean marshals before me. They were brought and stationed in front of the throne. God said: Glory be to Thee, O Jehovih! I have looked upon Thy sons and daughters who have withstood a great darkness, but retained faith in Thee. In Thy name, and by virtue of Thy power, do I deliver them. Let him who is chief, answer me: How many angels are prepared for the second resurrection?
31. Sawni, chief marshal, said: Two hundred millions. God said: Retire thou and thy companions, and gather together Jehovih's harvest of souls, and I will send them to Yeshuah.
32. The atmosphereans were then duly arranged as commanded, and God called a hundred swift messengers and one thousand etherean marshals, and they provided abattos; and the hosts, prepared for the second resurrection, departed for Yeshuah, as commanded.
33. God said: I have now remaining my etherean hosts and the atmosphereans in darkness. Of the latter, let them remain as they are for three days, for I will travel around the world, and my etherean hosts with me, observing mortals and spirits in their places and habits, that I may the better judge them and provide accordingly.
34. So God and his etherean angels provided an abattos, and they embarked and started on their journey, traveling imperceptibly to mortals.