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Coreopsis Lanceolata


Spear-leaved Coreopsis; Nat. Ord. Compositæ

This form of bright yellow flower is in great favour during August, but that is not all. The various kinds of this genus are plants of the easiest culture, and their rich flowers are produced in great quantities from midsummer to the time the frosts begin. This species has been said to be only of a biennial character; it is, however, understood generally to be perennial, though not quite so hardy as others which come from the colder climates of America. It was imported from Carolina in 1724, and in this country proves hardy in selected situations, where its roots are comparatively dry in winter, and I may add that it proves a true perennial.

When the plant has attained the height of a foot it begins to flower; each bloom has a long pedicel, nearly naked, also round and smooth. The flowers are a shining yellow colour, and nearly 3in. across; the florets of the ray are flatly arranged, shield-shaped, pleated, and four-toothed, the teeth being sometimes jagged; the disk is small for so large a flower; the florets brown and yellow. The double involucrum, common to the genus, has its upper set of bracteoles rolled outward; they are of a brownish colour; the lower set are green and wheel-shaped during the period of a perfect ray, and they alternate with the upper ones. The leaves, as may be inferred from the specific name, are lance-shaped, 2in. to 6in. long, smooth and entire; they are attenuated to the stems, which they more or less clasp. The habit of the plant is much branched, but only slightly at base; it becomes top-heavy from the numerous shoots near the top, which cause it to be procumbent; otherwise this subject would rank with tall growers. It is one of the most useful flowers, both, in the garden and when cut, the long stalks in both cases adding much to its effectiveness; its form and brightness are sure to commend it, no matter whether it happens to be a fashionable flower or otherwise. It is at once a bold and delicate form, and one that harmonises with any other kinds and colours.

It should be grown in deeply-dug and well-enriched earth, and, as already hinted, the drier the situation the more safely will it winter. Not only that, but on raised beds or banks sloping to the full sunshine it will also flower to perfection. All its family, so far as I have proved them, hate excessive moisture. Its propagation may be by division, as in this damp climate it does not seem to ripen seed, but I have found sometimes not a little difficulty in dividing the woody roots, as frequently there is only one stem below the surface with roots. When there are more the difficulty is lessened, but I have noticed that the stronger branches which are weighted to the ground form rudimentary roots where in contact with the earth. These may either be pegged and covered with soil, or cut off and made into cuttings, removing most of the tops. If the latter is done during August they will become well rooted before the frosts appear.

Flowering period, July to October.

Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers

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