Читать книгу Bindon: Fighter, Gangster, Lover - The True Story of John Bindon, a Modern Legend - John C Bindon & Wensley Clarkson - Страница 6


Tributes to Bindon

Freddie Foreman (businessman)

Bindon’s manor of Fulham, west London, had quite a reputation back in the old days. I used to go down there with a crew from Bermondsey and I soon heard about John Bindon. I’ve crossed swords with everyone from judges to government ministers to the meanest old bastards imaginable, but John Bindon was something special. He could be relied upon 100 per cent if you had a problem, and he thoroughly deserves to have a book written about him.

Clemmie Simon (Vogue model)

John and I were incredibly close and I needed him so badly. He saved me many times. He left me with so many good memories. It was a crazy time but I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him.

Joe Pyle (businessman)

Bindon was one of the hardest men in London. If the Twins had a problem, he was the man to sort it out. If you owned a bar or a nightclub and someone was being a nuisance then John was your man. He’d tell ’em to stay away or get hurt. Bindon also did some debt collecting and stuff like that for me. He was good like that. He wasn’t greedy, never took the piss and could really handle himself. Bindon wasn’t a hardened professional criminal like a lot of others. He wanted desperately to succeed in the film world and he was probably the first working-class kid I ever knew who broke into that exclusive club. We all admired him for making his name away from the underworld. God bless him!

Terry de Havilland (Chelsea shoe designer)

I first met John at my shop in the King’s Road when it was buzzing round the clock with models, photographers and actors. Everyone gravitated to my gaff. The John Bindon I got to know was kind, warm-hearted and blessed with the biggest weapon any man could possess, which went down well with the ladies whatever their class or creed! John was comfortable in every social circle, from villains to the royals. He treated everyone the same and that was part of his extraordinary charm. He never put on an act. What you saw was what you got. What a character! What a life he led! It’s all the quieter now without him.

Dana Gillespie (singer/actress)

John Bindon was like a big brother to me. He’d turn up at my house in South Kensington, sit himself down and enjoy a bloody good sing-song. It didn’t matter who he met, he got on famously with all of them. Within minutes of being introduced to Princess Margaret on Mustique, he had her in stitches. And when it came to rescuing damsels in distress, he was the king! Women flocked to him, and his skills in the bedroom were legendary. He loved all the attention, but he was fiercely loyal and I always knew that, if I had a problem, he was one of the few people I could go to for help.

Richard Cole (legendary tour manager)

Bindon was always good value. Led Zeppelin loved him, especially their crazy bastard of a drummer, John Bonham. Bindon was a madman in the nicest possible way. He wasn’t scared of anyone and it showed. God help those who upset him, but he never hit anyone who didn’t deserve it.

Bindon: Fighter, Gangster, Lover - The True Story of John Bindon, a Modern Legend

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