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God bless our wide Dominion,

Our fathers’ chosen land,

And bind in lasting union,

Each ocean’s distant strand,

From where Atlantic terrors

Our hardy seamen train,

To where the salt sea mirrors

The vast Pacific chain.

Our sires when times were sorest

Asked none but aid Divine,

And cleared the tangled forest,

And wrought the buried mine.

They tracked the floods and fountains,

And won, with master hand,

Far more than gold in mountains—

The glorious prairie land.

Inheritors of glory,

Oh! countrymen! we swear

To guard the flag that o’er ye

Shall onward victory bear.

Where’er through earth’s far regions

Its triple crosses fly,

For God, for home, our legions

Shall win, or fighting, die!

—The Duke of Argyle.

Fourth Reader: The Alexandra Readers

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