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A: prefix, is privative; wanting or without.

Ab: off; away from.

Abbreviated: cut short; not of usual length.

Abdomen: the third or posterior division of the insect body: consists normally of nine or ten apparent segments, but actual number is a mooted question: bears no functional legs in the adult stage.

Abdominal: belonging or pertaining to the abdomen.

Abdominal feet: see pro-legs.

Abdominal groove: the concave lobe of the inner margin of secondaries enveloping the abdomen beneath, in some butterflies.

Abdominal pouch: in female Parnassiids, a sac-like ventral cavity, formed by material secreted during copulation.

Abductor: applied to muscles that open out or extend an appendage or draw it away from the body: see adductor.

Abductor mandibulae: the muscle that opens the mandibles.

Aberrant: unusual; out of the ordinary course.

Aberration: a form that departs in some striking way from the normal type; either single or occurring rarely, at irregular intervals.

Abiogenesis: spontaneous generation.

Abnormal: outside the usual range or course; not normal.

Aborted: a structure developed so as to be unfit for its normal function obsolete or atrophied.

Abraded: scraped or rubbed.

Abrupt: suddenly or without gradation.

Abscissus: cut off squarely, with a straight margin.

Absconditus: hidden, concealed; retracted into another.

Acalyptrata: those muscid flies in which alulae are absent or rudimentary.

Acanthus: a spine, spur or prickle.

Acaudal -ate: without a tail.

Accessory: added, or in addition to.

Accessory carinae: in Orthoptera the lateral carinae of the face.

Accessory cell: a cell not commonly present in the group; in some orders of definite location as, e.g. in Lepidoptera, usually a small cell at the end of the subcosta, giving rise directly or indirectly to veins 7 to 10:= 1st radius 2 (Comst.); = areole.

Accessory glands: any glands opening into the ducts of the reproductive system.

Accessory sac: a glandular structure of the female reproductive system containing a sticky secretion.

Accessory subcostal vein: the vein given off from the subcosta and branching toward the apex of the wing in Perlidae.

Aceous or aceus: suffix; similar to, or of the nature of.

Acephalous: without a head.

Acerata: arthropods without true antennae Arachnids and Limulus

Acetabular caps: Hemiptera; the coxal cavity.

Acetabuliform: like a shallow saucer with more or less incurved sides.

Acetabulum: the cavity into which an appendage is articulated; specifically the coxal cavity, - q.v.; also applied to a cup-like cavity in the sucking mouth of maggots.

Achreioptera: ordinal term proposed for the coleopterous family Platypsyllidae.

Achromatic: free from color; tissue that does not stain readily.

Acicular: needle-shaped; with a long, slender point.

Aciculate: a surface that appears as if scratched with a needle.

Acidotheca: the pupal sheath of the ovipositor.

Acini: granulations, like those on a blackberry: the terminal secreting tubes of glands.

Acinose -ous: a surface set with acini.

Acone: applied to compound eyes in which the individual ocelli have no crystalline cone or lens; see eucone. {Scanner's note: this is no longer a valid usage for the word "ocelli". Currently the term is. See "ocellus" and "ommatidium".}

Acoustic nerve: connects the auditory pits or other organs of hearing with special ganglia.

Acridophagus: preying and feeding on grasshoppers.

Acrostichal bristles: Diptera; two rows of bristles on the middle of the dorsum; specifically, minute peculiar bristles on the dorso-central region of Dolichopodidae.

Aculeata: Hymenoptera; the stingers, including bees and wasps.

Aculeate: prickly; armed with short, sharp spines; specifically, in Hymenoptera furnished with a sting which is a modified ovipositor and connected with a poison sac.

Aculeus -ei: a prickle; a small sharp point; specifically, an ovipositor, especially when sting-like, as in Hymenoptera; in male Tipulidae a slender, horny, often curved and pointed piece, projected when the forceps is open.

Acuminate: tapering to a long point.

Acupunctate: a surface with fine punctures as if made with a needle.

Acutangulate: forming, or meeting in an acute angle.

Acute: pointed: terminating in or forming less than a right angle.

Acutilingual: with a sharp pointed tongue or mouth structure, as in some bees.

Acutilingues: bees with a short pointed tongue: see obtusilingues.

Addorsal: close to but not quite on the middle of the dorsum.

Addorsal line: in caterpillars, is longitudinal, a little to one side of the dorsal and between it and the subdorsal line.

Adductor: applied to muscles that draw an appendage to the body or bring parts into apposition: see abductor.

Adductor mandibulae: the muscle that draws in or closes the mandible.

Adeloceratous: with concealed antennae: see cryptocerata.

Adephagous: belonging to the Adephaga: pentamerous, predatory, terrestrial beetles with filiform antennae and predatory habits: see hydradephagous.

Adherent: attached or clinging to.

Adipose: fat or fatty: see fat-body.

Adiscota: insects that develop into adults without forming imaginal discs; see discota.

Adminicula: supports or props: the spinous processes on the abdomen of boring and burrowing pupae.

Adnate: adjoining; adhering or growing together: closely connected.

Adpressed: laid or pressed to; contiguous.

Adsperse -us: with markings of closely crowded small spots.

Adsternal: situated next or close to the sternum.

Adult: the stage when an insect is sexually mature and ready to reproduce normally.

Aduncate -cus, -catus: a part gradually bent through its whole extent.

Adventitious: occurring accidentally, out of the ordinary course, without apparent reason.

Adventral line: in caterpillars, extends along the under side between the middle and the base of legs.

Adventral tubercle: on the abdominal segments of caterpillars on the inner base of the leg, and correspondingly on the apodal segments; constant: is number VIII of the abdominal series (Dyar).

Aeneous -eus: shining bronze or brassy.

Aenescent: becoming or appearing bronzed or brassy.

Aequale: equal.

Aequilate-us: of equal breadth throughout.

Aerial: living in the air; applied to flying insects.

Aeriductus: a spiracle: the tracheal, gill-like structures of aquatic larvae: more specifically the tail-like extensions of rat-tailed maggots and some aquatic Hemiptera.

Aeroscepsin: an indefinite sense of perception supposed to be located in the antenna.

Aeroscepsy: The faculty of observing atmospheric changes: supposed to be located in the antenna.

Aerostats: a pair of large air sacs at base of abdomen in Diptera.

Aeruginose -us: the color of verdigris [blue green].

Aestival: occurring in summer.

Aestivation: applied to summer dormancy.

Afferent: carrying inwardly or toward the centre.

Affinis: related to: similar in structure or development.

Afternose: a triangular piece below antennae and above clypeus: see postclypeus.

Agamic -ous: reproducing without union with a male.

Agamogenesis: reproduction without fertilization by a male: see parthenogenesis; gamogenesis.

Agglomerate: heaped or massed together.

Agglutinate: stuck or glued together; welded into one mass.

Aggregated: crowded together as closely as possible.

Agnathous: without jaws; specifically applied to those Neuropteroid series in which the mouth structures are obsolescent.

Aileron: the scale covering the base of primaries in some insects; see tegulae in Diptera = alula and squama, q.v.

Air-sacs or vesicles: pouch-like expansions of tracheal tubes in heavy insects, capable of inflation and supposed to lessen specific gravity.

Air-tube: a respiratory siphon.

Ala -ae: a wing or wings.

Alar appendage: see alulet.

Alar frenum: a small ligament crossing the supra-alar groove toward the root of the wing: Hymenoptera.

Alary: relating to the wings: applied also to the wing muscles of heart.

Alate -us: winged; with lobes similar to wings in appearance though not necessarily in function.

Albi, albus: white.

Albicans: formed or made of white.

Albidus: white with dusky tinge.

Albinic: of the character of an albino.

Albinism: that condition in which there is an absence of color or a whitening in a form usually colored.

Albino: a colorless individual of a species that is normally colored.

Albumen: the white of egg or the substances in the tissues which have the same characteristics.

Albumin: the characteristic substance forming the white of egg.

Albuminoid: like or of the character of albumen.

Alimentary canal: the digestive tract as a whole; begins at the mouth and extends through the body to the anus.

Alitrunk: that part of the thorax to which the wings are attached: in many Hymenoptera, includes the 1st abdominal segment.

Alizarine: a transparent, orange red [alizar crimson].

Alleghanian faunal area: is that part of the transition zone comprising the greater part of New England, s. e. Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, eastern N. Dakota, n. e. S. Dakota, and the Alleghanies from Pennsylvania to Georgia.

Alligate -us: fastened or suspended by a thread; like the chrysalis of Papilio, etc.

Alliogenesis: when the development includes an alternation of generations (q.v.), as in Cynipids.

Alluring glands: glandular structures diffusing an odor supposed to be attractive to the opposite sex.

Allux: next to the last joint of tarsus; in Rhynchophora.

Alpine zone: = arctic zone, q.v.

Alternation of generations: where a species that occurs in both sexes periodically produces only parthenogenetic females; the latter, in turn, producing the sexed form; occurs in Cynipidae and some Homoptera: see heterogeny.

Altus: above: applied to a part raised above the usual level.

Alulae: Diptera; a pair of membranous scales above the halteres, behind the root of the wing, one above or before the other; the anterior attached to the wing and moving with it, the posterior fastened to the thorax and stationary; see calyptra; squama; squamula; lobulus; axillary lobe; aileron; scale; tegulae: Coleoptera; a membranous appendage of the elytra which prevents dislocation.

Alulet: Diptera: the lobe at basal posterior part of wing; = alar appendage; posterior lobe: and has been used as = alula.

Alutaceous: rather pale leather brown [burnt sienna]: covered with minute cracks, like the human skin.

Alveolate: furnished with cells: deeply pitted.

Alveolus: a cell, like that of a honeycomb.

Amber: a transparent, clear, pale yellowish brown; of the color of amber [a mixture of pale cadmium yellow and a little burnt umber].

Ambient vein: Diptera; the costal vein when it extends beyond the apex and practically margins the wing.

Ambrosia: bee-bread: the food cultures of certain Scolytid beetles.

Ambulatoria: that series of Orthoptera in which the legs are fitted for walking only; Phasmids.

Ambulatorial: fitted for walking or making progress on the surface.

Ambulatorial setae: specialized hairs or bristles, situated on the ventral segments of the abdomen of some Coleoptera. Ambulatory: moves by walking; formed for walking.

Ametabola -ous: insects without obvious metamorphoses, in which the larvae usually resemble the adult and the pupae are active.

Ametabolion: an insect that has no distinct metamorphoses.

Amethystine -us: bright blue with a reddish admixture; clear like an amethyst [between mauve and lilac].

Amnion: the inner of the two membranes enveloping the embryo.

Amnion cavity: a tube-like insinking from the ventral plate of the embryo, extending cephalad.

Amnion fold: the extensions of the amnion which close the mouth of the amnion cavity in the embryo.

Amnios: the first cast skin of the larva when a moult occurs almost immediately after emergence from the egg.

Amoebiform: having the appearance or properties of an amoeba.

Amoeboid: applied to movements similar to those of an amoeba.

Amphibiotica: those pseudoneuropterous insects whose larvae are aquatic but whose imagos are aerial; stone-flies; May-flies; dragon- flies.

Amphimixis: the mingling of the germ plasm of two individuals.

Amphiodont: applied to those forms of male Lucanids bearing mandibles of medium size, between teleodont and priodont; =mesodont.

Amphipneustic: applied to larvae which have the spiracles confined to the anterior and terminal segments.

Ample: broad; large; sufficient in size.

Amplected: when the head is received into a concavity of the prothorax; e.g. Hister.

Ampliate -us: moderately dilated.

Amplificatus: dilated; enlarged.

Ampulla: Orthoptera; an extensile sac between head and prothorax used by the young in escaping from oötheca, and later, in molting: Heteroptera; a blister-like enlargement at the middle of the anterior margin of the pro-thorax.

Ampulla-like: flask-shaped; applied to a vascular sac at base of antennae which aids in the blood circulation of head and its appendages.

Amygdaliform: almond-shaped.

Anabolic: the constructive change from food material to animal tissue: see katabolic.

Anal: pertaining or attached to the last segment of the abdomen; the point or angle of any wing or other appendage that is near to or at any time reaches the tip of the abdomen.

Anal angle: on the secondaries is that angle nearest the end of the abdomen when the wings are expanded: the angle between the inner and outer margin of any wing; = hind angle of primaries.

Anal appendages: generally; applied to the external genital parts.

Anal area: Orthoptera and Neuroptera; the hinder or anal portion of a wing within the anal vein = axillary area.

Anal cells: the spaces between the anal veins (Comst.): in Diptera, anal cell (Will.), the space nearest the body, inclosed by the 5th and 6th veins sometimes called the third basal cell (Coq.) = 1st anal (Comst.).

Anal field: Orthoptera; that area on the tegmina corresponding to the anal area of the secondaries.

Anal filaments: see caudal setae.

Anal fork: applied to the cerci of Coleopterous larvae.

Anal foot: applied to the tip of the body in larval Chironomids, which is modified to serve as a hold-fast.

Anal furrow: in wings, lies between the cubitus and 1st anal vein.

Anal glands: appendages of the alimentary canal, opening into it near the posterior extremity, secreting either a lubricant, a silk-gum, or some other specialized material.

Anal horns: in Collembola, are small processes borne on the last abdominal segment.

Anal lobes: in Lecaniinae, a pair of small, triangular, hinged processes forming a valve which covers the anal orifice.

Anal loop: Odonata; the loop formed by the angulations of 1st anal vein.

Analogous: similar in function; but differing in origin and structure: e.g. the wings of birds and insects: see homologous.

Anal operculum: the dorsal arch of the 10th abdominal segment; in caterpillars = supra-anal plate, q.v.

Anal organs: Collembola; the two modified hairs arising from a tubercle ventro-cephalad of the anus and usually curving caudo-dorsad.

Anal orifice: see anus.

Anal papilla: Collembola; see anal tubercle.

Anal plate: in caterpillars, the shield-like covering of the dorsum of the last segment: in the embryonic larva the 11th tergite.

Anal ring: a chitinous ring encircling the anus in many Coccidae.

Anal scale: one of the lateral processes of the ovipositor in Cynipidae, lying outside and below the lateral scale.

Anal siphon: the anal breathing tube of Culicid larvae.

Anal style: a slender process on or within the terminal segment of the abdomen in Homoptera.

Anal tubercle: Collembola; the tubercle bearing the anal organs: = anal papilla.

Anal tubercles: a pair of prominent, rounded or conical processes, situate one on each side of the anus in certain Coccids.

Anal valves: see podical plates.

Anal veins: those longitudinal unbranched veins extending from base to outer margin below the cubitus; the first anal, also termed vena dividens, q.v., is the 6th of the series starting from the base, and it may be followed by several others which are numbered in order to the inner margin.

Anastomosing: inosculating or running into each other.

Anastomosis: a running together; usually applied to wing veins, often to markings; sometimes used like stigma, q.v.; also in Neuroptera, a series of cross-veinlets nearly in one row; a connecting series of veinlets.

Anceps: two-edged; similar to ensiform, q.v.

Ancestral: primitive; inherited from an earlier form or ancestor.

Anchor process: = breastbone, q.v.

Anchylosed: grown together at a joint.

Ancipital: with two opposite edges or angles.

Androconia: specialized, usually small scales of peculiar form, found localized on some male butterflies.

Androgynous: uniting the characters of both sexes.

Aneurose: a wing without veins except near costa.

Angle: of tegmina, "is the longitudinal ridge formed along the interno-median by the sudden flexure from the horizontal to the vertical portion when closed."

Angular area: Hym.; the posterior of the three areas on the metanotum between the lateral and pleural carinae; = 3rd pleural area.

Angulate: forming an angle; when two margins meet in an angle.

Angulose: having angles.

Angulus: forming an angle: = angulate.

Angustatus: narrowed; narrowly drawn out.

Anisoptera: that division of the Odonata in which the hind wings are wider, especially at base, than the front wings.

Annectent: applied to connecting or intermediate forms.

Annelet or annellus: Hym.; small ring-joints between scape and funicle.

Annulate: ringed or marked with colored bands.

Annulet: a small or narrow ring or annulus.

Annuliform: in the form of rings or segments.

Annulus: a ring encircling a joint, segment, spot or mark; sometimes applied to the inner ring encircling the mouth opening.

Annulus antennalis: the ring sclerite of the head into which the basal segment of the antennae is inserted; = antennal sclerite.

Anomalous: unusual; departing widely from the usual type.

Anoplura: wingless species without metamorphosis, habits epizoötic, thoracic segments similarly developed: a composite aggregation which includes both the biting and sucking lice.

Ante: before; used as a prefix.

Ante-alar sinus: Odonata; a grooved area extending transversely immediately in front of the base of each front wing.

Ante-apical: just before the apex.

Ante-clypeus: Odonata; the lower of the two divisions of the clypeus; the inferior half of the clypeus whenever there is any apparent line of demarcation: = clypeus-anterior; infra-clypeus; rhinarium; second clypeus.

Ante-coxal piece: Coleoptera; that portion of the metasternum lying in front of the posterior coxae, often passing between them and meeting the abdomen of mandible, is the lateral sclerite of the clypeus; - one on each side.

Ante-cubital: see ante-nodal, cross veins and spaces.

Ante-furca: an internal forked process from the prosternum, to which muscles are attached.

Ante-humeral: relating to the space just before origin of wings.

Ante-humeral stripe: Odonata; a discolored stripe, approximately parallel to, but to the inner side of the humeral suture, q.v.

Antemedial line: = t. a. line, q.v.

Antemedian: Diptera; applied to leg-bristles situated before the middle.

Antenna -ae: two jointed, sensory organs, borne, one on each side of the head, commonly termed horns or feelers.

Antenna-cleaner: a fringed excavation on the interior base of the 1st segment of the anterior tarsi of Hymenoptera which, when covered by the movable process from the end of the tibia, forms an opening through which the antennae may be drawn: similar structures are on the fore tibiae of Carabid beetles: tarsal claws are also used by various insects to clean antennae.

Antennal appendage: in Mallophaga, a projecting process of the 1st or 3rd segment in the male.

Antennal formula: in Coccidae; made by enumerating the antennal joints in the order of their length, beginning with the longest and bracketing together those of the same length.

Antennal fossa -w: grooves or cavities in which antennae are located or concealed: = a. grooves: antennary fossa.

Antennal fovea: Diptera; a groove or grooves in the middle of the face as though for the lodgment of the antennae; bounded on the sides by the facial ridges.

Antennal foveolae: Orthoptera; the pits between frontal costa and lateral carinae, in which the antennae are inserted.

Antennal grooves: see antennal fossa.

Antennal lobes: of brain, see deuto-cerebrum.

Antennal organs: in Collembola are sensory structures on the distal segment.

Antennal process: Diptera; the frontal protuberance upon which the antennae are inserted.

Antennal sclerite: see annulus antennalis.

Antennal segment: the second or deutocerebral segment of head.

Antennary fossa: see antennal fossa.

Antennary furrow: in Mallophaga, grooves on the under side of the head in which the antennae lie.

Antenniferous: bearing antennae.

Antenniform: made up like, or having the appearance of antennae.

Antennule: a small antennae or feeler-like process.

Antenodal cells: Odonata; in Agrionidae the cells included between the short sector (M 4 Comst.) and the upper sector of the triangle (Cu 1, Comst.), and between the quadrilateral (or quadrangle) and the vein descending from the nodus.

Antenodal cross veins: Odonata; extend between costa and subcosta, and between subcosta and media, from the base to the nodus, forming the ante-nodal or ante-cubital cells: = ante-cubital.

Antenodal costal spaces: Odonata; the cells between costa and subcosta, from the base to the nodus: = ante-cubitals.

Anteocular: the region just before the eye; specifically applied in Collembola to a peculiar structure of undefined function situated in front of the eyes: = prostemmatic.

Antepectus: the lower surface of the prothorax.

Antepenultimate: the last but two.

Anterior: in front; before; in Dip., that face of the leg which is visible from the front when the leg is laterally extended and bristles on that face are anterior.

Anterior branch of third vein, in Diptera (Will.), = radius 4 (Comst.).

Anterior field: Orthoptera; of tegmina, see costal field.

Anterior intercalary vein: Diptera; = media 2 (Comst.); of Loew = discoidal vein.

Anterior lamina: Odonata; the anterior sternal border of abdominal segment 2, modified to form the front margin of the genital pocket.

Anterior lobe: Orthoptera; see lobes.

Anterior squama: = antisquama; q.v.

Anterior stigmatal tubercle: on thoracic and abdominal segment of caterpillars; varies from substigmatal to stigmatal anterior; sometimes united to IV: it is V of the abdominal series, IV of the thorax (Dyar).

Anterior trapezoidal tubercle: on thoracic and abdominal segment of caterpillars addorsal, anterior, always present, rarely united with II: it is I of the abdominal series, la of the thorax (Dyar).

Antero: to the front; anteriorly.

Antero-dorsal: Diptera; applied to leg bristles at the meeting of anterior and dorsal face.

Antero-ventral: Diptera; applied to leg bristles at the meeting of anterior and ventral face.

Anthobian: feeding on flowers; applied to certain lamellicorn Coleoptera in which the labium extends beyond the mentum.

Anthophila: Hymenoptera; species in which the basal joint of the hind tarsus is dilated and pubescent; the bees.

Anthracine -us: coal black; black with a bluish tinge.

Anti: over against; opposite; contrary: (prefix).

Anticus: frontal; belonging to or directed toward the front.

Antigeny: opposition or antagonism of the sexes; embracing all forms of secondary sexual diversity.

Antipodal costal spaces: Odonata; the cells between costa and subcosta, from the base to the modus; = antecubitals.

Antisquama: Diptera; the upper of the two which moves with the wings; = antitegula; see also squama.

Antitegula: see antisquama.

Antlia: the spiral tongue or haustellum of Lepidoptera.

Antliata: insects with a sucking mouth; originally applied to Lepidoptera and Diptera, later and more specifically to Diptera.

Antrorse -sum: directed toward the front.

Anus: the end of the digestive tract, through which the food remnants are passed: the posterior part of the individual: specifically, in Coccidae, a more or less circular opening on the dorsal surface of the pygidium, varying in location as regards the circumgenital gland orifices: = anal orifice.

Aorta: the anterior, narrow part of the heart, opening into the head.

Apex: that part of any joint or segment opposite the base by which it is attached; that point of a wing furthest removed from base or at the end of the costal area.

Aphaniptera: indistinctly winged; see Siphonaptera.

Aphideine: see aphidilutein.

Aphidilutein: a yellowish fluid found in plant lice, changed to a rich violet by alkaline reagents.

Apical: at, near or pertaining to the apex; usually of a wing.

Apical area: see petiolar area.

Apical areas: apical cells in some Homoptera.

Apical cell: a cell near or at the apex of a wing; in Hymenoptera (Norton) = medial (Comst.); outer apical cell = 2d medial 2 (Comst.); inner apical cell = medial 3 (Comst.).

Apical cells or cellules: Trichoptera; the series of cells along the outer margin of wing from pterostigma to arculus.

Apically: toward or directed toward the apex.

Apical sector: one of the longitudinal veins in the apical part of wing of Neuroptera.

Apical transverse carina: Hymenoptera; crosses the metanotum behind middle and separates the median from the posterior cells or areas.

Apiculis: an erect, fleshy short point.

Apiculate: covered with fleshy, short points.

Apivorous: devouring bees.

Apneustic: without an open tracheal system; respiration is through the skin or through tracheal gills.

Apocrita: = petiolate, q.v.

Apodal: with single, simple tubercles instead of feet, in larvae; without feet = apodous.

Apode: one that has no feet.

Apodema: a conspicuous transverse band crossing the thorax in front of the scutellum in male Coccidae.

Apodeme: an inwardly directed process to which a muscle is attached.

Apodous: without feet; see apodal.

Apolar: without differentiated poles; without apparent radiating processes applied to cells.

Apophysis: the lower of the two joints of trochanter in ditrocha trochanterellus; the dorso-lateral metathoracic spines in Hymenoptera; also used as synonymous with ento-thorax.

Apophystegal plates: Orthoptera; flattened blade or plate-like sclerites covering the gonapophyses.

Apotypes: = hypotypes; q.v.

Appendage -es: any part, piece or organ attached by a joint to the body or to any other main structure.

Appendice -es: any attached body or small process; an appendix.

Appendicial: supplementary: relating to appendices.

Appendicle: a small appendix: in some bees, a small sclerite at tip of labrum.

Appendiculate: bearing appendages; said of antennae where the joints have articulated appendages; of tarsal claws that have membranous processes at base.

Appendiculate cell: Hymenoptera; is on costa just beyond 2d radius 1 and 2.

Appendigerous: bearing appendages.

Appendix: a supplementary or additional piece or part, added to or attached to another: in Heteroptera; = cuneus, q.v.

Appress -ed: to press against; closely applied to.

Approximate: near to; applies to antennae inserted close together.

Aptera: those that have no wings: an ordinal term formerly employed for fleas, lice and other wingless forms now distributed in other orders: later used for the simplest or lowest insects, including the Thysanura and Collembola.

Apterodicera: wingless, with two antennae.

Apterous: without wings.

Apterygogenea: those insects that are wingless in all stages and presumed to be descended from ancestors which never were winged: see pterygogenea.

Apterygota: = apterygogenea; see pterygote.

Aquamarine -us: sea green: pale green with predominant blue and a little gray [nile green].

Aquatic: living wholly in water.

Aquatilia: cryptocerous Hemiptera of truly aquatic habit.

Arachnoideous: resembling or similar to a cobweb.

Araneiform: spider-like in appearance.

Arboreal: living in, on, or among trees.

Arborescent: branching like the twigs of a tree.

Archaic: ancient; no longer dominant; of the olden time.

Archiptera: those Neuroptera with incomplete metamorphosis = Pseudo-neuroptera.

Arctic Zone: is that part of the boreal region above the limit of tree growth in the U. S. is restricted to the area above timber line on the summits of high mountains: = alpine.

Arcuate: curved like a bow: = arcuate.

Arcuato-emarginate: with a bow-like or curved excision.

Arculus: Odonata; a small cross vein between radius and cubitus near the base, leaving an elongate triangle between them: Trichoptera; a point, often hyaline, on the forewing where the cubitus (or post cubitus) runs into the margin: in Homoptera; a cross-veinlet nearly reaching posterior margin at same point as in Trichoptera: in other orders applied to a cross-vein in similar position, apparently giving rise to the median.

Arcus: a bow; part of a circle; but less than one half.

Area mediastinal, scapularis and ulnaris: the areas in front of the mediastinal, the scapular, and the ulnar veins in Orthoptera.

Areae or Areolae: wing cells or spaces between veins.

Arenicolous: applied to species frequenting sandy areas.

Arenose: a surface that is sandy or gritty.

Areola: a small cell on the wings of certain Hemiptera: see also areae Hymenoptera; the central of three median areas on the metanotum: = 2d median area; upper median area.

Areolate: with small defined areas, like a network.

Areole: Lepidoptera; see accessory cell, cell and cellule.

Areolet: one of the small spaces between veins of net-veined insects.

Argentate: shining, silvery white.

Argenteous: silvery.

Argillaceous: of the texture, appearance or color of clay.

Arid: Applied to regions in which the normal rainfall is insufficient to produce ordinary farm crops without irrigation, and in which desert conditions prevail: see humid.

Arid transition area: comprises the western part of the Dakotas, northern Montana east of the Rockies, southern Assiniboia, small areas in southern Manitoba and Alberta, the higher parts of the Great Basin and the plateau region generally, the eastern base of Cascade Sierras and local areas in Oregon and California.

Arista: a specialized bristle or process on antennae of certain Diptera.

Aristate: Diptera; that type of antennae that bears an arista: = athericerous.

Aristiform: of the form or appearance of an arista.

Armature: applied to the spinous or chitinous processes on the legs, body or wings; or the corneous parts of genitalic structures.

Armatus: set with spines, claws or other chitinous processes.

Armillate: with a ring or annulus of raised or different tissue.

Arolium -ia: cushion-like pads on the tarsi of many insects: one of the lobes of the pulvillus; in Orthoptera, used only for the terminal pad between the claws: see empodium; pulvillus; palmula; plantula; onychium, paronychium, pseudonychium.

Arquate: see arcuate.

Arrhenotokous: capable of producing male offspring only, as in worker bees and some saw-flies.

Arrhenotoky: parthenogenetic reproduction when the progeny are all males: see thelyotoky and deuterotoky.

Arthrium: Coleoptera; the minute, concealed tarsal joint in pseudotetramera and trimera.

Arthroderm: the outer skin or covering of articulates.

Arthrodial: an articulation that permits motion in any direction.

Arthromere: a body segment or ring: = somite.

Arthropleure: the side piece of an arthromere.

Arthropods: all those articulates having jointed legs.

Article: a joint or segment.

Articular pan: the cup or dish-like depression forming the socket into which an articulation is fitted.

Articulate: that branch of the animal kingdom whose members are made up of rings, segments or articulations.

Articulate: divided into joints or segments.

Articulated apex: see clasp filament.

Articulation: the point or place where two parts or segments are joined: also applied to an individual joint or segment.

Articulatory epideme: the partly chitinized membrane by which the wings are attached to the thorax.

Artus: the organs of locomotion generally.

Asexual: applied where the reproductive organs are incompletely developed and eggs or young are produced by cell-budding: = parthenogenetic.

Ash-gray: a mixture of black and white, with a faint orange tinge: like ashes of anthracite coal.

Aspect: indicates the direction to which a surface faces or in which it is viewed; it may be dorsal, ventral, caudal, cephalic or lateral.

Asperities: surface roughenings or dot-like elevations.

Aspersus: rugged, with distinct elevated dots.

Assembling: gathering together; applied when a virgin female is exposed to attract such males as may be near, either to secure a pairing or merely to obtain specimens; also called sembling.

Assurgent: down-curved at base, then upcurved to an erect position.

Asymmetrical: not alike on the two sides; not symmetrical.

Asymmetry: a state of unlikeness in lateral development; absence of symmetry in form or in the development of members.

Ater: deep black; not shining.

Aterimus: the deepest black.

Athericerous: see aristate.

Atom -us: a minute dot or point.

Atomarius: with minute dots or points.

Atrachelia: Coleoptera in which there is no visible constriction between head and prothorax: Rhynchophora and some Heteromera.

Atrium: a chamber just within the spiracle and before the occluding structure to the trachea.

Atrocoeruleus: very deep, blackish, sky-blue.

Atrophied: wasted away; unfit for use.

Atropurpureus: dark purplish, nearly black [an admixture of mauve and black].

Atrous: jet black.

Atrovelutinus: velvety black.

Atrovirens: dark green, approaching blackish [prussian green].

Attenuated: drawn out; slender; tapering.

Attingent: touching.

Atus: suffix; denotes possession of a quality or structure.

Atypic -ical: off type; not of the usual form.

Auchenorhynchus: with the beak issuing from the inferior portion of head, as in Homoptera.

Auditory: relating to the sense of hearing.

Auditory organs: Orthoptera; specialized structures covered by a tense membrane, on the anterior tibia or base of abdomen; any structure that functions as an ear.

Aurantiacus: orange colored; a mixture of yellow and red [chrome orange].

Aurate: with ears or ear-like expansions: also = auratus.

Auratus: golden yellow [pale cadmium yellow].

Aurelia: = chrysalis or pupa; specifically of butterflies.

Aurelian: a lepidopterist.

Aureolate: with a diffused colored ring.

Aureole: a ring of color which is usually diffuse outwardly.

Aureous -eus: gold-colored.

Aurichalceous: brassy yellow.

Auricle -cula: an appendage resembling a little ear; in Odonata the tumescent area at the sides of the second abdominal segment: in Andrenidae, a short membranous process placed laterally on the ligula.

Auricular: applied to the space or cavity surrounding the dorsal vessel.

Auriculate: with an ear-like appendage or, in antennae, with the basal joint distended into a concave, plate-like ear which envelops the rest of the structures.

Auriculo-ventricular: the outer valves of the heart between the auricular space and the chamber.

Auriculo-ventricular openings: are the lateral openings into the heart by means of which the blood is admitted into it.

Auritus: with two ear-like spots or appendages.

Auroral spot: applied to the bright orange colored spot at the apical area of Anthocharis.

Auroreous -eus: red, like the aurora borealis [crimson lake].

Austral: is that faunal region which covers the whole of the United States and Mexico except the boreal mountains and tropical lowlands: divided into transition, upper, lower and gulf strip: see boreal and tropical.

Austroriparian faunal area: that part of lower austral zone covering the greater part of the South Atlantic and Gulf States. Begins near mouth of Chesapeake Bay, covers half or more of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, all of Mississippi and Louisiana, east Texas, nearly all of Indian Territory, more than half of Arkansas and parts of Oklahoma, s. e. Kansas, so. Missouri, so. Illinois, s. w. corner of Indiana and bottom lands of Kentucky and Tennessee.

Autotype: any specimen identified by the describer as an illustration of his species and compared with the type or co-type.

Auxiliary: additional, or supplementing.

Auxiliary vein: in Diptera (Will.), = subcosta (Comst.).

Axillae: two small, subtriangular sclerites at the lateral basal angles of the meso-scutellum in Proctytripidae.

Axillary: placed in the crotch or angle of origin of two bodies; arising from the angle of ramification.

Axillary area: see anal area.

Axillary calli: see calli axillary.

Axillary cell: in Diptera (Will.), = 2d anal (Comst.).

Axillary excision: = a. incision, q.v.

Axillary incision: Diptera; an incision on inner margin of wing, near base, which separates the alula from the main part.

Axillary lobe: the sclerite covering the base of the wing in Diptera; see also alula and posterior lobe.

Axillary vein: one or two longitudinal veins toward the inner margin from the anal vein (Ephemeridae); a group of several (10–20) radiate veins that occupy the anal field in Orthoptera.

Axis: a small process at base of elytron, upon which it turns.

Azure -eus: clear sky-blue [cobalt blue].

Azygos: unpaired; a structure without a fellow; sometimes applied to an unpaired oviduct specifically the enlarged portion of the vagina at the junction of the oviducts and thus = uterus.

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology

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