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With deepest gratitude, I wish to recognize the contributions of a number of persons to the creation of this book.

One of the earliest readers of the book was The Rev. Dr. James D. Anderson, author and theologian. The Very Rev. Martha J. Horne, former Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary, referred me to Richard Bass, Director of Publishing, The Alban Institute, who recommended that I speak with a renowned editor, Ulrike Guthrie, with whom I have been privileged to work over the last year. She proved to be not only a superb editor, in all respects, but a trusted friend and guide.

That path of progress would never have begun without the strength and caring of my dear friend and Godmother, The Rt. Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon.

Finally, the book would not have come into being without the love and support of my wife, Diane. She believed in me, especially in those times of self-doubt.

John Bartram Rehm

March 27, 2011

Onward Journey

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