Читать книгу The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 1 - John DelHousaye - Страница 8
Оглавлениеא Codex Sinaiticus
Ag. Ap. Against Apion
Alleg. Interp. Allegorical Interpretation
Ant. Jewish Antiquities
Apol. Apology of Socrates
b. Babylonian Talmud
Barn. Barnabas
BDAG Greek-English Lexicon
Ber. Berakhot
CA Catena Aurea
C. Ar. Orations Against the Arians
CD Damascus Document
CD Church Dogmatics
Cels. Contra Celsum
Chron. Chronicle
Col Colossians
Comm. Isa. Commentarium in Isaiam libri XVIII
Comm. Jo. Commentarii in evangelium Joannis
Comm. Matt. Commentarium in Matthaeum libri IV
Commentarium in evangelium Matthei
Comm. Mich. Commentarium in Michaeum libri II
Confusion On the Confusion of Tongues
Contempl. Life On the Contemplative Life
D Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis
Dan Daniel
Demon. Demonax
Dial. Dialogues
Dialogue with Trypho
Dom. or. The Lord’s Prayer
Deut Deuteronomy
Eccl Ecclesiastes
11QTa Temple Scroll a
Embassy On the Embassy to Gaius
Eph Ephesians
Eph. To the Ephesians
ESV English Standard Version
Exod Exodus
Ezek Ezekiel
Flaccus Against Flaccus
1 Apol. First Apology
1–2 Chr 1–2 Chronicles
1–2 Clem. 1–2 Clement
1–2 Cor 1–2 Corinthians
1 En. 1 Enoch
1–2 Kgs 1–2 Kings
1–2 Macc 1–2 Maccabees
1–2 Pet 1–2 Peter
1QapGen ar Genesis Apocryphon
1QIsaa Isaiaha
1QM War Scroll
1QpHab Pesher Habakkuk
1QS Rule of the Community
1–2 Sam 1–2 Samuel
1 Thess 1 Thessalonians
1–2 Tim 1–2 Timothy
4QDa Damascus Documenta
4QFlor Florilegium
4QTest Testimonia
Gal Galatians
Gen Genesis
Hag Haggai
Heb Hebrews
Hist. eccl. Ecclesiastical History
Hom. Luc. Homilae in Lucam
Hos Hosea
Isa Isaiah
Jas James
Jer Jeremiah
Joseph On the Life of Joseph
Josh Joshua
Jub. Jubilees
Judg Judges
J.W. Jewish War
KJV King James Version
Leg. Laws
Lev Leviticus
Life The Life
LXX Septuagint
m. Mishnah
Mal Malachi
Matt Matthew
Meg. Megillah
Mic Micah
Mor. Moralia
ms manuscript
mss manuscripts
MT Masoretic Text
Nah Nahum
NAS New American Standard
Nat. Natural History
Ned. Nedarim
NIV New International Version
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
NT New Testament
Num Numbers
OG Old Greek
P Papyrus
PL Patrologia Latina
Pelag. Adversus Pelagianos dialogi III
Phaed. Phaedo
Phlm Philemon
Posterity On the Posterity of Cain
Praep. ev. Preparation for the Gospel
Protr. Exhortation to the Greeks
Prov Proverbs
Ps/Pss Psalms
Pss. Sol. Psalms of Solomon
Resp. Republic
Rev Revelation
Rhet. Rhetoric
Šabb. Shabbat
Sanh. Sanhedrin
Sib. Or. Sibylline Oracles
Sir Sirach
Smyrn. To the Smyrnaeans
Song Song of Songs
Spec. Laws On the Special Laws
S.T. Summa Theologiae
Strom. Miscellanies
T. Dan Testament of Dan
T. Jud. Testament of Judah
T. Levi Testament of Levi
T. Sol. Testament of Solomon
T. Zeb. Testament of Zebulun
Tim. Timaeus
Tob Tobit
Trin. The Trinity
Vat Codex Vaticanus
Vir. ill. De viris illustribus
Vit. Ant. Life of Antony
W Codex Washingtonianus
Wis Wisdom of Solomon
Yebam. Yebamot
Zeph Zephaniah