Читать книгу Denounced - John Bloundelle-Burton - Страница 7



On the day after Bertie Elphinston received the letter from his lost love, Lady Fordingbridge, his lordship himself set out from London to journey into Cheshire, there to visit his estate in that county. He had previously intimated to his wife--who had told Father Sholto of the fact--that he intended being absent from London for some weeks; indeed, had asked her whether it was her desire to accompany him. To this question or invitation her ladyship had, however, returned the usual monosyllabic answer which she generally accorded him, and had briefly replied "No." Then being pressed by him to give some reason for her refusal to so accompany him, she had turned round with that bright blaze in her blue eyes which he had learnt to dread, and had exclaimed:

"Why pester me--especially when we are alone--with these useless questions and formalities? We have arranged, decided the mode in which our existences are to be passed, if passed together--it is enough. We remain together ostensibly on the condition that I share this house with you--I will have no other part in your false life. And if you cannot conform to this arrangement, then even this appearance of union can--had best be--severed."


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